Speaking of which, I've been working on some additional ones (beyond Holding Spell) as well, though it's tricky to add anything more powerful than what they've done with the Nazgûl (which are nasty enough

The guide looks impressive. Could lore of shaping be a bit of illusion similar to when Saruman appeared before the 3 hunters in a shape similar to Gandalf?zedturtle wrote:Hmmm... No feedback is good feedback? bad feedback?
I'm absolutely stumped for the Lore of Shaping as well. Any suggestions?
A preview of the guide in progress:
The guide looks impressive. Could lore of shaping be a bit of illusion similar to when Saruman appeared before the 3 hunters in a shape similar to Gandalf?
Depends on your point of view. Saruman appears to Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli; then the three see Gandalf the White for the first time and do not recognize him at first.poosticks7 wrote:The guide looks impressive. Could lore of shaping be a bit of illusion similar to when Saruman appeared before the 3 hunters in a shape similar to Gandalf?
Isn't that the other way around?
In any case, it's an idea, but the Lore of Seeming already has Other Guise and that would seem to cover that ability.Gandalf the White wrote:"And how will you learn that Master Dwarf? Saruman could look like me in your eyes, if it suited his purpose with you. And are you wise enough to detect all his counterfeits?"
Oops! Didn't review the older lore posts and I forgot about that one.zedturtle wrote:poosticks7 wrote:
In any case, it's an idea, but the Lore of Seeming already has Other Guise and that would seem to cover that ability.
Cool. Thanks for the feedback... I'm not real thrilled with Changing Hues, nor any of the stuff derived from Radagast's stuff... especially since we never get to see him "on screen". I did go with the Saruman of Many Colours quote for the last spell in that set, which does try to tie it back together.Elfcrusher wrote:I have to admit that...however much I love your work...I'm not a fan of "Changing Hues" as a title, despite the source quote. What's a word that has to do with the boundary between material/spiritual realms?
I hear you. But, (almost) all of the magic things in the source rules use Hope (Night-Goer, Staunching Song, Broken Spells, Wood-elf Magic, etc.) as a limiter. My PbP group is big... eight players with two Hobbits and a Beorning pastry chef; so we have 11 Fellowship points. Plus, despite ideas to the contrary in the design doc, I doubt very many LMs will allow a full-on caster.My only other critique is that an awful lot of these abilities require spending a point of Hope. If your character only has one or two "magical" abilities then it works out for them to cost hope, but if you wanted to build a character that had several of these Lores, he/she would be severely constrained in how they get used. I'd like to see some alternate mechanisms for ability use, perhaps with some kind of correlation to the type of ability. That is, spending "Hope" should be done out of desperation..."Hail Mary Passes", as I've said several times in this forum.
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