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Re: Zed's Magic Thread
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 1:27 am
by zedturtle
Elfcrusher wrote:Another option would be for abilities that cost hope, but then instantly refund the hope if successful. (Or, alternately, are free actions that cost hope on a failure.)
Ah, good ideas.
But...still...some of the abilities seem a awkward fit with the Hope mechanic. For example, if an ability gives you the ability to see "true natures" (such as in your Changing Hues lore), shouldn't it just happen? How would you know to spend the Hope in order to use it?
Good point. I'm thinking that I need to move away from my "three spells for the cost of one Virtue slot" model and maybe change things up more; kind of like the real rules do.
Re: Zed's Magic Thread
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 2:48 am
by Glorelendil
I'd prioritize logic and gameplay over symmetry. Some Lores might work best with the structure you have, others might be a single "spell", others might have several variants but require additional XP to get them all, etc.
Take a look at Natural Watchfulness: it has both an active and a passive component.
Re: Zed's Magic Thread
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 7:03 am
by Corvo
Hi Zedturtle, here are my opinions (tm)

First: as I already said earlier in the thread, I like the Hope expenditure as a way to keep the "spellcasting" from going overboard (in other words, I like it rare).
Second: that last lore had me dubious.
The first power is a bit too weak IMO: 1 Hope for 3 rounds is a killjoy. I would make it "for the whole scene or 1d6 hours": if magic is costly, let it be great.
The second power, "Vision of the Other Side" can easily wreck adventures. If you can spot the shadow's servants with a spell, intrigue and investigation adventures are difficult to pull off. And remember that Gandalf didn't spot the One Ring, and Saruman went undetected from Gandalf, Radagast and the whole White Council. I'm sure we can say that Saruman wasn't yet in the thrall of the Shadow, but how many times can you pull it on the PCs before they grow frustrated and say "if you don't want such spell in game, don't give it to me"?.
That said, I really like your work. Just that last one is a bit off in my opinion
Re: Zed's Magic Thread
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 1:46 pm
by zedturtle
All good points Corvo, I think I will rework this spell group entirely.
Re: Zed's Magic Thread
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 6:32 pm
by Glorelendil
Here's one for you:
“...and Felagund discovered also that he could read in the minds of Men such thoughts as they wished to reveal in speech, so that their words were easily interpreted.”
Re: Zed's Magic Thread
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 6:59 pm
by zedturtle
Elfcrusher wrote:Here's one for you:
“...and Felagund discovered also that he could read in the minds of Men such thoughts as they wished to reveal in speech, so that their words were easily interpreted.”
Thank you!
Are you thinking of it like
Tongues or something like that? Magic translation ability?
Re: Zed's Magic Thread
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 7:33 pm
by Glorelendil
zedturtle wrote:Elfcrusher wrote:Here's one for you:
“...and Felagund discovered also that he could read in the minds of Men such thoughts as they wished to reveal in speech, so that their words were easily interpreted.”
Thank you!
Are you thinking of it like
Tongues or something like that? Magic translation ability?
Yes, essentially. Spend a point of Hope and be able to perceive the intent, and communicate an answer, with somebody speaking a language. (So not trees or birds or the like; only entities with languages.)
Too rarely used to be a Virtue unto itself, but perhaps as a feature of a broader ability.
Re: Zed's Magic Thread
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 4:27 am
by Rocmistro
I'd rule it, apart from the obvious use of 2 people of differing language, to grant a bonus to Tolerance levels, or perhaps to negate 1 (or more) failed Social Encounter tests.
Re: Zed's Magic Thread
Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 5:54 pm
by zedturtle
The Lore of the Hunt:
Fluffy fluff on the importance of nature. Take either Rumours of the Earth or Hound's Swiftness first, then you can learn the other spell for one XP and a FP. Finally, learn to make an Eagle-Feathered Arrow for one more XP and an FP.
- Rumours of the Earth
'Nothing walks upon it for many miles about us. Faint and far are the feet of our enemies. But loud are the hoofs of the horses.'
If you spend several minutes in quiet contemplation of the earth, you may be able to detect things that others cannot. Gain a bonus to your next Search or Hunting test equal to your Wisdom. The earth is slow to change, you may only make use of this spell once per day.
Hound's Swiftness
They went in single file, running like hounds on a strong scent, and an eager light was in their eyes.
By spending a point of Hope, you may reduce the level of the company's next Fatigue test. Reduce the Test Number by one step (-2).
Eagle-Feathered Arrow
no fluff yet
If you use an Eagle-Feather Arrow in an opening volley, the TN is reduced by three levels (-6 to the TN, or as if they character was in a Forward stance in close combat). An Eagle-Feathered arrow must created during a Fellowship Phase. They are prideful arrows, only one may be held in a quiver at a time (if you try to keep more than one Eagle-Feathed Arrow in the same quiver, one will end up broken or otherwise unusable).
Alright, per request, an attempt at a Lore of the Hunt. All comments, concerns and criticisms most appreciated.
Re: Zed's Magic Thread
Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 8:51 pm
by Glorelendil
Typing from phone so brief. Maybe lose Eagle feather arrow on eye? And only get reduced travel TN while pursuing quarry?