Dual wielding?

The unique One Ring rules set invites tinkering and secondary creation. Whilst The One Ring works brilliantly as written, we provide this forum for those who want to make their own home-brewed versions of the rules. Note that none of these should be taken as 'official'.
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Re: Dual wielding?

Post by Magus76 » Mon Feb 16, 2015 3:03 pm

I like the idea of dual wielding offering an alternative in combat that increases the possible amount of damage to the adversary at the price of the characters safety, making it something of a calculated gamble, so to speak... ;)

I thought some more about it and here's how I think I would do it:

- The character must have at least 2 in each weapon skill
- The character must buy the Mastery "Dual Wielding" and specify the weapon combination for the Mastery, like "Dual Wielding: Sword & Dagger"
- The character can use the Mastery as often as she likes, but the price is to reduce her Parry rating by 1 plus the Encumbrance for the off-hand weapon during her adversary's next attack
- The attack, if successful, adds the damage rating of the off-hand weapon to the damage total



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