by Rocmistro » Fri Feb 13, 2015 6:16 pm
Mich, that's not not how it's designed to work. That's not how the player manages his shots and I've mentioned this multiple times already, so stop being dishonest. And I've also mentioned it's not the intent for that build to linger at skill 3 for the entirety of his adventuring career.
This is how it works.
At low levels (ie, Great Bow skill 2). He fires when opportunities present them self:
1. if his shot misses and produced no edge, tengwars, or cannot drop a foe with said shot, he does not spend any hope. (pretty much the same as EVERY OTHER ARCHER in the game with a ranged skill of 2.)
2. if his shot misses with edge, or he gets sufficient tengwars (his judgment), then he adds a point of hope to make it hit (ie, pretty much the same as EVERY OTHER ARCHER in the game with a ranged skill of 2.*)
3. if he has to absolutely make a critical shot, because the dramatic climax of the combat encounter demands it, and his shot misses and produces no edge, then he adds 2 points of hope to hit with a piercing blow.* (ie, a privilege he enjoys, unlike ANY OTHER archer in the game.)
* The Deadly Archery virtue gives him the extra marginal bonus to hit in scenarios 2 and 3 that he otherwise might not effect it "extends" his failure to success conversion range. It provides opportunity benefit in scenario 2 and certainty benefit in scenario 3, and as his Great Bow skill matures, it broadens the circumstances under which he gets to deploy his piercing blows.
At no point have I ever suggested or reasoned as a strength of the build that the character is missing shots every round, and thus spending double hope points, every round, in order to succeed on dramatically insignificant shots.
Let me ask you guys a different question:
Is one Virtue worth 1-2 points of Hope and 1-2 points of Endurance Because essentially, that's the trade-off you are getting by taking a 4/4/6 stat array and still ultimately getting the +8 bonus to hit (with Deadly Archery), which is essentially the same bonus you get from a 5/8 favored Bow (and close to the same bonus you get from 6/9 favored bow). I'm kinda thinking it is, combined with the additional benefit you get from higher TN's to Injury.
Let's break it down:
You guys: Envoy of King 6(9)/2/6 (is this essentially what you are suggesting?)
Endurance: 24
Hope: 10
Bow: 4 (10 XP), I'll assume you put the 6 starting experience to get Bow to 3 at character creation. or we can do it the other way if you want, which gives a more robust assortment of Common skills.
Damage: 5/11/17 edge: 10, injury: 16
Valor: 2 Keen +2 (or did you want something else?)
Wisdom: 2 (4xp) Stinging Arrow.
Me: Noble Blood 4(5)/4/6
Endurance: 26
Hope: 12
Great Bow: 3 (6 XP). and I'm putting the same 6 starting experience to get Great Bow 2 at character creation.
Damage: 7/11/15 edge: 10, injury: 18
Valor: 2 Keen
Wisdom: 3 (10 XP) Deadly Archery, Stinging Arrow
So what are the practical differences here Mich/Glor? My guy has:
-more endurance
-more hope
-a better chance of converting piercing blow to kills
-higher resistance to corruption
-better melee combat skills
-longer range of weapon delivery (not huge, but neither is it insignificant)
Your guy has:
-a better base chance to hit (4 dice vs. 3)
-better extraordinary success damage
-greater likelihood to produce great and extraordinary successes
-a slightly better chance of converting a failure to hit (+9 vs. +8)
So with comparing these 2 builds, are you really going to tell me that Deadly Archery sucks (or rather, that it needs to be buffed, which is what the OP suggested. Your build does what it does better (endurance damage delivery), and mine does what it does better (converts piercing blows to kills). I get some marginal other befits with mine, and you get none with yours.
Rignuth: Barding Wordweaver Wanderer in Southron Loremaster's game.
Amroth Ol'Hir: High Elf Vengeful Kin Slayer in Zedturtle's game.
Jakk O'Malli: Dwarven Orator Treasure-Hunter in Hermes Serpent's game.