OOPS! That first one was supposed to read Prepared Shot. I'll fix it.Deadmanwalking wrote:I like the basic idea, and might argue for it being combined with some of my above suggestions (or the one in the other thread, where I suggested allowing Break Armor and Maiming Shot as additional Called Shot options).
These two seem slightly overpowered, especially the first (well, and the second if going with Injury). The second going with damage seems reasonable enough.Glorelendil wrote:When using Called Shot and rolling a Great Success, your target rolls one less Success die on its Protection test, or two fewer on an Extraordinary Success.
Any time you spend Hope on an attack with your bow you may choose to increase either its Damage or its Injury by X (not sure exactly what X should be. Maybe your favoured Heart bonus.)
On the second one, it totally depends on the value of X.
To expand a bit on the second one, let's say it is your favoured Heart bonus, i.e. +1 to +3 range. Take the maximum, +3. That means that when you spend Hope your regular bow has an Injury rating 1 higher than a Great Bow. How often are you actually going to spend Hope? And in terms of synergy with Woodland Bow, it would be fabulous at taking out mooks, if that's really want you want to spend your Hope on. But it would be tough to exploit it for taking out Great Size opponents, because you really want to wait until they are Weary (0 Hate or Endurance) before spending Hope to fish for Wounds. And that's not going to be in the opening Volley.
(It did just occur to me that maybe you read "favoured Heart bonus" and thought I meant the full favoured Heart score, which could be as high as 7, and not just the bonus. I chose that rather than Heart to make it 1 to 3 instead of 2 to 4.)