Because the male-dominated gaming world has consistently and often shamefully propagated negative stereotypes...which we can call "chainmail bikinis, helpless captives, and dancing Twi'leks" it takes extra vigilance to counter those images, even if sometimes the transgression seem harmless.Yusei wrote:Why? This would be a negative aspect of that NPC, for sure, but is it worse than an Elf NPC who is prejudiced against dwarves? I don't mind some of my NPCs being jerks, as long as is isn't too much of a disadvantage for the woman PC. I mean, some of my NPCs kill people.Glorelendil wrote:The thing I would avoid is situations such as a male NPC having lower tolerance if women are present because he "thinks they are weak" or something of that nature
Also, Tolkien did create Eowin and the "no living man" line.
Because we may say "women are as strong as men in our imaginary world" but an NPC who believes otherwise suggests that it's not really true.
And, yes, even if the source texts justify benign sexism.