Bocephas wrote:One issue I have not seen raised is why hobbits are allowed to use the same size bow as elves.
It seems to me standard bows should be pushed up to Enc 2 and a new category of bow should be created - a small bow with Enc 1, Damage 4, Injury 12.
I use a similar approach: all Hobbit sized weapons (i.e. all weapons a hobbit uses) have a -2 to Damage and Injury.
This way, their Bow is Dmg 3 / Edge 10 / Injury 12 / Enc 1
Their Short Sword results very similar to a human-sized dagger: Dmg 3 / Edge 10 / Injury 12 / Enc 1
I think that, due to the proportions, the Encumbrance should be the same: a hobbit sized weapon is as encumbersome to a hobbit as a human sized one is to a human.
The starting hobbit weapons are:
Axe 1, Short Sword 1,
Dagger 2
[Axe is, even with this maluses, the only hobbit weapon with a high injury (16). This set is for foresters and "melee fighters".]
Bow 1, Short Sword 1, Dagger 2
[Hobbits have a certain natural ability with bows, but not a martial training. Therefore 1 skill point, but favourite. Hunters choose this set.]
As Glorendil said, however, you should give the hobbits some alternative options for combat,though. They might not be elven archers or beorning slayers, but they're not useless either.
My choice was to add a few Combat Actions:
Befuddle, ridicule, and confuse an adversary who is attacking somebody other than you. Roll Riddle or Persuasion against a TN of 10 + Attribute Level of target. If successful, the adversary will switch to attacking you for 1 turn per success (e.g. 3 turns on an Extraordinary Success), beginning on the next turn. On a failure with an Eye the adversary gains a point of Hate.
Roll attack against an opponent. On a success, instead of doing damage you prevent that opponent from using Called Shot until the end of your next turn. On a great success, you also raise the opponents attack TNs by 2; on an extraordinary success you raise them by 4. On a failure with an eye, you fall prone: on your next turn you can't attack, you can't change stance, and you lose your Parry bonus (base TN by stance only).
Opting out of any form of offense, a player-hero in the defensive stance tasks evasive to present their most formidable, and single-minded, defence possible.
By sacrificing their attack for the round, the player-hero makes an Athletics roll. The TN for this roll is 10 plus the highest Attribute level amongst the opponents faced. A successful roll applies a bonus to their parry rating dependent on their quality of success:
• Ordinary success: +2 parry rating
• Great success: +4 parry rating
• Extraordinary success: +6 parry rating
This bonus persists until the start of the player-hero's next turn.
-----> Taunting a foe first and using Evasive Maneuvers the turn after, a hobbit might prove a useful help for the rest of the allies. Remember Bilbo throwing stones at the spiders and insulting them, so that they abandoned the dwarves.
Calling upon their own battle experience and observation, a player-hero in the rearward stance may employ the tactical acumen option to bolster their companions with timely assistance and advice.
At the expense of their attack, the player-hero may roll Battle to determine combat advantage, just as is normally done at the onset of a conflict. Combat advantage determined in this fashion is delegated to one's companions, however, but otherwise applied as usual.
Hope there's some ideas here that can be helpful.