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Re: New Character Sheet

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 7:28 pm
by zedturtle
Okay, here's a preview of the proposed new sheet:


It's got the suggested change for Damage, separates the Traits back out onto two lines and has a line for horse stats. What do folks think?

Re: New Character Sheet

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 9:51 pm
by Indur Dawndeath
This is perfect...
Thanks for updating the sheet

Re: New Character Sheet

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 10:03 am
by SirGalrim
:shock: Beautiful! :)
I will certainly give this to my players when you are done! :D

Re: New Character Sheet

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 2:17 pm
by Falenthal
Great, by all means!

I use this sheet, with the pregen characters printed in the back, for demos of TOR.
Everything's in one place, and the arrangement has much sense (Damage and Parry next to weapons, FAtigue and Endurance split, Valour/Wisdom and Rewards/Virtues together,...).

And now I see there're horses, too!

Re: New Character Sheet

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 2:51 pm
by Earendil
Hey there Mr. Turtle,

I like the sheet a lot, and thanks for your hard work! :)

But I do have 2 criticisms:

1. I prefer the way the official sheet has the weapon skills separate from the actual weapons, so that if you have the skill (Swords) you can write that in one place, while putting the stats for your longword in another place. Combining them means you have to choose between writing in the skill you have and the actual weapon you're using.

2. You changed the logo. :(

Re: New Character Sheet

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 3:26 pm
by zedturtle
Earendil wrote:Hey there Mr. Turtle,

I like the sheet a lot, and thanks for your hard work! :)

But I do have 2 criticisms:

1. I prefer the way the official sheet has the weapon skills separate from the actual weapons, so that if you have the skill (Swords) you can write that in one place, while putting the stats for your longword in another place. Combining them means you have to choose between writing in the skill you have and the actual weapon you're using.

2. You changed the logo. :(
1. I understand your concern, I just fill in the skill without any weapon data for such situations. What does everyone think about this?

2. I've become increasingly sensitive to folks not mistaking my stuff for official stuff. It's just a thing with me.

Re: New Character Sheet

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 3:57 pm
by Falenthal
1. I prefer not waste space with (Swords) or such. Character usually only wear one weapon. I write it like (Long sword), for example, and know that it means "I can use other swords with this skill, but not this stats".

Re: New Character Sheet

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 4:46 pm
by Borri
1. what about writing (swords) above the boxes? Should be enough space.

2. I like the original logo more. ;-)

Thank you very much for your work, zedturtle!

Re: New Character Sheet

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 11:25 pm
by zedturtle
Okay, here's a new version of the character sheet, with the form-fillable capabilities: Character Sheet - Full Colour - English.

I should be able to get the B&W version of the same up later today or tomorrow. Other languages will have to wait on the assistance of those folks who have helped out before.

I did make some more tweaks, especially lengthening the line for the weapons so that you might write the weapon and the relevant skill beside each other. All text fields should shrink to fit, so it should fit any reasonable classification system.

Please let me know if things don't look right... I essentially had to rebuild the file, due to amount of changes and the new fields.

- - -

And, no, the logo didn't change back. ;)

Re: New Character Sheet

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 6:22 am
by Falenthal
I'm going to take a look back at home, but zed, could you list what terms have been added new for translation?
I get the ones from horses are new, but any other? I can't see any other word, but just in case.