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Re: New Character Sheet

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 6:12 pm
by Falenthal
Curulon wrote:For some reason, when I try to click the underline for favoured skills, it doesn't persist when I click away. It'll show up when I highlight the line, but once I move away from it to select something else, it goes away. Any insight into why this is happening? I'm using the latest version of Adobe Reader.

It remains underlined, even if you don't see it. Once you print the sheet (or create a PDF out of it with PDFCreator or similar), the line is there.

Re: New Character Sheet

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 6:23 pm
by Curulon
zedturtle wrote:I'm away from my computer at the moment, but will look into it. When it's highlighted, you are clicking once to activate it, right?
Yep. Though Falenthal said it persists, even though you can't see it.

Re: New Character Sheet

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 3:58 pm
by zedturtle
I think I've got a better way to handle them, more updates (and hopefully new sheet(s)) in a few hours.

Re: New Character Sheet

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 1:20 am
by zedturtle
Sorry everyone. Work got in the way, and life too.

Here's a 'clean' English version:


and a new 'clean' Spanish version:



Form-fillable won't happen until tomorrow at the earliest.

Re: New Character Sheet

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 8:47 am
by Falenthal
Nice, zed! Great work as always.

Let me point out a few mistakes from the spanish sheet:

1) Title: It says "Roleplaying game" in english, under "El Anillo Único". It should read "Juego de Rol"

2) "Attributes and Common Skills" is also in english. "Atributos y Habilidades Comunes" is the spanish translation.

3) The spanish word for "Poisoned" is "Envenenado", not "Envenando".

Thanks a lot!

Re: New Character Sheet

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 3:06 pm
by zedturtle
Okay, the above image should reflect the corrections. Thank you!

- - - -

Form-fillable versions perhaps later today, depending on circumstances.

Re: New Character Sheet

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 12:28 pm
by Indur Dawndeath
Hi Zed,

Again, brilliant work. But will we get the option to dl a pdf. The quality of the jpg is not good enough to print :?
Looking forward to using your character sheet


Re: New Character Sheet

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 2:06 am
by zedturtle
Alright, here's the PDF in English: ... lish16.pdf

and in Spanish: ... nish16.pdf

form-fillable and all.

I'm not going to do a B&W version, since it should be fairly easy to print this version in B&W without any problems.

Feedback please!

Re: New Character Sheet

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 4:58 am
by Falenthal
I can't see any reply, zed.

Wonderful, as always.

Re: New Character Sheet

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:19 am
by Falenthal
Just tried to fill in a some letters and numbers. Can the font for the written text be changed? It is so... neutral. Maybe the Alois itself can be used. What do you think about it? To my liking, the font you used for your previous sheet was better than this one.