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Re: Journey Tasks
Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 2:24 pm
by Rich H
Mithrandir wrote:I already do this im my game, (from Browns house rules in your guide Rich) but on a great success you can take a journey task in spring/summer.
I've altered them from that and tied them to a bonus related to the t/tt successes obtained on the Fatigue test so they are a little different from that older version.
Re: Journey Tasks
Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 2:26 pm
by Rich H
Woodclaw wrote:My players lamented the lack of effect of those Tengwars during journeys, I would like to gave this rules a go and see if they work.
Let me know. They shouldn't be too advantageous and have been deliberately designed with just a binary choice in mind so as to stop players 'hand-wringing' over their choice etc. It's meant to be simple, low impact and quick to resolve at the table.
Re: Journey Tasks
Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 2:31 pm
by Rich H
poosticks7 wrote:I wonder if a table roll might be better though rather than just picking two options (that could get rather repetitive, ie: treasure hunter picking the looking for extra shiny things option ever journey leg).
It's somewhat deliberate. They aren't meant to be game breaking and they aren't meant to swallow up time in choosing/resolving them.
poosticks7 wrote:Of course if you were to turn it into a table you would then need more tasks - Hmmm let me see if I can think of some extra ideas - they could play off some of the ones already mentioned being stronger or weaker versions of them, or they could be different things entirely.
I'm not too sure I'd go for something like that but feel free to give it a go. Consider though:
1) If everyone rolls on the table then that's an additional roll for each person
2) You'll also have to consider how they stack with each other - if two players get the same roll or the same effect, for instance
3) You'll potentially lose the flavour associated with tying the mechanical results to a specific journey role and/or Calling like those in the OP have
4) Be careful not to make things too easy - by expanding the pool of options you may make that happen. Especially if it combines poorly with (2)
Re: Journey Tasks
Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 9:10 pm
by poosticks7
Lol they are all good points Rich.

Re: Journey Tasks
Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 12:19 pm
by Rich H
poosticks7 wrote:Lol they are all good points Rich.

Don't let that stop you - always interested in other views and ways of doing it; just wanted to outline my concerns and also explain why I ended up with the approach I detailed. Maybe there's a better way...