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Journey Tasks

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 5:35 pm
by Rich H
[Inspired originally from some ideas by James R Brown]

Okay, just playing with these as an idea but thought I'd share.

Currently they are a bit of a brain dump of my thoughts which I've fleshed out to look like actual rules but nothing is set in my mind; would welcome comments and ideas...
- Bonus Journey Tasks -
These rules expand upon the Journey rules presented in the main rulebook.

Upon a great or extraordinary success on a fatigue test a player my select one of the following options, based upon the character's Role or Calling, and gains the benefit of the chosen Journey Task for the specified length of time.

These tasks, listed below, provide small additional bonuses to other actions and tests which may occur during a fellowship's journey.

In the following descriptions ā€œnā€ is the number of successes (one for a great success and two for an extraordinary success), obtained during a Fatigue Test that are used in the particular effect being described.

A competent Guide aids the company by discovering and choosing better paths to travel.

Reduce TN by n for the next Travel fatigue test rolls for all companions.

An able Scout fashions a good camp from the materials at hand.

Increase the number of Endurance points recovered by 2n for all companions taking a prolonged rest.

The capable Huntsman successfully forages for extra provisions to provide for a hearty meal.

Restore 2n Endurance points to all companions.

A sharp witted Look-Out stays alert for signs of danger.

Reduce the TN by n for the next test roll when attempting to avoid a Hazard.

A good-hearted Captain raises the spirits of his companions when they find themselves at their lowest ebb.

Remove the Miserable or Daunted status from n Companions. May only be applied once per Journey Leg.

A perceptive Scholar discovers vital pieces of information within ancient ruins.

Find n clues. The Loremaster must state prior to this action whether there are in fact any clues worth discovering! Such clues do not have to relate directly to the current task in hand or adventure and may be used by the Loremaster to foreshadow and provided information on future events. May only be applied once per Journey Leg.

A fearless Slayer is undaunted by dark visions and eerie feelings.

Reduce the TN by n for the next Fear test rolls for all companions. May only be applied once per Journey Leg.

A sharp-eyed Treasure Hunter uncovers items of value within dark caverns and dangerous lairs.

Can only be used in Wild Lands, Shadow Lands, and Dark lands. Find 2n treasure points. May only be applied once per Journey Leg.

The world-wary Wanderer aids the company by journeying along paths that are seldom trodden; away from the prying eyes of the servants of the Enemy.

Reduce the fellowship's Eye Awareness by n. May only be applied once per Journey Leg.

Eye of Mordor Rules
If a campaign has yet to employ these rules then the Journey Task for the Wanderer can be used instead to ignore the next EYE result on a Fatigue Test. As usual, this may only be applied once per Journey Leg.

A wise Warden recognises the signs of the Shadow and wards against them.

Reduce the TN by n on the next Corruption test rolls for all companions. May only be applied once per Journey Leg.

Journey tasks are designed to supplement story tasks, not replace them, so if the story requires players to be undertaking specific time-consuming tasks (eg, searching for a missing pair of dwarves) then the focus should be on the story tasks.

Likewise, for narrative reasons, there may be times where nothing of interest happens and the Loremaster wants to quickly move the characters from one location to another. Do not use Journey Tasks in these cases.

Re: Journey Tasks

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 5:48 pm
by Rich H
... I suppose I should explain that the primary driver for these is to provide players with some benefit when obtaining great/extraordinary successes on their Fatigue Tests when travelling. As one of the main subsystems of the game I wanted to create something that provided such a bonus in the same way that attacks generate more damage in combat and social skills generate greater benefits in encounters when assessing the final outcome of such interactions. Those extra successes on travel rolls felt a little wasted.

It shouldn't be too complicated though - each player will only have a quick and simple choice between two options at the most - ie, their travel role or their Calling.

Re: Journey Tasks

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:25 pm
by Glorelendil
I wonder if Journeys would need to be a bit more difficult to compensate for the benefits of tengwars. Or maybe the tengwars are relatively scarce until heroes start accumulating more AP, at which point you would expect them to be journeying through more dangerous lands, and you don't expect them to have much trouble in less dangerous areas. So perhaps it all works out.

Re: Journey Tasks

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:35 pm
by beckett
Rich H wrote:... I suppose I should explain that the primary driver for these is to provide players with some benefit when obtaining great/extraordinary successes on their Fatigue Tests when travelling. As one of the main subsystems of the game I wanted to create something that provided such a bonus in the same way that attacks generate more damage in combat and social skills generate greater benefits in encounters when assessing the final outcome of such interactions. Those extra successes on travel rolls felt a little wasted.

It shouldn't be too complicated though - each player will only have a quick and simple choice between two options at the most - ie, their travel role or their Calling.
This is intriguing. When you say N is the number of successes it appears from the various tasks that sometimes that means the player gets bonus die (Great Success = 1 Bonus die for example) and sometimes it is a flat numerical value as in reducing the Eye Awareness by 1 point (for a Great Success) and 2 points (for an Extraordinary Success). Have I got that right?

Re: Journey Tasks

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:42 pm
by Rich H
beckett wrote:When you say N is the number of successes it appears from the various tasks that sometimes that means the player gets bonus die (Great Success = 1 Bonus die for example) and sometimes it is a flat numerical value as in reducing the Eye Awareness by 1 point (for a Great Success) and 2 points (for an Extraordinary Success). Have I got that right?
It should never lead to adding extra dice to a PC's skill roll; it's just altering the TN for the next check except for those tasks that heal Endurance, gain 'secrets' or treasure, or reduce Eye Awareness. ... I can reword them to "Reduce the TN" or some such*.

* Which I've just done.

Re: Journey Tasks

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:44 pm
by Rich H
Glorelendil wrote:I wonder if Journeys would need to be a bit more difficult to compensate for the benefits of tengwars. Or maybe the tengwars are relatively scarce until heroes start accumulating more AP, at which point you would expect them to be journeying through more dangerous lands, and you don't expect them to have much trouble in less dangerous areas. So perhaps it all works out.
Yeah, not sure. Also, you get more chances to apply these if you journey in harsher weather as their usage is based on the success of Fatigue Tests. I'm not sure if this is a problem or not as the risks of journeying in Winter and Autumn are greater than Spring and Summer so perhaps that evens it out.

Re: Journey Tasks

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:58 pm
by beckett
Rich H wrote:
beckett wrote:When you say N is the number of successes it appears from the various tasks that sometimes that means the player gets bonus die (Great Success = 1 Bonus die for example) and sometimes it is a flat numerical value as in reducing the Eye Awareness by 1 point (for a Great Success) and 2 points (for an Extraordinary Success). Have I got that right?
It should never lead to adding extra dice to a PC's skill roll; it's just altering the TN for the next check except for those tasks that heal Endurance, gain 'secrets' or treasure, or reduce Eye Awareness. ... I can reword them to "Reduce the TN" or some such*.

* Which I've just done.
Thank you, Rich. I was either misreading or just being thick. Got it now.

Re: Journey Tasks

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 5:46 am
by Mithrandir
I already do this im my game, (from Browns house rules in your guide Rich) but on a great success you can take a journey task in spring/summer. An Extraordinary Success is needed for autumn/winter. In all cases the tasks dont impede travel the extra results of the journey task and its benefits are the result of the time saved by the great success of the travel rolls. I also allow the players to set up camp and do these tasks without need to roll tengars.At the cost of reduced travel.

Re: Journey Tasks

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:51 am
by Woodclaw
My players lamented the lack of effect of those Tengwars during journeys, I would like to gave this rules a go and see if they work.

Re: Journey Tasks

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 1:15 pm
by poosticks7
I think these look good.

I wonder if a table roll might be better though rather than just picking two options (that could get rather repetitive, ie: treasure hunter picking the looking for extra shiny things option ever journey leg).

Of course if you were to turn it into a table you would then need more tasks - Hmmm let me see if I can think of some extra ideas - they could play off some of the ones already mentioned being stronger or weaker versions of them, or they could be different things entirely.