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Re: Using Forced March with Revised Travel

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 7:26 am
by Falenthal
When using the Forced March rules from TfW, I find that the group has to do LOTS of rolls: first the Preliminary roll, then the Fatigue plus the Athletics test, and sometimes even the Corruption tests for Blighted Places.

To reduce a bit the number of rollings, I came up with this simplification. Up to now it's working well, but we haven't had the chance to use it that much. I'd be glad to read some opinions:
Half the duration of each leg of a journey (round fractions up), leaving the number of Fatigue tests required unchanged. The first, third… Fatigue tests are resolved with a Travel test. The second, fourth… Fatigue test are resolved with an Athletics test. When on a forced march, every time a hero makes a Fatigue test, he’ll automatically gain 3 (spring-summer) or 4 (autumn-winter) Fatigue points on a failure, 2 or 3 on a success, 1 or 2 on a great success, 0 or 1 on an extraordinary success. Remember to reduce 1 Fatigue point (to a minimum of 0) if travelling with ponies or boats.
As you'll see, the rule is based on doctheweasel's idea.