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Called Shot Pierce

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:40 am
by Angelalex242
Arrows and Spears can do this...

But this seems to make Keen utterly useless on bows and spears.

Does Keen need to be improved, or is letting Arrows and Spears pierce overpowered?

Re: Called Shot Pierce

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:42 am
by zedturtle
Angelalex242 wrote:Arrows and Spears can do this...

But this seems to make Keen utterly useless on bows and spears.

Does Keen need to be improved, or is letting Arrows and Spears pierce overpowered?
Keen can happen with any successful (regular) roll, Called Shots are more reliable with higher skill levels. Thus, a particular character might wish to take one over another. I think it's better to have options, even if most players won't take this two options for the same character.

Re: Called Shot Pierce

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:51 pm
by Rocmistro
I pretty much agree with what Zed said. Pierces of opportunity vs. Pierces of intent.

Certainly, from a build-standpoint, Keen would be lowest on my priority list for improvements with spears and bows.