Re: Heroic Investment (Alternate Rules for Heroic Heritage)
Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 7:26 pm
Training Sessions:
At any time where a character may take select a normal Undertaking, he may instead elect to do a Training Session undertaking instead. It is recommended that in Fellowship Phases where two undertakings are allowed that only one of them be allowed to be a Training Session.
At any time where a character may take select a normal Undertaking, he may instead elect to do a Training Session undertaking instead. It is recommended that in Fellowship Phases where two undertakings are allowed that only one of them be allowed to be a Training Session.
- Training Common Skills
The Trainer selects a common skill and makes a test using their ability at that skill. The TN for the test is dependent on the skill level being taught... going from zero to a ranking of one requires a TN 12 test, going from one to two is TN 14, two to three is TN 16, etc. If the Heir has that skill as a favoured skill, then the Trainer may invoke an Attribute bonus to the test without spending Hope. If the test is successful, then the skill level of the Heir is advanced. If the test produces a Great or Extraordinary success then the Trainer begins the next Adventuring Phase having already earned the first AP in that skill category.
Training Weapon Skills
Training with weapons works much like training with common skills, including the varying TNs depending on the skill level being taught. However, the Trainer does not gain any benefit from Great or Extraordinary successes. Furthermore, he begins the next Adventuring Phase with Fatigue equal to the Heir's new weapon skill ranking. For example, if the Heir raises their sword ability to 3 then the Trainer will begin the next Adventuring Phase with a Fatigue of 3, as if he went on a long journey.
Note on Weapon Skills and Weapon Groups: For simplicity, weapon groups can be used to teach skill in particular weapon in that group (for example, (Swords) can teach the Long-sword skill) and the reverse is also true (a master of the Long-sword can impart enough general knowledge to teach the (Swords) group.).