Dear team,
I find myself struggling a bit with the combat mechanics when there are many opponents. As much as I like TOR's combat system I sometimes feel inclined to simplify it, maybe because I like combats quite short, keeping the focus more on the narrative side and less on the bookkeeping. For instance I always fail to keep track of (or even think about using) Hate scores for adversaries even if I use dedicated templates or tap counters or whatever accessories. I guess it's me : when my brain is focused on the visual / narrative, numbers kind of get in the way.
So I was wondering if some of you had developped sub-systems for making combats less number-intensive, especially when there are many adversaries involved ?
For instance when several adversaries are attacking one PC, I am thinking of having only one attack roll for the whole group, having a special bonus (like re-rolling the feat die as many times as there are adversaries, and keeping the best result), instead of rolling specific attacks for all adversaries. Also I am seriously considering having a different (=lighter) approach for handling wounds for adversaries, with less emphasis on counting Endurance loss.
To increase the narrative I have started to build some "Effect cards" which can be used when drawing a Gandalf Rune or an Eye, with specific effects on them, and this has worked well in large combat situations like the Battle at the Old Ford in "Kinstrife and Dark Tidings".
I would keep the full combat system for dealing with important foes, but for random / minor encounters, I think I need to make a few changes to make my life easier.
Have some of you sometimes felt the need to make the (already not so complex) combat system a bit lighter in some situations ?
Combat : less bookkeeping, more narrative ?
Combat : less bookkeeping, more narrative ?
An adventure set in Dale : viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4503
Re: Combat : less bookkeeping, more narrative ?
I once did a combat with 70+ participants. It took a while. 
Maybe you could look at Falenthal or James R. Brown's battle simulators for some ideas? Be wary though... some players really appreciate that, as light as it is, there are tactical decisions to be made in combat. A faster system that prevents them from making interesting choices might fall flat.

Maybe you could look at Falenthal or James R. Brown's battle simulators for some ideas? Be wary though... some players really appreciate that, as light as it is, there are tactical decisions to be made in combat. A faster system that prevents them from making interesting choices might fall flat.
Jacob Rodgers, occasional nitwit.
This space intentionally blank.
This space intentionally blank.
Re: Combat : less bookkeeping, more narrative ?
To be honest, I don't know if my own rules for Mass Combat may help you in this particular case.
But I think James' basic rules for Battles (not the Mythic Battles ones) contain some ideas that could help you.
He presents each group of forces with a single stat (as if 50 goblins were a single adversary) that is modified as it gets hurt and damaged. Instead of 50 goblins, use the same rule to represent 5 goblins, for example, or 3 orc soldier, or whatever suits you.
Take a look at it, I think you can find some help there.
And if you find some help in my own rules, let me know of the miracle!
JamesRBrown's Mass Combat Rules: ... 0Rules.pdf
Falenthal's Battle Rules: viewtopic.php?f=56&t=3519
But I think James' basic rules for Battles (not the Mythic Battles ones) contain some ideas that could help you.
He presents each group of forces with a single stat (as if 50 goblins were a single adversary) that is modified as it gets hurt and damaged. Instead of 50 goblins, use the same rule to represent 5 goblins, for example, or 3 orc soldier, or whatever suits you.
Take a look at it, I think you can find some help there.
And if you find some help in my own rules, let me know of the miracle!
JamesRBrown's Mass Combat Rules: ... 0Rules.pdf
Falenthal's Battle Rules: viewtopic.php?f=56&t=3519
Last edited by Falenthal on Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Combat : less bookkeeping, more narrative ?
Thanks for your replies. I have explored the available Mass Battle rules and have already adopted some elements but I also want to speed up a bit "normal" combat, at least when there are more than one foe per PC. I like the idea of grouping several adversaries into one single opponent, but not really sure how to handle that, so I'll re-read the mass combat supplements to find inspiration.
BTW Falenthal you have posted twice the same link (to James R Brown's supplement) so I did not get a chance to look at your Battle rules.
BTW Falenthal you have posted twice the same link (to James R Brown's supplement) so I did not get a chance to look at your Battle rules.
An adventure set in Dale : viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4503
Re: Combat : less bookkeeping, more narrative ?
Sorry! Edited the former post with a link to the thread of this forum. You'll be able to read other people's opinions on the rules. Very, very interesting things they say. See for yourself...tomfish wrote: BTW Falenthal you have posted twice the same link (to James R Brown's supplement) so I did not get a chance to look at your Battle rules.

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