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Re: Wild Adventures - Improvised Stories

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 10:30 pm
by Majestic
These are great, james! I've long been a proponent of the random adventure generating tables in my favorite supers RPG (Villains & Vigilantes) and have often done (for that game) just what you're doing here. It's a great way to get the creative juices flowing when you're 'stuck', and can lead to avenues you would never have considered if you were making the whole adventure up from scratch.

Re: Wild Adventures - Improvised Stories

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 4:29 pm
by poosticks7
Good stuff James. I will have a go at adding some more charts when I have a bit of time.

Also I encourage others to have a go at writing some adventure ideas up and sharing them here. I'll also be having a go at that.

Re: Wild Adventures - Improvised Stories

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 6:07 pm
by jamesrbrown
poosticks7 wrote:Good stuff James. I will have a go at adding some more charts when I have a bit of time.

Also I encourage others to have a go at writing some adventure ideas up and sharing them here. I'll also be having a go at that.
That would be fantastic!!! I would love that. Talking to Francesco a few months ago, he expressed his desire to see more adventures in outline form that are no more than 1-3 pages in length, leaving out most rules direction and focusing on the storyline. This is perfect for improvisational style play and allows the Loremaster and players to make up most Tests and Tasks on the spot, instead of having to follow a pre-written format. Wild Adventures are a perfect way to generate adventure ideas in that spirit. The only mechanics that may need to be suggested are Encounter Evaluations and possibly Journey stats like number of Fatigue tests, etc.; but even these can be left out no problem.

Re: Wild Adventures - Improvised Stories

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 9:09 pm
by Wbweather
Well, it certainly was helpful to have some detailed adventures to play through as I was learning to LM, but as I've gotten more comfortable, I find I really enjoy improvising. This is a great way to have structured improvisation. When I get a chance I'll give it a try and post what I come up with.

Re: Wild Adventures - Improvised Stories

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 5:36 pm
by poosticks7
Just to let people know I'm working on a set of tables to cover the Lands of the River. Will post when finished.

May need a bit of help with formatting (not my strong suit :) )

Re: Wild Adventures - Improvised Stories

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 6:49 pm
by jamesrbrown
poosticks7 wrote:Just to let people know I'm working on a set of tables to cover the Lands of the River. Will post when finished.

May need a bit of help with formatting (not my strong suit :) )
When you finish, let me know and I'll take your information and format it so that everything matches. I'm excited to see what you come up with!

Now that I've generated a couple of Wild Adventures for the forum, I noticed something about making rolls on the Heroic Ventures table. I like my adventures to include all 3 heroic ventures. So, what I have been doing is making the initial roll and writing down the venture for Part One. When I make my second roll, I keep rolling until I get something different for Part Two, and so on. For longer adventures, it's nice to have a good mix as well, but you can have back-to-back ventures of the same type. With improvisational adventures, you're likely to have extra combats or encounters thrown into each Part anyway, even it is not the main venture of that Part in the storyline.

Re: Wild Adventures - Improvised Stories

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 6:57 pm
by Rue
jamesrbrown wrote: Now that I've generated a couple of Wild Adventures for the forum, I noticed something about making rolls on the Heroic Ventures table. I like my adventures to include all 3 heroic ventures. So, what I have been doing is making the initial roll and writing down the venture for Part One. When I make my second roll, I keep rolling until I get something different for Part Two, and so on. For longer adventures, it's nice to have a good mix as well, but you can have back-to-back ventures of the same type. With improvisational adventures, you're likely to have extra combats or encounters thrown into each Part anyway, even it is not the main venture of that Part in the storyline.
I noticed that too so what I did was roll all the dice together (in this case I was playing with 4 or 5 parters), and then put them in whatever order I wanted. I rolled 1,2,5,5,5. Perhaps a diplomatic mission with so many Journeys and Encounters?? I like the idea of just rolling until it's different, maybe I'll go try that now.

Re: Wild Adventures - Improvised Stories

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 4:03 pm
by poosticks7
Done the Tables for Lands of the River

there is a slight crossover with Mirkwood - (Which I might have a go at next), mainly with some of the Encounters.

I used some of the adversaries I made which can be found in Rich H's Additional Rules Document.

Find the document in James Link Below

Re: Wild Adventures - Improvised Stories

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 6:35 am
by jamesrbrown
I was able to put all the above in a document called, Lands of the River Tables. Enjoy! I know I'm going to :)

Re: Wild Adventures - Improvised Stories

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 5:40 pm
by poosticks7
The Mirkwood Tables are done. Posted to James.

Just a note - There are a few encounters that have no corresponding stats - I just took some provocative names and put them in. If anyone wants to attempt to stat them up feel free :) (I might get around to it one day)