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Re: Wild Adventures - Improvised Stories
Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 9:24 pm
by Wbweather
poosticks7 wrote:The Mirkwood Tables are done. Posted to James.
Just a note - There are a few encounters that have no corresponding stats - I just took some provocative names and put them in. If anyone wants to attempt to stat them up feel free

(I might get around to it one day)
Great job. I was going to attempt this but what you have done looks great.
Re: Wild Adventures - Improvised Stories
Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 9:28 pm
by poosticks7
Thanks WbWeather - I really enjoyed doing them.
I'm sending Eastern Eriador Tables to James.
Something I noted as I really got into it - You can easily roll on tables from the different areas and use it for general inspiration.
Re: Wild Adventures - Improvised Stories
Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 5:39 am
by jamesrbrown
Mirkwood tables are done! If I have time, I'll get to the Eastern Eriador stuff tomorrow.
The Greatest of the Forests by poosticks7
Re: Wild Adventures - Improvised Stories
Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 7:18 pm
by poosticks7
Just fixed a few errors on the tables.
Hopefully James will have them all nice and formatted soon.
Hope people find them useful, I enjoyed doing them and it has stoked a few ideas for myself.
Re: Wild Adventures - Improvised Stories
Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 7:23 pm
by Wbweather
I was going to play with them tonight and see what I could come up with. Thanks to both of you guys for putting this together.
Re: Wild Adventures - Improvised Stories
Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 11:42 pm
by jamesrbrown
Wbweather wrote:I was going to play with them tonight and see what I could come up with. Thanks to both of you guys for putting this together.
Please post your Wild Adventures outlines! Would love to see them. Actually, start a new thread for your Wild Adventure. Name the post Wild Adventure: Your Title. That way people can comment on it and identify that it was created using Wild Adventures tables.
You're welcome by the way!
If someone else wants to create additional tables, I will format those and give you credit too. We could even have several different sets for areas already covered too. For example, we could have a Lake-town Adventures 2 set of tables.
Re: Wild Adventures - Improvised Stories
Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 12:30 pm
by Yepesnopes
I think you did a fantastic contribution to this hobby!
Re: Wild Adventures - Improvised Stories
Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 10:04 am
by jamesrbrown
Yepesnopes wrote:I think you did a fantastic contribution to this hobby!
You're welcome, and I'm glad you feel that way. Now, I pray we can come up with some awesome wild adventures together and get more creativity flowing. One of the benefits of using these tables (which I had not thought about really) is that they force you to study the material, both Tolkien and the TOR books, just a little bit at a time. With prolonged use, one could really become quite a Loremaster!
I added another set of tables contributed by poosticks7:
Eastern Eriador
Re: Wild Adventures - Improvised Stories
Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 7:04 pm
by poosticks7
Okay I've done another Table based on Rich H's (and others) work on Dale and the Surrounding Lands. Please thank Rich H and those others in the credits of his document for all their hard work and creative ideas.
I'm sending the stuff to James for Formatting.
Now we should be able to come up with a whole plethora of adventures. I'm looking forward to writing some myself.
It was a great idea and James has done these forums proud.
Re: Wild Adventures - Improvised Stories
Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 7:40 pm
by Wbweather
I agree. Thanks to James and you for both of your efforts. I look forward to coming up with some ideas and reading others.