Wild Adventure - Bitter Remedy
Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 4:46 pm
Wild Adventure: BITTER REMEDY
Land of the Rivers - Adventure
Company Task - Search
Part 1 Encounter - Radagast - Exposition
Part 2 Journey - Gladden Fields - Rising Action
Part 3 Combat - Marsh Harridan - Rising Action
Part 4 Combat - Snaga Trackers (full of hate) - Climax
Part 5 Journey - Dwarrowhall - Falling Action &Resolution
Part One: A Chance Meeting
While travelling through the lands of the Beornings the PCs encounter the Brown Wizard on his way to a consultation with Beorn. He seems pleased to meet them and quickly ascertains if they are able to undertake a task for him.
He will go on to tell them that he has received word that an old friend of his has taking deathly ill and will likely die if he does not receive aid. The friend in question is Ranulf, Chief of the Leofrings who are camped at Dwarrowhall. (Radagast received word from a circling Red Kite who spoke to one of the Brown Wizards agents who travels with the Leofrings – Hamlin the Farsighted). Radagast explains that the illness can be cured but the remedy requires a rare plant called Bitter Grass found growing only in the deepest parts of the Gladden fields, the Bitter Grass greatly increases the potency of the remedy.
The Brown Wizard will explain how to prepare the Remedy: A Healing roll will determine if they are able to follow his directions – TN12, if they beat TN16 they also raise the encounter success by 1. The ingredients for the remedy are commonly found (other than the Bitter Grass). He also tells them how to identify the Bitter Grass and directions to finding the Dwarrowhall.
Encounter Evaluation
1-3 Successes: Radagast is dubious about their capabilities but must settle for any help he can get.
4-5 Successes: Radagast Is somewhat impressed and tells them that his friend will aid them, he points to the sky to a circling Red Kite (for the length of the adventure, all companions benefit from a free Attribute bonus on all their Awareness rolls)
6+ Successes: As above plus Radagast offers to enchant their boots (or hobbit feet), for the length of the adventure bonus on all their Travel rolls (including Fatigue tests)
Part Two: Within the Mists
The Company must travel swiftly to search the Gladden fields for the Bitter Grass, the journey takes 6 days, 1 Fatigue test at TN14 (they can push themselves to make it in 5 days but this requires a another Fatigue test at TN 16. Once at the Gladden Fields it is a gruelling march through the mire and a heavy low lying mist obscures their vision. The marshes are home to many creatures, from biting insects, and nesting birds to swamp serpents and fat leeches. A further Fatigue Test TN 16 is required during the search of the marsh. Finding the Bitter Grass requires three successful TN16 Search rolls. Each failed attempt adds another TN 16 Fatigue test. As the last harvest of the Bitter Grass is found the Company have attracted the attention of one of the more foul denizens of the marshes.
Part Three: Strangling Fingers
A nasty, spiteful Marsh Harridan has been slinking along in the waters of the marsh waiting for a chance to wrap her foul fingers around the neck of one of the company. At an opportune time she will make her move. An opposed Movement roll versus a lone PC’s Awareness rolls will determine if she gets the drop on a single hero. Awareness rolls for the rest of the company TN 14 will determine if they are aware of the struggle. (Remember the Red Kite’s bonus if present).
Part Four: Vile Pursuit
The company’s presence has also been noted by a band of orcs from the evil hold of Dwimmerhorn, the orcs give pursuit of the trespassers and will eventually catch up with the company unless the heroes can shake them somehow. The band of orcs mainly consists of snaga trackers led by a large brutish orc champion and a wicked taskmaster, they are full of hate and will pursue the company relentlessly.
Part Five: Dwarrowhall
The Company must make haste to the old town of Dwarrowhall and prepare and administer the remedy in time to save Chief Ranulf. The Journey takes 16 days hard travel 3 fatigue tests at TN 16 the journey can be shortened to 12 days if they push themselves, this adds a further TN 18 Fatigue Test. The amount of time it took the heroes to reach Dwarrowhall determines the TN of the healing roll as the illness takes hold.
(notes: the counter starts from the Old Ford – allowing the Loremaster to place Radagast wherever he needs to be in the East side of the Beorning lands. Also the travel times are for on foot – Taking a boat down the Anduin will reduce the Travel Time of the first leg to 4 days – 3 days if they push themselves.)
12 – 15 days: The illness is still in its early stages, the Healing TN will be 14 to successfully prepare and administer the remedy to Ranulf. The Chief will make a full recovery and gifts the PCs 6 treasure each.
16-20 days: The illness has the Chief in its grip, the Healing TN will be 16 to successfully prepare and administer the remedy to Ranulf. The Chief will make a partial recovery and gifts the PCs 3 treasure each. He will never be as healthy as he was and will suffer terrible raking coughs for the rest of his days.
21-24 days: The illness has severely ravaged the poor chief, the Healing TN is 18. Ranulf will be weak and infirm for the rest of his days and must relinquish leadership of the Leofrings. He gifts the PCs 1 treasure.
25+ days: The illness has already claimed Ranulf’s life.
Hope you enjoy
Land of the Rivers - Adventure
Company Task - Search
Part 1 Encounter - Radagast - Exposition
Part 2 Journey - Gladden Fields - Rising Action
Part 3 Combat - Marsh Harridan - Rising Action
Part 4 Combat - Snaga Trackers (full of hate) - Climax
Part 5 Journey - Dwarrowhall - Falling Action &Resolution
Part One: A Chance Meeting
While travelling through the lands of the Beornings the PCs encounter the Brown Wizard on his way to a consultation with Beorn. He seems pleased to meet them and quickly ascertains if they are able to undertake a task for him.
He will go on to tell them that he has received word that an old friend of his has taking deathly ill and will likely die if he does not receive aid. The friend in question is Ranulf, Chief of the Leofrings who are camped at Dwarrowhall. (Radagast received word from a circling Red Kite who spoke to one of the Brown Wizards agents who travels with the Leofrings – Hamlin the Farsighted). Radagast explains that the illness can be cured but the remedy requires a rare plant called Bitter Grass found growing only in the deepest parts of the Gladden fields, the Bitter Grass greatly increases the potency of the remedy.
The Brown Wizard will explain how to prepare the Remedy: A Healing roll will determine if they are able to follow his directions – TN12, if they beat TN16 they also raise the encounter success by 1. The ingredients for the remedy are commonly found (other than the Bitter Grass). He also tells them how to identify the Bitter Grass and directions to finding the Dwarrowhall.
Encounter Evaluation
1-3 Successes: Radagast is dubious about their capabilities but must settle for any help he can get.
4-5 Successes: Radagast Is somewhat impressed and tells them that his friend will aid them, he points to the sky to a circling Red Kite (for the length of the adventure, all companions benefit from a free Attribute bonus on all their Awareness rolls)
6+ Successes: As above plus Radagast offers to enchant their boots (or hobbit feet), for the length of the adventure bonus on all their Travel rolls (including Fatigue tests)
Part Two: Within the Mists
The Company must travel swiftly to search the Gladden fields for the Bitter Grass, the journey takes 6 days, 1 Fatigue test at TN14 (they can push themselves to make it in 5 days but this requires a another Fatigue test at TN 16. Once at the Gladden Fields it is a gruelling march through the mire and a heavy low lying mist obscures their vision. The marshes are home to many creatures, from biting insects, and nesting birds to swamp serpents and fat leeches. A further Fatigue Test TN 16 is required during the search of the marsh. Finding the Bitter Grass requires three successful TN16 Search rolls. Each failed attempt adds another TN 16 Fatigue test. As the last harvest of the Bitter Grass is found the Company have attracted the attention of one of the more foul denizens of the marshes.
Part Three: Strangling Fingers
A nasty, spiteful Marsh Harridan has been slinking along in the waters of the marsh waiting for a chance to wrap her foul fingers around the neck of one of the company. At an opportune time she will make her move. An opposed Movement roll versus a lone PC’s Awareness rolls will determine if she gets the drop on a single hero. Awareness rolls for the rest of the company TN 14 will determine if they are aware of the struggle. (Remember the Red Kite’s bonus if present).
Part Four: Vile Pursuit
The company’s presence has also been noted by a band of orcs from the evil hold of Dwimmerhorn, the orcs give pursuit of the trespassers and will eventually catch up with the company unless the heroes can shake them somehow. The band of orcs mainly consists of snaga trackers led by a large brutish orc champion and a wicked taskmaster, they are full of hate and will pursue the company relentlessly.
Part Five: Dwarrowhall
The Company must make haste to the old town of Dwarrowhall and prepare and administer the remedy in time to save Chief Ranulf. The Journey takes 16 days hard travel 3 fatigue tests at TN 16 the journey can be shortened to 12 days if they push themselves, this adds a further TN 18 Fatigue Test. The amount of time it took the heroes to reach Dwarrowhall determines the TN of the healing roll as the illness takes hold.
(notes: the counter starts from the Old Ford – allowing the Loremaster to place Radagast wherever he needs to be in the East side of the Beorning lands. Also the travel times are for on foot – Taking a boat down the Anduin will reduce the Travel Time of the first leg to 4 days – 3 days if they push themselves.)
12 – 15 days: The illness is still in its early stages, the Healing TN will be 14 to successfully prepare and administer the remedy to Ranulf. The Chief will make a full recovery and gifts the PCs 6 treasure each.
16-20 days: The illness has the Chief in its grip, the Healing TN will be 16 to successfully prepare and administer the remedy to Ranulf. The Chief will make a partial recovery and gifts the PCs 3 treasure each. He will never be as healthy as he was and will suffer terrible raking coughs for the rest of his days.
21-24 days: The illness has severely ravaged the poor chief, the Healing TN is 18. Ranulf will be weak and infirm for the rest of his days and must relinquish leadership of the Leofrings. He gifts the PCs 1 treasure.
25+ days: The illness has already claimed Ranulf’s life.
Hope you enjoy