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Re: PDF of Wild Adventures
Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 5:06 pm
by jamesrbrown
Majestic wrote:I don't understand the general cry for more adventures.

I may be thinking of comments I used to see more in the past, before
The Darkening of Mirkwood and
Ruins of the North. However, my comment wasn't in relation to available materials from Cubicle7 or to be misconstrued as a complaint. Goodness no! There is plenty out there and fan content to boot! I just had the impression that players are always wanting more, but maybe I misspoke.
Re: PDF of Wild Adventures
Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 5:54 pm
by poosticks7
Having a nice collection of fan made adventures is surely a bonus though right?
I am seriously impressed with James and Wb adventures - I'm working on a few (I'm beginning to think I might be over-thinking them a little - Might be best to just write them out more simply).
I also look forward to seeing what others can do with the format.
I'd suggest - don't be scared to tweak an adventure a little as you write them if a cool idea pops into your head, don't try and stick to shoehorning everything in that you rolled. The story comes first.
Re: PDF of Wild Adventures
Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 6:46 pm
by Majestic
Oh, I didn't take your post as a negative, james. And there have continually been some who have called for more adventures, though I think you're right in that there has been less of that in the last year or so.
And yes, poosticks, having more stuff (within reason; way too much stuff could feel overwhelming to somebody new) is usually a very good thing!
Re: PDF of Wild Adventures
Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 8:31 pm
by Wbweather
It also helps me stretch myself as an LM as I write stuff down and see what people think of the ideas, as well as seeing what others think of when they put together for an adventure whether they make one from scratch or feel in the details of one from DoM for instance.
Re: PDF of Wild Adventures
Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 12:31 am
by jamesrbrown
If you're feeling stuck writing out your adventure, you can always shoot me an email and I can take a look and make edit suggestions. It may be that you have a terrific idea but just need help with presentation.
I was also thinking lately that some of our future adventure summaries might be worth posting on the regular forum for a wider readership. As long as they do not contain any of my house rules, I can't see why not.
During my next session of TOR, I plan on using Wild Adventures for an improvisational game completely. I will also use Hobbit Tales to generate Hazard episodes and for inspiration during storytelling. I plan on writing up a report of the adventure too.
Re: PDF of Wild Adventures
Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 1:47 am
by Glorelendil
jamesrbrown wrote:
I was also thinking lately that some of our future adventure summaries might be worth posting on the regular forum for a wider readership. As long as they do not contain any of my house rules, I can't see why not.
I haven't said anything, but I don't think your Wild Adventures really belong in House Rules. "Rules" for creating adventure content aren't really house rules, as long as the resulting adventures conform to RAW.
Re: PDF of Wild Adventures
Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 1:58 am
by Wbweather
There was a thread on the regular forums:
Adventure Ideas - Large or Small!
I had submitted a couple of adventures there in the past, but it seems that it isn't used much. I would love to see a thread dedicated to user created adventure ideas. Perhaps we could revive that thread or start a new one?
Re: PDF of Wild Adventures
Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 1:16 pm
by jamesrbrown
Glorelendil wrote:I haven't said anything, but I don't think your Wild Adventures really belong in House Rules. "Rules" for creating adventure content aren't really house rules, as long as the resulting adventures conform to RAW.
I understand what you're saying, but at the same time I didn't want anyone thinking that any part of the Wild Adventures document was official. There are some optional ideas contained in it, such as Hazard episodes for every heroic venture, that would change the RAW.
At the same time, I think that if my optional rules were left out, posting adventure summaries on the general forum (using the Wild Adventures tables) would be fine. I would just leave out the storytelling format and use the standard format (Where, When, What, Why, Who) before summarizing the Adventuring Phase.
Re: PDF of Wild Adventures
Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 1:30 pm
by jamesrbrown
I was thinking about all this some more and here are my thoughts about formatting adventures for both forums:
House Rules Forum: For Wild Adventures, the format should include a STORYTELLING OUTLINE, the COMPANY CHALLENGE and a summary of the parts with limited reference to rules or stats, etc. It can also include suggestions for TOLKENIAN THEME and HEROIC DEVELOPMENT or other items related to the Wild Adventures Core Rules, such as using an Attribute focus, etc.
General Forum: The format should include the standard "When, Where, What, Why, Who", followed by a summary of the Adventuring phase. I would still recommend limited writing about rules and stats, and let the Loremaster decide these things, although sometimes it is helpful to have some, especially if it is critical to the story. If someone wanted to post a fully developed story, however, I can't see anything wrong with that either, it's just that you might get quicker readership if it is a summary. Maybe include a link to a document of a full write up?
These are just suggestions. Take 'em or leave 'em or modify 'em!