Glorelendil wrote:
Yeah, I gotta agree. As much as I like(d) the idea of a fixed Hunt Threshold, it feels like Eye Awareness should be based on the character, and Hunt Threshold on the environment.
So my proposal was based on the fact that I thought the intent was to not trigger revelation episodes when moving from one region to another. But I can see the argument of the region contributing to the threshold. I don't have a preference anyway. I think it could be argued that in a region thick with shadow, rolling an eye would attract much more attention than in an area controlled by free peoples or under the influence of the elves.
Glorelendil wrote:
I'm not a fan of varying the size of the increase. Partly from aesthetics, but the math worries me, too. Because it scales by whole integers it seems like the total difference between a maxed out hero and a starting hero will be too great. I.e., in RAW the difference between a Noldor and a Hobbit is 3 points, but only once, so if both the elf and the Hobbit roll 5 Saurons, the Elf has only contributed 60% more (8 vs 5) to Eye Awareness. But if the Elf adds 3 each time, and the Hobbit adds zero, then the Elf contributes...well, infinitely more. So let's compare 3 to 1 (Noldor vs. Woodman, say): over any number of Saurons rolled the Elf still contributes 300% more. That's just too penalizing.
If you look at the math for a maxed out hobbit vs a maxed out High Elf rolling 5 Eyes in a Dark region, the hobbit would generate 25 points of shadow awareness, while the elf would generate 40. Sure the elf generates 60% more SA, but that is not infinitely more. You could adjust the frequency of Revelation Episodes by increasing or lowering the factor you multiply the company size by. So if your average PC generated 5 SA on each roll of an Eye you would expect to add 5 points every twelfth roll on average. Multiplying the company size by 3 for your threshold, for a company of 4 you would have a revelation episode on average every 36 rolls (9 rolls per player). For a company of 6 it would happen every 48 rolls on average (8 rolls per player). For a company of 8 you would average a Revelation Episode every 60 rolls (7.5 roles per player). You could adjust the factor up or down to adjust the frequency of Revelations. Bear in mind that the thresholds would be much larger in this method than in the RAW.
Glorelendil wrote:
Also, if the points generated scales, then you still run into a problem at the extreme end of points accumulating too quickly. A couple of enchanted items, high Wisdom, and pretty soon you've got multiple people in the party generating 4 or 5 points with each Sauron. If you've tuned Hunt Thresholds such that low-level heroes in level-appropriate zones generate Revelations at a reasonable rate, now those high-level heroes in Dark and Shadow lands are going to generate Revelations every 1-3 Eyes. And if you increase Thresholds to compensate, the low-level heroes will almost never have Revelations. It's kind of the same problem that exists now, and it exists because all the inputs are integer values, not decimal probabilities.
In my proposal a group of 4 starting players in Wild lands (no hobbits, valour and wisdom <4, no famous weapons or armor) would generate enough points for a revelation episode after 6 Eye rolls. A group of 8 High level characters in Dark Lands( all DĂșnedain with a famous weapon and valour or wisdom >4) would generate enough points for a Revelation Episode after 4 Eyes. I don't see that as too unbalanced.
But if you want to use the region to set the threshold without having a group start out at or above the revelation threshold, then why not just bump up the threshold by a number based on the group size (group size - 4?) and follow the RAW otherwise.
Group of 4 = No change
Group of 5 = +1 to all region thresholds
Group of 6 = +2 to all region thresholds
Group of 7 = +3 to all region thresholds
Or actually you should probably add a number to the threshold for each region based on the companies starting Shadow Awareness. Maybe assume a basic starting awareness of 8 for a group of 4. Subtract that from the company's starting score and add it to the Region's threshold. A group with a starting score of 18 would then have a Shadow Land threshold of 24 (18 - 8 + 14) and a Dark Land Score of 22 (18 - 8 + 12). I'm just throwing these numbers out. There's likely a better way to calculate the amount to add.
This avoids any complicated math and still allows a group to trigger a Revelation Episode by moving into a more dangerous region.