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Unorthodox Blessings
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 3:46 pm
by Scrollreader
I've been building some nifty treasures for a future game West of the Misty Mountains, and I was wondering if I could get some input on unorthodox blessings.
The first is a Blessing of Secrecy for a cloak. It gives the blessing to both Riddle and Stealth, but only to hide the wearer's identity. This seems fair to me as a 'normal' blessing, given the limitations compared to an item which fully blessed both abilities.
The second is a blessing of Protection (a jewel from Eregion). Currently I'm treating this as a greater blessing on the treasure index, since it seems more potent than a blessing on a common skill, and mathwise maps out to a pretty basic enchanted cap.
The third unusual blessing I'm considering is a Blessing vs Fear tests (A war mask of Belegrond). Also costed as a Greater blessing, I worry a bit that it encourages ignoring valor entirely.
Any feedback or suggestions would be appreciated.
Re: Unorthodox Blessings
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 6:00 pm
by Majestic
Welcome, Scrollreader!
I like all of them, and they very much seem to fit the themes of Tolkien and TOR.
Even though they're 'costed' as a Greater Blessing, they just give the bonus of a regular Blessing (bonus = to Wisdom), correct?
Re: Unorthodox Blessings
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 7:05 pm
by Scrollreader
Majestic wrote: Even though they're 'costed' as a Greater Blessing, they just give the bonus of a regular Blessing (bonus = to Wisdom), correct?
Just so. I'm glad to hear they're on theme, as I certainly think they fit the Professor's world. But they are a bit of a stretch from the rules in Rivendell, so I thought I'd see if someone could poke holes in them before I wrap up the Treasure Index or start letting players find them.
Re: Unorthodox Blessings
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 7:48 pm
by Indur Dawndeath
I think they are fitting, since they cost full XP, but I was wondering if you will include the option for a magical success, and since they are not affecting common skills but protection and Valour, what would the magical effect be like?
Re: Unorthodox Blessings
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:14 pm
by Scrollreader
I had indeed considered this! The cloak's magical effect is reasonably easy to narrate, given that it's simply a specialized use of common skills.
For the gem, a magical effect could be a broken weapon, or temporarily blinding the foe as the gem's light blazes bright as the sun.
For the mask, I might allow a multi target fear effect to be negated for an ally, or to drain hate from the terrifying foe as if intimidated, to represent the Nazgul (or whatever) being daunted by the fearless hero and the magic of the mask.
Re: Unorthodox Blessings
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 9:38 pm
by Indur Dawndeath
Scrollreader wrote:I had indeed considered this! The cloak's magical effect is reasonably easy to narrate, given that it's simply a specialized use of common skills.
For the gem, a magical effect could be a broken weapon, or temporarily blinding the foe as the gem's light blazes bright as the sun.
For the mask, I might allow a multi target fear effect to be negated for an ally, or to drain hate from the terrifying foe as if intimidated, to represent the Nazgul (or whatever) being daunted by the fearless hero and the magic of the mask.
It seems like you are well prepared

But I would stay away from the Intimidate effect and focus on the enhanced resisting options, like you suggest for companions. Perhaps negate further use of Strike Fear special ability or grant Daunted companions another attempt to resist.
But to answer your first question, if there could be a problem with the items.
The Gem is a little bit more powerful than the Enchanted quality Ancient Close Fitting because there is no Encumbrance. The higher Protection is offset by the lack of an automatic success. You could set an Encumbrance value of 1 for the Gem to remedy the encumbrance part. The magical effect is offset by the lack of further enchanted qualities IMO.
Alternatively you could create the Gem as a Headpiece with Ancient Close Fitting. And perhaps add further enchanted qualities...
The blessing on the Mask is fitting at first glance, but I would not allow it in my game, because there is no other way to gain such a bonus to Valour tests. It will potentially ruin the fear effects of the Enemy. I want the players to be Daunted in the presence of a Nazgul, but that is a personal opinion. You should go for it, if you have thought it through and it is fitting in your game. Likewise I would not allow any item to add to Wisdom tests. Too many enemy abilities will be rendered useless if it becomes too easy to resist.
Just my 2 cents. Cheers
Re: Unorthodox Blessings
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 9:51 pm
by Scrollreader
So is it the power level of the mask you object to, or the flavor? I was trying for something like (but lesser to) the way Sam and Frodo use the Phial to (in game terms) pass fear checks in Mordor.
Re: Unorthodox Blessings
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 10:11 pm
by Indur Dawndeath
Scrollreader wrote:So is it the power level of the mask you object to, or the flavor? I was trying for something like (but lesser to) the way Sam and Frodo use the Phial to (in game terms) pass fear checks in Mordor.
No, it is a personal thing for me, not to introduce an item that will make it too easy to resist Fear.
As for the Vial of Galadriel, I see it more as an item that will pierce the actual Darkness, It could dispel creatures use of Denizens of the Dark ability. And it could enhance use of Intimidate much the same way as the Lamp of Balti in Darkening of Mirkwood.
Remind me how they use it to resist Fear?
Re: Unorthodox Blessings
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 11:34 pm
by Scrollreader
Sam using it to get past the Watchers is the scene that springs to mind. Arguably facing down Shelob as well, but as you mentioned, that could be taken different ways.