Tolwen, could you develop a bit more on the "finer grained for greater detail" idea? What aspects of the game/lore do you think should be extra considered?
What other mechanics other than Heal Corruption are there to reduce the score? I can only think of in-adventure moments, like the Campfire Tale explained in Heart of the Wild (p.21), where helping Farmann allows to decrease 1 Shadow Point:
Companions with a Shadow score feel relieved, as if they just received good news from someone they care for — everyone may decrease their Shadow score by one point.
Zed, I get your meaning. As far as I can see, part of why elves should like to stay in Rivendell (or Lórien, etc.) better than in human cities, etc is because they are more easily made Sanctuaries and get two rolls for the Heal Corruption Undertaking.
I understand that, in game terms, a Noldo can make Erebor his Sanctuary (if the Fellowship agrees) as easily as a Dwarf from the Lonely Mountain. I don't feel more rules for this are necessary, after all adventurers are special, first of all, because they are capable of actions that don't necessarily benefit only their hometown.
But, if needed, Elves of Rivendell could be added the hindrance of not being able to have any non-elven town as Sanctuary (I use this rule for the Rangers of the North, despised wherever they go except for Rivendell and other elven havens). That would make them want to return to Rivendell as much as possible, at least always that they need Heal Corruption.