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Re: Simple Folk
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 4:52 pm
by Wbweather
Also, does the titile "Simple Folk" convey the idea well? Maybe something like Indomitable Spirit?
Re: Simple Folk
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 4:58 pm
by Rocmistro
Wbweather wrote:I guess I don't understand the adding of hope to the fellowship pool from a thematic stand point. From how you describe the character as a shadow sponge, it would make sense for the character to take on other players shadow points. I don't see how adding hope to the pool and gaining temporary shadow points for the effort soaks up anyone else's shadow, but then I think I may be missing the point of what you are trying to accomplish.
I do like the concept a lot.
Well I think that's what we're all just trying to figure it out, WB: how to implement it mechanically. It might be that "absorbing" Shadow is the better way.
How would you do it? As just an automatic thing that can be done unlimited times per day? per adventure? Should the absorbing character make a roll to do it? If so, what does the success table look like?
Re: Simple Folk
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 5:53 pm
by Wbweather
Okay, how about this? Does this fit what you are trying to accomplish? Is it too powerful? Is the penalty enough?
Virtue: Indomitable Spirit
You possess an inherent innocence of spirit and an undaunted faith in the power of goodness to overcome evil that allows you some immunity to the affect of the shadow. Your unshakable moral presence is an anchor for those around you. Your spirit can help protect your companions from the effect of the shadow, but at a cost to you as you help shoulder the weight of such burdens.
A player with this virtue can spend a point of hope to make a corruption test in an attempt to absorb shadow points from another player. The TN for this test is 10 + his current shadow score. On a success he absorbs one shadow point from the other player and regains the spent hope point. On a great success he absorbs 2 shadow points and regains the spent hope, on an extraordinary success, he can absorb 3 shadow points from the player and regains the spent hope point.
On failure of the corruption test he gains a shadow point without recovering the spent hope point.
A failure with an "Eye" results in the gain of a permanent shadow point.
A player with this virtue can reduce his temporary shadow pool increasing his fatigue by the equivalent of his traveling gear for each point removed.
Re: Simple Folk
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 6:04 pm
by poosticks7
What about something simple like:
Remove 2 shadow from a fellowship member and increase the shadow of this character by 1.
Simple, fits the theme and is not too overpowered (I think).
Re: Simple Folk
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 6:39 pm
by Wbweather
I don't know. I think reducing shadow should not come without a tangible negative effect. I like the idea of the player absorbing the shadow being able to eliminate it, but at a cost of personal fatigue/weariness (i.e John Coffey)
Re: Simple Folk
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 6:42 pm
by Glorelendil
Yeah, I'd almost do it the other way around: you can take 2 Shadow instead of your companion taking 1, but you have some additional ability during Fellowship Phases to Heal Corruption. That would limit the amount you could use it during any one adventure.
Re: Simple Folk
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 6:53 pm
by Wbweather
Do you think the idea of adding fatigue to reduce it would limit overuse? If a player chose to keep using the virtue, they would quickly become weary and does anyone want to play in a permanently weary state?
Re: Simple Folk
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 10:13 pm
by Blubbo Baggins
Yes, keep it simple. Something along the lines of, "You may gain 1 temporary Shadow and 1 Fatigue, to remove 1 temporary Shadow from another companion."
That is VERY simple, and is definitely limited. Sure you could cancel 5 Shadow from a Miserable friend, but you'll have that Shadow yourself and 5 additional Fatigue. You surely won't be helping anyone else out this journey/adventure.
If you need to make it easier to remove Shadow for this ability, you could simply add, "When it comes to healing corruption during a Fellowship Phase, you may ALWAYS roll the feat die twice and take the best result, even when not in a Sanctuary."
Re: Simple Folk
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 10:18 pm
by zedturtle
Blubbo Baggins wrote:Yes, keep it simple. Something along the lines of, "You may gain 1 temporary Shadow and 1 Fatigue, to remove 1 temporary Shadow from another companion."
That is VERY simple, and is definitely limited. Sure you could cancel 5 Shadow from a Miserable friend, but you'll have that Shadow yourself and 5 additional Fatigue. You surely won't be helping anyone else out this journey/adventure.
If you need to make it easier to remove Shadow for this ability, you could simply add, "When it comes to healing corruption during a Fellowship Phase, you may ALWAYS roll the feat die twice and take the best result, even when not in a Sanctuary."
This is heading the right way, I think. More thoughts, real keyboard, later.
Re: Simple Folk
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 10:21 pm
by Wbweather
I like the idea of some sort of a test with the risk of a permanent shadow point, just to convey some sort of real risk. Is that too harsh? I guess it would maybe limit the use too much. If every twelfth time you ended up with a permanent shadow, you would probably not want to risk it very often and thus defeat the intention. So perhaps it's not a good idea.
Then again a failure with an eye would be much less common than just an eye. Especially with a wisdom of 4 or 5