New Callings

The unique One Ring rules set invites tinkering and secondary creation. Whilst The One Ring works brilliantly as written, we provide this forum for those who want to make their own home-brewed versions of the rules. Note that none of these should be taken as 'official'.
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Re: New Callings

Post by poosticks7 » Tue Jul 28, 2015 1:33 pm

Okay struggling to think of an appropriate trait that fits an exile. Anyone got any ideas?

Think the shadow weakness might be: Lure of betrayal (or something along those lines).

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Re: New Callings

Post by Wbweather » Tue Jul 28, 2015 1:55 pm

poosticks7 wrote:Okay struggling to think of an appropriate trait that fits an exile. Anyone got any ideas?

Think the shadow weakness might be: Lure of betrayal (or something along those lines).
Shadow Weakness: Lure of Revenge?

Traits: Self-sufficient?

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Re: New Callings

Post by Dunheved » Tue Jul 28, 2015 2:23 pm

Cool ideas here (as always).

I looked at the five given Callings and came to the same point that Glorendil does - that there is only one Calling for Custom and one Calling for Vocation. On the grounds of balance I been trying to think of a Calling that would use both together.

In the end I created an occasional character (a Dwarf called Dworin) who I chose to base at Rhosgobel and could be assigned as a companion (perhaps by Radagast) to travel and assist a Fellowship. [The real use for Dworin was planned as a pre-gen temporary character for one of my son's friends who was to drop in - but that didn't happen, so Dworin has never been used. He is waiting and sharpening his Mattock still!]

I had to create a bit of a backdrop with this new Calling and originally I did think of 'Merchant' too. I had more of the 'Marco Polo' style of long distance merchant in mind rather than some sort of street market dealer: until the role as 'associate of Radagast' was added when I created my temporary Dwarf, Dworin. This changed the 'merchant' role into more of an information gatherer.... which today would usually get the name of "confidential agent", or "spy".
Now Grima was a spy so I don't like the label, but those six skills covered covered by the Custom + Vocation group do seem to be prerequisites for spies/secret agents.

My difficulty is that I am convinced that Tolkien would paint spying as a Shadow activity due to the subterfuge involved. So finally, my most positive interpretation so far is either Bard (the musical entertainer) or Skald. But with a bit of an undercurrent of gathering folklore.
Dwarves and singing: now at least that is a bit closer to Tolkien that spying...
What do people think?

I did also consider that Journalist would cover this Calling but that's too Terry Pratchett.

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Re: New Callings

Post by poosticks7 » Tue Jul 28, 2015 3:30 pm

Trouble is Wanderer sorta covers the bard and the long distant merchant type.

As to the spy idea, Agent might work, the wizards had informants working for them and I'd assume rulers would. I'll give it a think.

Not sure about self-sufficient as a trait Wb, it could lead to roleplaying trouble, the dreaded loner character, that doesn't have friends - not the tone for the One Ring I believe.

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Re: New Callings

Post by Blubbo Baggins » Tue Jul 28, 2015 3:40 pm

Agent is a good word (fits Tolkien), but it is usually used negatively, like spies.
Majestic wrote:Fun ideas here. Glor, you could call yours Bondservant.
I like that name for a Calling.
Glorelendil wrote:Survival + Movement = Exile
Custom + Vocation = Merchant?
Exile might be a fact, but is it a good Calling? No one sets out to become an exile. Seems like you want the opposite - a Calling would be wanting to give exiles a home? But what is a title or word for that?

Merchant - what about "Trader" - again, not sure if that is a Calling, rather than merely an occupation.

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Re: New Callings

Post by Glorelendil » Tue Jul 28, 2015 7:36 pm

The thing is, is "agent" or "spy" a calling, or just a job?
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Re: New Callings

Post by Deadmanwalking » Tue Jul 28, 2015 8:48 pm

I think Exile actually is quite a good Calling. Their drive is to find a new home, and self-exile is very possible if one despised one's original home for whatever reason. The Calling isn't about having been exiled, exactly, it's about the fact that you will not or cannot go home again being your primary motivation for adventure. Movement + Survival sounds good, as does a Self-Reliant Trait.

I also like the 'Bondservant' idea...but not the name. I'm also not sure what skill sets it should have.

As mentioned, a Captain Calling with Personality + Vocation seems solid. Motivation something like taking care of the people in your company. The Shadow Weakness involving being a complete control freak seems logical. For Trait, something dealing with military command sounds logical.

The two mentioned in the first post also look solid, though I think 'Bondservant' and 'Everyman' overlap quite a bit. Perhaps combine them somehow?

I agree that 'spy' is more of a job than a Calling...but 'Agent' has potential. After all, again, we're looking for motivation and being someone's agent is certainly a motivation to go out and adventure and Custom + Vocation are a logical skill set for someone's operative. A Trait somehow reflecting one's personal patron seems workable, too, though I'm not sure quite how to phrase it.

Perhaps another Calling dealing with ambition and the desire for renown? Personality + Perception sounds like a good skill set for that, though I'm less clear on a name. Unchecked self-centeredness, becoming vainglorious and taking credit for everything being the obvious Shadow Weakness. A Trait like 'Manipulative' seems obvious as well.

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Re: New Callings

Post by Glorelendil » Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:21 pm

I'm trying to think of something evocative of Loyalty, but not necessarily subservience, for Servant/Everyman. Just...can't...think...of...word.

Know what would be cool? A single virtue for each culture/calling pair. Or maybe just the common callings, as a mechanical way of nudging players that direction.
The Munchkin Formerly Known as Elfcrusher
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Re: New Callings

Post by poosticks7 » Wed Jul 29, 2015 1:37 pm

Been having a think and I am tempted to fold the Exile into another Calling I've been mulling over - the Seeker.
Someone who hopes to reclaim/find something lost, be it a home, a treasure or even a person. I think the exile would fit into this broader calling, what do others think?

As to the Bond-servant, I feel it treads very similar ground to the Everyman I came up with. I think it is important to not go too narrow with the callings.

I'm still unsure about Agent as well, it is a job, it is something that will likely become part of a PCs life as they progress so it's not really a calling.

I am thinking about a *special* Calling called Fated. As in, you were meant to (insert plot point here).

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Re: New Callings

Post by Deadmanwalking » Wed Jul 29, 2015 6:34 pm

poosticks7 wrote:Been having a think and I am tempted to fold the Exile into another Calling I've been mulling over - the Seeker.
Someone who hopes to reclaim/find something lost, be it a home, a treasure or even a person. I think the exile would fit into this broader calling, what do others think?
Yeah, that'd work.
poosticks7 wrote:As to the Bond-servant, I feel it treads very similar ground to the Everyman I came up with. I think it is important to not go too narrow with the callings.
Agreed. Perhaps fold some of the thematics of Bond-Servant into Everyman? Even just mentioning a close companion as a possible reason for an Everyman to adventure...
poosticks7 wrote:I'm still unsure about Agent as well, it is a job, it is something that will likely become part of a PCs life as they progress so it's not really a calling.
Most PCs might become an agent of someone at some point, but it's not the reason they adventure. Most PCs also travel around a lot, fight the shadow, and gain some wealth...but that hardly invalidates Treasure Hunter, Wanderer, or Warden as Callings.
poosticks7 wrote:I am thinking about a *special* Calling called Fated. As in, you were meant to (insert plot point here).
The issue this runs into, as mentioned, is that Callings are about motivation, and Everyman already sorta covers the 'reluctant adventurer' thing.

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