New Callings

The unique One Ring rules set invites tinkering and secondary creation. Whilst The One Ring works brilliantly as written, we provide this forum for those who want to make their own home-brewed versions of the rules. Note that none of these should be taken as 'official'.
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New Callings

Post by poosticks7 » Mon Jul 27, 2015 4:14 pm

Hi folks, I've been thinking about some additional Callings for adventurers (as well as new traits and shadow weaknesses to go with them. Please give feedback. Oh and does anyone have some ideas for others?

New Callings


“Those were happier days, when there was still close friendship at times between folk of different race, even between Dwarves and Elves."

For you the world is a brighter place when folk draw together in common fellowship. You would see the free-peoples of Middle-Earth form stronger bonds of friendship. You are a gifted speaker and see to the heart of matters and you would use your talents to strengthen the ties between the various settlements and factions of man, elf and dwarf.

Favoured Skill Groups: Personality, Custom
Trait: Peacemaker
Shadow Weakness: Lure of Manipulation


“The wide world is all about you: you can fence yourselves in, but you cannot for ever fence it out.”

Many seek out the thrill and excitement of the road, of far off places and distant lands. This was not the case for you though; you never had any intention of leaving you home and loved ones. Sometimes adventures come looking for you and before you know what you are doing you are out the door and in the wilds.

Favoured Skill Groups: Vocation, Perception
Trait: Sensible
Shadow Weakness: Curse of Doubt

New Traits


You are a masterful mediator and diplomat and know the correct ways to appease many different cultures.


You have a healthy dose of common sense and you are happy to display it when the need calls for it.

New Shadow Weaknesses

Curse of Doubt

“A hunted man sometimes wearies of distrust and longs for friendship.”

In time even the most sensible of individuals can begin to lose their sense of being. They begin to doubt themselves and others and as the corruptions spreads in the heroes spirit that which was good and decent about the hero is slowly lost.

A contentious hero is likely to display a perverse and wearisome willingness to argue. They are often starting quarrels with pugnacious glee.

A fickle hero is susceptible to erratic changes in behaviour, outlook and beliefs. They lack any form of steadfastness and are unpredictable.

A morose hero often slips into a sullen and gloomy disposition and will be difficult to cajole out of it.

A craven hero is contemptuously lacking in courage and will look for the easiest option to keep themselves safe.

Lure of Manipulation

“Have we ridden forth to victory, only to stand at last amazed by an old liar with honey on his forked tongue? So would the trapped wolf speak to the hounds, if he could.”

When a man is given a position of trust it can become tempting to use such a position to serve one’s own ends rather than the needs of the many. As the shadow grows on an individual’s heart they can lose sight of their old goals and ideals and replace them with a cold calculating self aggrandisement.

Quick to pass judgement and to dismiss the words of others, a judgemental hero is both critical and unconcerned with the ideas of others.

Showing no sign of kindness of sympathy for others, a hard-hearted hero is often callous and unmerciful.

A devious hero has no qualms about lying and tricking people to get what he wants. They are good at concealing their intentions from others.

An amoral hero will selfishly pursue their own goals, with no concern on the decency and integrity of their actions.

Let me know what you think :)
Last edited by poosticks7 on Mon Jul 27, 2015 7:14 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: New Callings

Post by zedturtle » Mon Jul 27, 2015 4:40 pm

Small typo for Contentious, but looks pretty good to me!
Jacob Rodgers, occasional nitwit.

This space intentionally blank.

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Re: New Callings

Post by poosticks7 » Mon Jul 27, 2015 4:58 pm

Thanks zed. Typo fixed.

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Re: New Callings

Post by Glorelendil » Mon Jul 27, 2015 5:55 pm

Your "Everyman", and zed/Roc's new virtue idea, got me thinking...

Callings are supposed to be the reason one goes adventuring. So it's not really a job, or a talent, but a motivation. What if one does not in fact have any motivation to leave the comforts of home and face a dangerous road, but does so anyway out of love? I.e., Sam. Maybe there could be a Calling for adventurers who are following somebody else into a life of danger and exile, and it is only their love for that person that keeps them going.

The only title I can think of is "Servant," but doesn't sound right, doesn't really explain it, and in any event only applies in some cases. (I.e., could be your brother, or a best friend.) "BFF"?

Shadow Madness could start with belief that others are trying to hurt your BFF, progress to paranoia that your BFF is going to abandon you, and finally become the delusion that your BFF must be protected from himself.

Of course, Callings have so little impact on the game mechanically that I'm not sure we need more. Unless Callings had Virtues, which is one of the things I'd most love to see appear in the forthcoming adventurer's guide.
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Re: New Callings

Post by Majestic » Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:49 pm

Fun ideas here. Glor, you could call yours Bondservant.
Adventure Summaries for my long-running group (currently playing through The Darkening of Mirkwood/Mirkwood Campaign), and the Tale of Years for a second, lower-level group (in the same campaign).

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Re: New Callings

Post by Wbweather » Mon Jul 27, 2015 7:08 pm

Devoted Assistant? Faithful Companion?

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Re: New Callings

Post by Falenthal » Mon Jul 27, 2015 7:18 pm

There are 6 Skill Groups:
Personality, Movement, Perception, Survival, Custom and Vocation.

The actual Callings cover the following combination of pairs:
Scholar - Perception, Vocation
Slayer - Movement, Personality
Treasure Hunter - Movement, Perception
Wanderer - Custom, Survival
Warden - Personality, Survival

Although it's nice to come up first with an idea, an then the mechanics to get it, it might also be fun to play with the combinations and, after that, imagine a Calling that would fit in.

Personality and Vocation, for example, could be a nice one for Captain (Awe, Inspire + Battle).

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Re: New Callings

Post by Glorelendil » Mon Jul 27, 2015 7:46 pm

Survival + Movement = Exile

Custom + Vocation = Merchant?
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Re: New Callings

Post by poosticks7 » Mon Jul 27, 2015 7:55 pm

Ooooo I like Exile

Not sure about merchant, seems a bit... meh

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Re: New Callings

Post by Glorelendil » Mon Jul 27, 2015 8:02 pm

poosticks7 wrote:Ooooo I like Exile

Not sure about merchant, seems a bit... meh
The Munchkin Formerly Known as Elfcrusher
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