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Re: Redemption
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 2:01 pm
by Angelalex242
Missing the point...
'Embrace it' is not a valid response to 'is there a good house rule for getting rid of flaws?'
Answers that make sense include 'no' and 'yes, here it is.'
Re: Redemption
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 3:12 pm
by Glorelendil
Angelalex242 wrote:Missing the point...
'Embrace it' is not a valid response to 'is there a good house rule for getting rid of flaws?'
Answers that make sense include 'no' and 'yes, here it is.'
Sorry about that. The answer is no, there aren't.
Re: Redemption
Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 4:46 pm
by Laurefindel
I like the concept of Flaws and would suggest to roll with it, but I find them rather crippling when roleplaying your (less) heroic character.
You could houserule that acquiring a Trait that is diametrically opposed to the Flaw effectively removes it. Now I'm not sure how one acquires a new Trait, or if this is even possible. Don't have my books with me, but there might be a generic Virtue that does so. Maybe one of your initial Trait could cancel the Flaw. Either way redemption would be pretty costly.
Re: Redemption
Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 4:58 pm
by robert_pat
Laurefindel wrote:You could houserule that acquiring a Trait that is diametrically opposed to the Flaw effectively removes it. Now I'm not sure how one acquires a new Trait, or if this is even possible. Don't have my books with me, but there might be a generic Virtue that does so. Maybe one of your initial Trait could cancel the Flaw. Either way redemption would be pretty costly.
A few Virtues grant characters a specific Trait. Other than that, you can spend a Fellowship Phase to swap out one Trait for another.
Re: Redemption
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 7:02 am
by Robin Smallburrow
Any player who had a problem with their Shadow Weakness I would be happy to have a discussion with as the LM - the key point here is that the player and you as LM are on the same page as to what this means, so if you are the player you don't feel 'screwed'.
As I said on another thread, the best thing you and your LM should do is to go over the RAW (p.225 IIRC) and then discuss what these actually mean for your character - from my POV I think Flaws add a great story element, maybe even potential for adventures ( go on a quest as part of character's 'redemption'). This is in fact a common adventure theme.
On a more general note and looking at what others have said on this forum, although the RAW do not give the character a chance to 'remove the stain', remember that these rules are guidlelines (to be adapted as the LM sees fit) and myself as LM would certainly be prepared to consider at least a bonus to TN for certain skill rolls (which really depends on the situation). For example, is the Arrogant character attempting the Persuade for honorable, selfless reasons?? (to use the example from the book)
Robin S.
Re: Redemption
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 12:17 pm
by Otaku-sempai
There is a possible example for a Redemption mechanic in The Hobbit in the form of Beorn. Beorn is a mysterious figure and we know almost nothing of his past life. However, it has been speculated that a reason that he lives alone when Thorin and Company come across him is that he suffered something akin to a Bout of Madness in his earlier days and he fears losing control of himself in his bear-form. Beorn's actions at the Battle of Five Armies might have provided him with Redemption, setting him up to become a leader among the folk of the Anduin Dales.
Re: Redemption
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 2:16 pm
by Glorelendil
Otaku-sempai wrote:There is a possible example for a Redemption mechanic in The Hobbit in the form of Beorn. Beorn is a mysterious figure and we know almost nothing of his past life. However, it has been speculated that a reason that he lives alone when Thorin and Company come across him is that he suffered something akin to a Bout of Madness in his earlier days and he fears losing control of himself in his bear-form. Beorn's actions at the Battle of Five Armies might have provided him with Redemption, setting him up to become a leader among the folk of the Anduin Dales.
Ooh. That's interesting.