Custom Culture - Men of Dol Amroth
Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 5:54 pm
Hi everyone! My name's Artoriusaurus Rex and I'm brand new to these forums, and pretty new to TOR in general! But I've gotta say, I love everything about this game, from what little I've played. And since then, I've found this forum, with all sorts of fantastic resources, so, thank you to everyone who's had a hand in making them.
In effort to give back for all the awesomeness I've already enjoyed lurking on this forum these short few weeks, I thought I'd introduce myself and offer something of my own. I had intended to create a Gondorian custom culture, but given that C7 intends to make one of their own very soon, I decided I'd do a "Men of the Lake" style subculture. The only thing I've been unable to do is provide a book quote for each Blessing, Virtue, or Reward.
So, without further ado, here's the Men of Dol Amroth:
Men of Dol Amroth
"[He dwelt] in the great fief of Belfalas . . . in his castle of Dol Amroth by the sea, and he was of high blood, and his folk also, tall men and proud with sea-grey eyes."
Shortly before the end of the Second Age and the destruction of Númenor, the Faithful from that country began to settle along the edge of the Bay of Belfalas. The greatest city in this region is named Dol Amroth, for a King of the Galadhrim who drowned in the bay trying to reach his wife, Nimrodel. To this very day, Dol Amroth is the bastion of Gondor where the Blood of Númenor flows strongest in the tall folk who live there.
These noble people have always been governed by a Prince, a title given to the rulers of Dol Amroth by Elendil himself. Just as Gondor is perhaps the most stalwart of the kingdoms of Men in Middle-Earth, so the folk of Dol Amroth are perhaps the most stalwart of the peoples of Gondor. They are a people of both land and sea, whether they ride atop mighty destriers or sail the grey ocean in the white Swan ships, they march, sail, and ride boldly, without fear.
The most renowned warriors of Dol Amroth are undoubtably the Swan Knights. Lead by their Prince, and with trace Elvish blood flowing in their veins, these dauntless men are living reflections of the undimmed glories of Númenor and the Second Age, beautiful and terrible to behold. They are literal Knights in Shining Armor, and as the Shadow rises in the world again, one thing is certain, wherever the great battle of the Third Age is to be held, there will be flying against the darkness a banner bearing a Silver Swan-Ship upon a sea of blue.
The Men of Dol Amroth are related the Dunédain in the North. Though most now are not purely of Númenorean blood, it runs stronger here than anywhere else south of Eriador. Like the Rangers of the North, they are tall and lordly. Unlike the Rangers of the North, they do not carry on their heritage in secret or fear the direct gaze of the Shadow. They will proudly stand against it with fire in their hearts and a thunderous determination.
Their hair is dark and their eyes are often grey like the sea under a cloudy sky. In battle, adventuring, and warfare, Men of Dol Amroth can be recognized by the distinctive royal blues they favor in much of what they wear, aside from wearing some of the most finely crafted gear made by the hands of Men in this Third Age of Middle Earth.
Standard of Living
Nestled on the Bay of Belfalas, Dol Amroth is a bustling center of trade. There, wealth flows freely as it did in the ancient realms of men. A thing in Dol Amroth is made to be both beautiful and functional, whatever it may be. Art and practicality are wed and anything made by the hands of a Dol Amroth craftsman would be in high demand. This is why their culture's economy is Rich.
Dol Amroth Adventurers
Though not the most common type of adventurer to meet in Middle Earth, the Men of Dol Amroth have occasionally been known to travel abroad. Merchants, mariners, and knights errant have all called Dol Amroth their home as they traveled the world. And fighters from Dol Amroth, weary of aggression from the Corsairs of Umbar, understand the need to go forth and fight the Shadow.
Suggested Callings: Slayer. Warden. Captain (once relevant). The brightness of Dol Amroth and its people is not just reflected on the high towers and beautiful armor, it is also found within the hearts of these men and women. An adventurer from Dol Amroth is likely inspired by the glory of the Swan-Knights to go out and stand against the Shadow wherever it can be found, both for the greater good, and for renown as well.
Unusual Calling: Wanderer. The Men of Dol Amroth hold duty as of the utmost importance, and most any who wanders from Dol Amroth does so with purpose, not simply for its own sake.
What Angelimir, Prince of Dol Amroth, says:
Bardings: "The Kingdom of Dale rises from the ashes of dragonfire to take its place once again as the greatest kingdom of Wilderland. Though not of Westernesse blood, the Bardings show many of the noblest qualities found in Men. I believe they will stand strong in the North as Gondor stands strong in the South."
Beornings: "I know little of Beorn's followers, but I do know that a Beorning can match a Swan-Knight in passion for battle! Yet, they rely only on their strength, and it may take more than simple strength to match the Shadow in these coming days."
Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain: "The Dwarves have retaken one of their lost kingdoms of old, and the Dragon is cast down. Thus the fires beneath Erebor in these days are no longer fires of fear, but fires of hope! Erebor is now a beacon of light and life and inspiration to all. May it prosper."
Elves of Mirkwood: "Ever the noble Thranduil keeps his watch over Mirkwood. And that is a good thing, because the Shadow is ever drawn to that forest. So long as elves watch it, though, there will be a mighty challenge to the Shadow."
Hobbits of the Shire: "Can't say I've heard of a Hobbit, before."
Men of the Lake: "The Bardings who remain on the Lake are among the most resilient peoples in the world. I cannot help but admire their constant perseverance. There is much that is hopeful and bright about Esgaroth's story now."
Woodmen of Wilderland: "There are few peoples who know the enemy as well as Gondor, but the Woodmen of Wilderland are one of those peoples. Though they live more simple lives than we, they are very much like Gondorians in spirit. Ever watchful. Ever resilient. Ever on the frontlines."
Cultural Blessing
Wide Open Skies
The Men of Dol Amroth ride the plains and sail the seas of Belfalas, and they fight the Shadow in the open, without fear of being seen doing it. To fight under an open sky brings strength to their limbs and hearts.
When in combat in open terrain (where the sky can be clearly seen), automatically gain a bonus success die at the onset of combat, in addition to the number of bonus success dice you receive for your Battle roll.
Additionally, when Journeying in such open terrain, all Travel rolls are made at -2 TN.
Starting Skill Scores
Awe: 3 Inspire: 2 Persuade: 1
Athletics: 2 Travel: 1 Stealth: 0
Awareness: 1 Insight: 2 Search: 0
Explore: 0 Healing: 1 Hunting: 2
Song: 2 Courtesy: 2 Riddle: 0
Craft: 0 Battle: 2 Lore: 1
Weapon Skills
(Swords) 2, Spear 1, Dagger 1
Spear 2, Long Sword 1, Dagger 1
Choose two traits from:
Elven-Lore, Gondor-Lore, Enemy-lore (Evil Men),
Boating, Story-telling, Enemy of Sauron
1. Swan Squire
You grew up in service to one of the renowned Swan Knights. Under his tutelage, your body grew hard and your spirit grew strong as he trained you in both combat and courtly manners. Now you are your own person, though you've picked up knightly ways. Perhaps you will continue on this path and become one of the Swan Knights, or perhaps you will pursue another noble venture.
Basic Attributes: Body 6, Heart 8, Wits 3
Favoured Skill: Athletics
Distinctive Features: (choose 2) Adventurous, Bold, Hardy, Honourable, Proud, Reckless, Lordly, Tall
2. Noble Merchant
Much trade goes through Dol Amroth. Despite being of noble birth, you've become a master of trade and barter, building up your mercantile fleet on both land and sea. It hasn't been for yourself, though. It has been your utter joy to play your part in bringing prosperity to your city. But now, you grow restless and concerned. You've always sent others to take care of your business. It may be time to step out for yourself, because all the prosperity in the world will not protect your beloved city from the growing Shadow. That falls to brave souls.
Basic Attributes: Body 5, Heart 7, Wits 5
Favoured Skill: Persuade
Distinctive Features: (choose 2) Clever, Fair-spoken, Generous, Lordly, Honourable, Tall, Patient, Trusty
3. Swan Ship Mariner
You, like your father before you, are a sailor in Gondor's navy. There's nothing that can lift your spirits like the smell of salt in the air and the foam of the ocean. You know the value of hard work, comradery, and you've been in a few scrapes as well. You are ever vigilant, keeping your eyes on the horizon, watching for black sails. You've seen suffering at the hands of the Corsairs out of Umbar, and you'll do whatever it takes to put down that particular type of menace, wherever it is.
Basic Attributes: Body 6, Heart 7, Wits 4
Favoured Skill: Awareness
Distinctive Features: (choose 2) Bold, Hardened, Keen-eyed, Merry, Tall, True-hearted, Vengeful, Wary
4. Emissary to Mithlond
Very near to Dol Amroth are the remains of the southernmost settlement of Elves in Middle-Earth. It is deserted now, but contact with the High Elves was not lost. You are trained in the courtly mannerisms and culture of these elves, and spent many days among them, in the Grey Havens. There is so much life, light, and beauty in Lindon, and you are sad to see them go. But if they must, you will do what you can to give them a safe departure.
Basic Attributes: Body 6, Heart 6, Wits 5
Favoured Skill: Courtesy
Distinctive Features: (choose 2) Curious, Determined, Fair-Spoken, Lordly, Patient, Tall, Trusty, Swift
5. Drinker of Sorrow
You lived on a happy coastal farm in one of the small fiefs of Dol Amroth, until the Black Sails appeared on the horizon. You lost much that was dear to you that day. Your home, your livelihood, and your family. You moved into the city and trained yourself hard, harder than anyone you knew. Because you knew, one day, the Corsairs would return, and it would fall to people like you to stop them. You will save others from your fate.
Basic Attributes: Body 7, Heart 7, Wits 3
Favoured Skill: Battle
Distinctive Features: Fierce, Grim, Determined, Hardened, Reckless, Steadfast, Tall, Vengeful
6. Devotee to the Prince
The Princes of Dol Amroth, through the generations, has often looked to your family as counselors and sources of both wisdom and inspiration. You have been blessed with the same position. But you find yourself more often learning from the Prince than you find yourself teaching the Prince. He has taught you much about the world, especially in regards to Light, Shadow, and the Hope found in all free folk. This man, you've decided, is worth laying your life down for. You may not be as wise as your forbears, but wherever you go, everything you do will be for the Princes of Dol Amroth, for they are Númenor sprung to life out of history.
Basic Attributes: Body 5, Heart 8, Wits 4
Favoured Skill: Inspire
Distinctive Features: Curious, Determined, Fierce, Honourable, Lordly, Proud, Tall, Trusty
Previous Experience
Players creating a Man of Dol Amroth receive a higher amount of points to define the previous experiences of their character.
Players have 14 points to spend on raising their skills.
Endurance and Hope
Even in these dark days, the Men of Dol Amroth remain the closest living memories to a greater era. They are a strong and high-hearted people. Their easy remembering of the glories of the past means they are a more hopeful people even than the rest of Gondor. Men of Dol Amroth characters calculate their starting scores based on the ratings below:
Endurance: 22 + Heart
Hope: 10 + Heart
Cultural Virtues
Knight of the Silver Swan
Through either years of long study and toil, or a single, shining moment of heroism, you have been dubbed one of the legendary Knights of Dol Amroth, or Swan Knights.
When you first take this Virtue, raise your Standing by 1. Additionally, you learn the skill First into the Fray. You may later, as your undertaking in a Fellowship phase, take a Squire under your tutelage at the cost of 1 Experience point. Finally, you may spend another Experience point and another Fellowship undertaking to become a Champion of Dol Amroth.
First into the Fray
A Swan Knight, driven by both loyalty to Dol Amroth and by desire for renown, will never be caught behind the front-lines.
Under any circumstances, unless you are surprised, you may select a target after the Opening Volleys of combat and make a melee attack. If you roll a "G" on this attack, you inflict an automatic Wound on your target. It does not have the opportunity to roll for Protection. If you roll an "EYE" on this attack, you take a Piercing blow. You have the opportunity to roll for Protection, but you must roll the Feat die twice and take the lower result.
You have grown in stature enough that you have attracted a young person who requests to be your Squire and learn under you. And you have agreed to it. You will impart on them all the training, wisdom, and inspiration you can, and they will assist you with a variety of tasks.
Pick two common skills. From now on when using those skills, you may roll the Feat die twice and keep the higher result. Your squire does not assist you in combat.
Additionally, if you retire your character, you may begin to play as your Squire, and you will automatically start with a Maximum Hope 2 points higher than normal for whatever culture your Squire comes from.
Champion of Dol Amroth
You have become a Knight among Knights. A true reflection of the ideals and glories of Númenor. Those who call you friend draw Hope from your presence, and your enemies fear you.
Increase your Fellowship rating by +1. Additionally, when you roll a "G" in combat, your target loses 1 point of Hate.
Elven blood
"...Legolas looked at him and bowed low; for he saw that here indeed was one who had elven-blood in his veins."
Though thin, the blood of the Sindar flows in the line of Princes. And it is said the tracest amounts of that blood can also be found among the rest of the Men of Dol Amroth. There is...something different about you that has begun to manifest. Something ever so slightly otherworldly. Perhaps there is truth to the tales?
Gain Elf friend and Fair. Additionally, increase Tolerance by +1 for all encounters with non-elves.
Men of Dol Amroth tend to have experience with seafaring, whether they're true Mariners or not. You are no exception, and you have a strength and balance about you that only comes from spending time at sea.
Gain one free combat advantage die at the onset of combat. Additionally, if you are fighting on water, boats, rafts, or other precarious surfaces, each of your attributes, Body, Heart, and Wits, is considered to be 1 point higher.
Fighters from Dol Amroth train from a young age to use spears with great efficacy. Spears and lances, of course, being a weapon of choice for the Swan Knights when they charge into combat, and also for the Mariners to throw from the decks of ships.
The first attack you make with a Spear in combat will enjoy a free upgrade in quality if successful. A success becomes a Great success, a Great success becomes an Extraordinary success. A failure is still a failure. You may spend a point of Hope to do this with any given successful spear attack after your first attack.
The Men of Dol Amroth have always, and will always ride openly against the Shadow. They do not fear to challenge the darkness.
At the onset of combat, you may choose one target. That target may only attack you for the remainder of the upcoming battle, unless it spends a point of Hate to attack another. This lasts until the target is defeated, or you are unconscious, or dead.
Your companions in Defensive stances may still spend points of Hope to defend you from this target's attacks as normal.
This skill may only be used against targets with 6 Hate or fewer.
Cultural Rewards
Kite Shield (Great Shield)
The Men of Dol Amroth, and especially the Knights, have always favoured large kite shaped shields, often emblazoned with a Silver Swan or a White Ship on blue. These types of shields offer some passive protection as well as increasing avoidance.
So long as you keep this Kite Shield equipped, your Armour rating is considered to be 1 point higher, giving you an additional success die to roll when defending against a Piercing Blow. This is in addition to the normal increase to Parry the shield provides.
Banner of Dol Amroth
In the eyes of a Man of Dol Amroth, there are few more beautiful sights than the symbol of the Silver Swan flying high up in the breeze. Many of the other Free Peoples of Middle Earth cannot help but agree. You have been given one of these banners, to use when and as you will. When you unfurl it, you and your allies will find new strength of body and heart.
In battle, you may unfurl your Banner. From that point forward, if you are fighting in an Open stance, you may take the Rally Comrades combat task in addition to your attack roll. But from that point on, all your opponents gain the Hatred: Dol Amroth ability, and will attack you when given the opportunity.
During an Encounter, the banner of Dol Amroth automatically provides one bonus advantage success die.
Full Swan Helm (helm)
These helms were originally made only for the Prince's elite personal guard. A few, however, have passed into the collections of the super wealthy or very worthy. It fully covers the face for a great deal of protection, and beautiful swan wings extend across the sides. It is an incredible thing to look upon.
This helm automatically has 1 Close-fitting Quality attached to it. Additionally, when you roll for Awe, add your Valour to the skill roll result, or +3, whichever is higher.
Men of Dol Amroth and the Shadow
Honour of the Princes
The Men of Dol Amroth are well aware that they are among the last to carry the legacy of Númenor. They consider it a high responsibility to wear that legacy well. And when they fail to uphold their honourable past, they feel the shame of it deeply.
When a Man of Dol Amroth suffers a Bout of Madness, he gains 2 Permanent Shadow points and the next two Flaws of his Shadow Weakness. This means that a Man of Dol Amroth can only suffer 3 Bouts of Madness before falling into Shadow, and being removed as a Player Character.
Hope you all enjoy. Please let me know what you think! I wrote this just in these past two days, so it may be rough, but Imrahil is one of my favorite characters from the books and I really like the culture of Dol Amroth.
In effort to give back for all the awesomeness I've already enjoyed lurking on this forum these short few weeks, I thought I'd introduce myself and offer something of my own. I had intended to create a Gondorian custom culture, but given that C7 intends to make one of their own very soon, I decided I'd do a "Men of the Lake" style subculture. The only thing I've been unable to do is provide a book quote for each Blessing, Virtue, or Reward.
So, without further ado, here's the Men of Dol Amroth:
Men of Dol Amroth
"[He dwelt] in the great fief of Belfalas . . . in his castle of Dol Amroth by the sea, and he was of high blood, and his folk also, tall men and proud with sea-grey eyes."
Shortly before the end of the Second Age and the destruction of Númenor, the Faithful from that country began to settle along the edge of the Bay of Belfalas. The greatest city in this region is named Dol Amroth, for a King of the Galadhrim who drowned in the bay trying to reach his wife, Nimrodel. To this very day, Dol Amroth is the bastion of Gondor where the Blood of Númenor flows strongest in the tall folk who live there.
These noble people have always been governed by a Prince, a title given to the rulers of Dol Amroth by Elendil himself. Just as Gondor is perhaps the most stalwart of the kingdoms of Men in Middle-Earth, so the folk of Dol Amroth are perhaps the most stalwart of the peoples of Gondor. They are a people of both land and sea, whether they ride atop mighty destriers or sail the grey ocean in the white Swan ships, they march, sail, and ride boldly, without fear.
The most renowned warriors of Dol Amroth are undoubtably the Swan Knights. Lead by their Prince, and with trace Elvish blood flowing in their veins, these dauntless men are living reflections of the undimmed glories of Númenor and the Second Age, beautiful and terrible to behold. They are literal Knights in Shining Armor, and as the Shadow rises in the world again, one thing is certain, wherever the great battle of the Third Age is to be held, there will be flying against the darkness a banner bearing a Silver Swan-Ship upon a sea of blue.
The Men of Dol Amroth are related the Dunédain in the North. Though most now are not purely of Númenorean blood, it runs stronger here than anywhere else south of Eriador. Like the Rangers of the North, they are tall and lordly. Unlike the Rangers of the North, they do not carry on their heritage in secret or fear the direct gaze of the Shadow. They will proudly stand against it with fire in their hearts and a thunderous determination.
Their hair is dark and their eyes are often grey like the sea under a cloudy sky. In battle, adventuring, and warfare, Men of Dol Amroth can be recognized by the distinctive royal blues they favor in much of what they wear, aside from wearing some of the most finely crafted gear made by the hands of Men in this Third Age of Middle Earth.
Standard of Living
Nestled on the Bay of Belfalas, Dol Amroth is a bustling center of trade. There, wealth flows freely as it did in the ancient realms of men. A thing in Dol Amroth is made to be both beautiful and functional, whatever it may be. Art and practicality are wed and anything made by the hands of a Dol Amroth craftsman would be in high demand. This is why their culture's economy is Rich.
Dol Amroth Adventurers
Though not the most common type of adventurer to meet in Middle Earth, the Men of Dol Amroth have occasionally been known to travel abroad. Merchants, mariners, and knights errant have all called Dol Amroth their home as they traveled the world. And fighters from Dol Amroth, weary of aggression from the Corsairs of Umbar, understand the need to go forth and fight the Shadow.
Suggested Callings: Slayer. Warden. Captain (once relevant). The brightness of Dol Amroth and its people is not just reflected on the high towers and beautiful armor, it is also found within the hearts of these men and women. An adventurer from Dol Amroth is likely inspired by the glory of the Swan-Knights to go out and stand against the Shadow wherever it can be found, both for the greater good, and for renown as well.
Unusual Calling: Wanderer. The Men of Dol Amroth hold duty as of the utmost importance, and most any who wanders from Dol Amroth does so with purpose, not simply for its own sake.
What Angelimir, Prince of Dol Amroth, says:
Bardings: "The Kingdom of Dale rises from the ashes of dragonfire to take its place once again as the greatest kingdom of Wilderland. Though not of Westernesse blood, the Bardings show many of the noblest qualities found in Men. I believe they will stand strong in the North as Gondor stands strong in the South."
Beornings: "I know little of Beorn's followers, but I do know that a Beorning can match a Swan-Knight in passion for battle! Yet, they rely only on their strength, and it may take more than simple strength to match the Shadow in these coming days."
Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain: "The Dwarves have retaken one of their lost kingdoms of old, and the Dragon is cast down. Thus the fires beneath Erebor in these days are no longer fires of fear, but fires of hope! Erebor is now a beacon of light and life and inspiration to all. May it prosper."
Elves of Mirkwood: "Ever the noble Thranduil keeps his watch over Mirkwood. And that is a good thing, because the Shadow is ever drawn to that forest. So long as elves watch it, though, there will be a mighty challenge to the Shadow."
Hobbits of the Shire: "Can't say I've heard of a Hobbit, before."
Men of the Lake: "The Bardings who remain on the Lake are among the most resilient peoples in the world. I cannot help but admire their constant perseverance. There is much that is hopeful and bright about Esgaroth's story now."
Woodmen of Wilderland: "There are few peoples who know the enemy as well as Gondor, but the Woodmen of Wilderland are one of those peoples. Though they live more simple lives than we, they are very much like Gondorians in spirit. Ever watchful. Ever resilient. Ever on the frontlines."
Cultural Blessing
Wide Open Skies
The Men of Dol Amroth ride the plains and sail the seas of Belfalas, and they fight the Shadow in the open, without fear of being seen doing it. To fight under an open sky brings strength to their limbs and hearts.
When in combat in open terrain (where the sky can be clearly seen), automatically gain a bonus success die at the onset of combat, in addition to the number of bonus success dice you receive for your Battle roll.
Additionally, when Journeying in such open terrain, all Travel rolls are made at -2 TN.
Starting Skill Scores
Awe: 3 Inspire: 2 Persuade: 1
Athletics: 2 Travel: 1 Stealth: 0
Awareness: 1 Insight: 2 Search: 0
Explore: 0 Healing: 1 Hunting: 2
Song: 2 Courtesy: 2 Riddle: 0
Craft: 0 Battle: 2 Lore: 1
Weapon Skills
(Swords) 2, Spear 1, Dagger 1
Spear 2, Long Sword 1, Dagger 1
Choose two traits from:
Elven-Lore, Gondor-Lore, Enemy-lore (Evil Men),
Boating, Story-telling, Enemy of Sauron
1. Swan Squire
You grew up in service to one of the renowned Swan Knights. Under his tutelage, your body grew hard and your spirit grew strong as he trained you in both combat and courtly manners. Now you are your own person, though you've picked up knightly ways. Perhaps you will continue on this path and become one of the Swan Knights, or perhaps you will pursue another noble venture.
Basic Attributes: Body 6, Heart 8, Wits 3
Favoured Skill: Athletics
Distinctive Features: (choose 2) Adventurous, Bold, Hardy, Honourable, Proud, Reckless, Lordly, Tall
2. Noble Merchant
Much trade goes through Dol Amroth. Despite being of noble birth, you've become a master of trade and barter, building up your mercantile fleet on both land and sea. It hasn't been for yourself, though. It has been your utter joy to play your part in bringing prosperity to your city. But now, you grow restless and concerned. You've always sent others to take care of your business. It may be time to step out for yourself, because all the prosperity in the world will not protect your beloved city from the growing Shadow. That falls to brave souls.
Basic Attributes: Body 5, Heart 7, Wits 5
Favoured Skill: Persuade
Distinctive Features: (choose 2) Clever, Fair-spoken, Generous, Lordly, Honourable, Tall, Patient, Trusty
3. Swan Ship Mariner
You, like your father before you, are a sailor in Gondor's navy. There's nothing that can lift your spirits like the smell of salt in the air and the foam of the ocean. You know the value of hard work, comradery, and you've been in a few scrapes as well. You are ever vigilant, keeping your eyes on the horizon, watching for black sails. You've seen suffering at the hands of the Corsairs out of Umbar, and you'll do whatever it takes to put down that particular type of menace, wherever it is.
Basic Attributes: Body 6, Heart 7, Wits 4
Favoured Skill: Awareness
Distinctive Features: (choose 2) Bold, Hardened, Keen-eyed, Merry, Tall, True-hearted, Vengeful, Wary
4. Emissary to Mithlond
Very near to Dol Amroth are the remains of the southernmost settlement of Elves in Middle-Earth. It is deserted now, but contact with the High Elves was not lost. You are trained in the courtly mannerisms and culture of these elves, and spent many days among them, in the Grey Havens. There is so much life, light, and beauty in Lindon, and you are sad to see them go. But if they must, you will do what you can to give them a safe departure.
Basic Attributes: Body 6, Heart 6, Wits 5
Favoured Skill: Courtesy
Distinctive Features: (choose 2) Curious, Determined, Fair-Spoken, Lordly, Patient, Tall, Trusty, Swift
5. Drinker of Sorrow
You lived on a happy coastal farm in one of the small fiefs of Dol Amroth, until the Black Sails appeared on the horizon. You lost much that was dear to you that day. Your home, your livelihood, and your family. You moved into the city and trained yourself hard, harder than anyone you knew. Because you knew, one day, the Corsairs would return, and it would fall to people like you to stop them. You will save others from your fate.
Basic Attributes: Body 7, Heart 7, Wits 3
Favoured Skill: Battle
Distinctive Features: Fierce, Grim, Determined, Hardened, Reckless, Steadfast, Tall, Vengeful
6. Devotee to the Prince
The Princes of Dol Amroth, through the generations, has often looked to your family as counselors and sources of both wisdom and inspiration. You have been blessed with the same position. But you find yourself more often learning from the Prince than you find yourself teaching the Prince. He has taught you much about the world, especially in regards to Light, Shadow, and the Hope found in all free folk. This man, you've decided, is worth laying your life down for. You may not be as wise as your forbears, but wherever you go, everything you do will be for the Princes of Dol Amroth, for they are Númenor sprung to life out of history.
Basic Attributes: Body 5, Heart 8, Wits 4
Favoured Skill: Inspire
Distinctive Features: Curious, Determined, Fierce, Honourable, Lordly, Proud, Tall, Trusty
Previous Experience
Players creating a Man of Dol Amroth receive a higher amount of points to define the previous experiences of their character.
Players have 14 points to spend on raising their skills.
Endurance and Hope
Even in these dark days, the Men of Dol Amroth remain the closest living memories to a greater era. They are a strong and high-hearted people. Their easy remembering of the glories of the past means they are a more hopeful people even than the rest of Gondor. Men of Dol Amroth characters calculate their starting scores based on the ratings below:
Endurance: 22 + Heart
Hope: 10 + Heart
Cultural Virtues
Knight of the Silver Swan
Through either years of long study and toil, or a single, shining moment of heroism, you have been dubbed one of the legendary Knights of Dol Amroth, or Swan Knights.
When you first take this Virtue, raise your Standing by 1. Additionally, you learn the skill First into the Fray. You may later, as your undertaking in a Fellowship phase, take a Squire under your tutelage at the cost of 1 Experience point. Finally, you may spend another Experience point and another Fellowship undertaking to become a Champion of Dol Amroth.
First into the Fray
A Swan Knight, driven by both loyalty to Dol Amroth and by desire for renown, will never be caught behind the front-lines.
Under any circumstances, unless you are surprised, you may select a target after the Opening Volleys of combat and make a melee attack. If you roll a "G" on this attack, you inflict an automatic Wound on your target. It does not have the opportunity to roll for Protection. If you roll an "EYE" on this attack, you take a Piercing blow. You have the opportunity to roll for Protection, but you must roll the Feat die twice and take the lower result.
You have grown in stature enough that you have attracted a young person who requests to be your Squire and learn under you. And you have agreed to it. You will impart on them all the training, wisdom, and inspiration you can, and they will assist you with a variety of tasks.
Pick two common skills. From now on when using those skills, you may roll the Feat die twice and keep the higher result. Your squire does not assist you in combat.
Additionally, if you retire your character, you may begin to play as your Squire, and you will automatically start with a Maximum Hope 2 points higher than normal for whatever culture your Squire comes from.
Champion of Dol Amroth
You have become a Knight among Knights. A true reflection of the ideals and glories of Númenor. Those who call you friend draw Hope from your presence, and your enemies fear you.
Increase your Fellowship rating by +1. Additionally, when you roll a "G" in combat, your target loses 1 point of Hate.
Elven blood
"...Legolas looked at him and bowed low; for he saw that here indeed was one who had elven-blood in his veins."
Though thin, the blood of the Sindar flows in the line of Princes. And it is said the tracest amounts of that blood can also be found among the rest of the Men of Dol Amroth. There is...something different about you that has begun to manifest. Something ever so slightly otherworldly. Perhaps there is truth to the tales?
Gain Elf friend and Fair. Additionally, increase Tolerance by +1 for all encounters with non-elves.
Men of Dol Amroth tend to have experience with seafaring, whether they're true Mariners or not. You are no exception, and you have a strength and balance about you that only comes from spending time at sea.
Gain one free combat advantage die at the onset of combat. Additionally, if you are fighting on water, boats, rafts, or other precarious surfaces, each of your attributes, Body, Heart, and Wits, is considered to be 1 point higher.
Fighters from Dol Amroth train from a young age to use spears with great efficacy. Spears and lances, of course, being a weapon of choice for the Swan Knights when they charge into combat, and also for the Mariners to throw from the decks of ships.
The first attack you make with a Spear in combat will enjoy a free upgrade in quality if successful. A success becomes a Great success, a Great success becomes an Extraordinary success. A failure is still a failure. You may spend a point of Hope to do this with any given successful spear attack after your first attack.
The Men of Dol Amroth have always, and will always ride openly against the Shadow. They do not fear to challenge the darkness.
At the onset of combat, you may choose one target. That target may only attack you for the remainder of the upcoming battle, unless it spends a point of Hate to attack another. This lasts until the target is defeated, or you are unconscious, or dead.
Your companions in Defensive stances may still spend points of Hope to defend you from this target's attacks as normal.
This skill may only be used against targets with 6 Hate or fewer.
Cultural Rewards
Kite Shield (Great Shield)
The Men of Dol Amroth, and especially the Knights, have always favoured large kite shaped shields, often emblazoned with a Silver Swan or a White Ship on blue. These types of shields offer some passive protection as well as increasing avoidance.
So long as you keep this Kite Shield equipped, your Armour rating is considered to be 1 point higher, giving you an additional success die to roll when defending against a Piercing Blow. This is in addition to the normal increase to Parry the shield provides.
Banner of Dol Amroth
In the eyes of a Man of Dol Amroth, there are few more beautiful sights than the symbol of the Silver Swan flying high up in the breeze. Many of the other Free Peoples of Middle Earth cannot help but agree. You have been given one of these banners, to use when and as you will. When you unfurl it, you and your allies will find new strength of body and heart.
In battle, you may unfurl your Banner. From that point forward, if you are fighting in an Open stance, you may take the Rally Comrades combat task in addition to your attack roll. But from that point on, all your opponents gain the Hatred: Dol Amroth ability, and will attack you when given the opportunity.
During an Encounter, the banner of Dol Amroth automatically provides one bonus advantage success die.
Full Swan Helm (helm)
These helms were originally made only for the Prince's elite personal guard. A few, however, have passed into the collections of the super wealthy or very worthy. It fully covers the face for a great deal of protection, and beautiful swan wings extend across the sides. It is an incredible thing to look upon.
This helm automatically has 1 Close-fitting Quality attached to it. Additionally, when you roll for Awe, add your Valour to the skill roll result, or +3, whichever is higher.
Men of Dol Amroth and the Shadow
Honour of the Princes
The Men of Dol Amroth are well aware that they are among the last to carry the legacy of Númenor. They consider it a high responsibility to wear that legacy well. And when they fail to uphold their honourable past, they feel the shame of it deeply.
When a Man of Dol Amroth suffers a Bout of Madness, he gains 2 Permanent Shadow points and the next two Flaws of his Shadow Weakness. This means that a Man of Dol Amroth can only suffer 3 Bouts of Madness before falling into Shadow, and being removed as a Player Character.
Hope you all enjoy. Please let me know what you think! I wrote this just in these past two days, so it may be rough, but Imrahil is one of my favorite characters from the books and I really like the culture of Dol Amroth.