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Re: King Arthur Pendraken/The One Ring [by TMG]
Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 11:08 pm
by TheMonarchGamer
Francesco wrote:In my own homebrew from long ago, this was the traits list:
Compassionate...../.......... Cruel
Energetic ......../.......... Lazy
Fair............./....... Arbitrary
Forgiving ........./......... Vengeful
Generous........./......... Selfish
Honest ........../....... Deceitful
Modest........../......... Proud
Pious .........../....... ..Worldy
Prudent........../........ Reckless
Resolute ........./....... Indecisive
Restrained......../....... Indulgent
Trusting........../...... Suspicious
Valorous........./....... Cowardly
....basically the same from KAP, with some minor changes (mostly cosmetic), the removal of Chaste/Lustful and the addition of Resolute/Indecisive. The rules had more changes, especially as combat was concerned, and character creation of course.
Oh, and it was a Third Age game, same time frame used for TOR.
Thank you very much for this, Francesco, really appreciate the comment.
Good to know; that's the list of traits sorted out, then!
Re: King Arthur Pendraken/The One Ring [by TMG]
Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 4:04 pm
by Terisonen
Dwarves Statistics:
SIZ -2, STR +2, CON +3, APP -1.
Chaste +3, Energetic +3, Vengeful +3, Selfish +3, Honest +3, Proud +3, Valorous +3.
Directed Traits, Passions:
-Suspicious (Silvan, Grey Elves) @+2D6.
-Proud (Vs non-dwarves) @+1D6
-Fear (Open Water) @+2D6.
-Greedy @+1D6.
-Hate (Servant of Darkness) 3D6.
-Loyalty (Overlord) 3D6+3.
See when dim light 50' perfectly, fairly well 100'.
-1D6 Damage vs Heat and Cold.
+2 Save vs poison.
Please be Indulgent, it came from fifteen years back. Stat given for Pendragon.
Re: King Arthur Pendraken/The One Ring [by TMG]
Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 4:07 pm
by Terisonen
Silvan Elves:
DEX +2, APP+2.
Lazy +2, Suspicious +2, Indulgent +2.
Directed Traits, Passions:
Suspicious (Man) @+1D6.
Suspicious (Dwarves) @+2D6.
Hate (Orc) 3D6.
-1 Damage vs Cold.
+1 Save vs Poison, +10 vs Disease.
Re: King Arthur Pendraken/The One Ring [by TMG]
Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 4:40 pm
by Falenthal
Terisonen wrote:Dwarves Statistics:
See in darkness, when dim light 50' perfectly, fairly well 100'. 10' in extreme darkness.
I don't know about the rest, but in Middle-Earth Dwarves cannot see in darkness. See what Gandalf says about Gimli's eyes when entering the pitch darkness of Moria.
Re: King Arthur Pendraken/The One Ring [by TMG]
Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 7:24 pm
by Terisonen
As I remind why I have put these capacity, It was a mere adaptation of MERP. It explain some of the were and what

Re: King Arthur Pendraken/The One Ring [by TMG]
Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 8:40 pm
by Falenthal
Terisonen wrote:As I remind why I have put these capacity, It was a mere adaptation of MERP. It explain some of the were and what

The same happened to me so many times, that I ended up re-reading The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Appendixes and The Unfinished Tales and copying all quotes referred to races and cultures that could have an impact in an RPG. So, I copied quotes referring to the kind of weapons or skills a certain group had, but not those referred to their favourite colour for dressing on Sundays.
I have the document in spanish, though. From there I got confirmation that Dwarves didn't see in the darkness any better than humans, but that Rohirrim had a better sight in the night than other humans.
Re: King Arthur Pendraken/The One Ring [by TMG]
Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 11:25 am
by Terisonen

Re: King Arthur Pendraken/The One Ring [by TMG]
Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 8:35 pm
by TheMonarchGamer
Really cool stuff, all. Pretty soon, I'll probably throw up an example of ancestry generation for, say, the Bardings. That would be pretty interesting one to do. Maybe throw in a bit of Mongoose Traveler style random events too?
Re: King Arthur Pendraken/The One Ring [by TMG]
Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 2:29 am
by TheMonarchGamer
I know there were some comments about 'lust' in LotR, and while I was reading through the rulebook this afternoon, in the part about Vampires, it mentioned that some of them used to be able to take the form of 'beautiful women,' but were now only able to do so for a very short time. Surely this implies that some of the good folk could be seduced by the Vampires into divulging secrets or such pertaining to troop movements, Palantiers, etc?
Thoughts on this line and its interpretation? While I'm not personally that educated in the lore of Middle Earth, I find it hard to believe that there is no such thing as lust (in noticeable amounts) in any society. Especially because of Tolkien's strong Catholic background, since in Catholicism (and dare I say Christianity in general) lust is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, and it seems to be a rather common theme in the Bible - the first thing that came to mind was the second half of Tobit 6, starting with Tobit 6:16 or so. I find the Douae Rheims Bible to translate this particular verse well. You should be able to find it online, but I might post a link tomorrow if I find one.
Re: King Arthur Pendraken/The One Ring [by TMG]
Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 3:33 pm
by Terisonen
Beorning (Beijabar, Bajaegahar).
SIZ +2, CON +2.
Temperate +3, Suspicious +3.
Protective at Animals and Nature@+2D6.
Will not be attacked by Animals unless provoked.
Shapechange. Begin at 3D6-10, and change to Great Bear.
Vegetarian (strictly).