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Re: King Arthur Pendraken/The One Ring [by TMG]
Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 3:36 pm
by Terisonen
SIZ +2, CON +2,STR +1
Proud +2, Energetic +2, Valorous +2.
Re: King Arthur Pendraken/The One Ring [by TMG]
Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 3:36 pm
by Terisonen
CON +2, AG +1
Suspicious +2, Prudent +2, Vengeful +1, Temperate +2
Loyalty (clan) 3D6+3
Suspicious (Dunadan) @1D6.
Re: King Arthur Pendraken/The One Ring [by TMG]
Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 3:37 pm
by Terisonen
Northman (Rohirrim)
SIZ +1, CON +1, STR +1
Proud +1, Energetic +1, Valorous +2,Honest +1.
Love (Horse) @ 3D6.
Re: King Arthur Pendraken/The One Ring [by TMG]
Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 10:43 pm
by Rich H
I thought this thread was for discussing looking at using Pendragon's personality sub-system in The One Ring and not posting conversions to Pendragon which is, strictly speaking, discussing someone else's system on C7's website which will likely get the thread locked if it continues. Can we therefore just stick to the Personality/Trait elements.
Re: King Arthur Pendraken/The One Ring [by TMG]
Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:17 am
by TheMonarchGamer
Really cool, thanks.
Rich, while I can see the stats as being a problem, throwing up passions and personality stuff isn't an issue in my opinion - after all, if someone decides to implement this trait system, it would help to have some predefined cultural passions and personality things.
Re: King Arthur Pendraken/The One Ring [by TMG]
Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:05 am
by Terisonen
Rich H wrote:I thought this thread was for discussing looking at using Pendragon's personality sub-system in The One Ring and not posting conversions to Pendragon which is, strictly speaking, discussing someone else's system on C7's website which will likely get the thread locked if it continues. Can we therefore just stick to the Personality/Trait elements.
I'm just going to do the reverse: using some TOR system idea, TOR scenari into Pendragon System. This thread seem (to me) the good one about that.
May be I have to create a thread for this issue. Not sure if It belong more to TOR or to Pendragon...

Re: King Arthur Pendraken/The One Ring [by TMG]
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 11:18 am
by Rich H
Terisonen wrote:I'm just going to do the reverse: using some TOR system idea, TOR scenari into Pendragon System. This thread seem (to me) the good one about that.
May be I have to create a thread for this issue. Not sure if It belong more to TOR or to Pendragon...

I'd suggest that using TOR to create a middle-earth game in another system not owned/supported by C7 is something that should be discussed on something like the RPGsite or RPGnet rather than here. The thread was originally looking at taking something from Pendragon and using it in TOR, what you're proposing is ditching the TOR system and converting elements of it to Pendragon. That's quite different in my mind.