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Re: The 7
Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 12:19 am
by Glorelendil
Or what if it turned out that the Wise were wrong and none of the four were destroyed by dragon fire?
Re: The 7
Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 12:36 am
by Otaku-sempai
Angelalex242 wrote:
Otaku: (For all16)
Greater Stealth blessing (dwarf immunity)
Awe Blessing
Curse of Weakness (For dwarves, automatically inflicts thievery as well as greatest natural weakness)
Curse of Taint (3 permanent shadow)'
Curse of Life Extension (Dwarf immunity)
I made an alteration as to how I think the Curse of Weakness might work for a Great Ring: "in the possession of a Dwarf, if the bearer comes to possess any significant amount of gold then the RIng inflicts him with the Flaw of Thieving regardless of his Shadow Weakness, otherwise it has no effect."
The previous version seemed more effect on the Dwarves than is described in the canon.
Re: The 7
Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 4:11 pm
by Finrod Felagund
Wbweather wrote:TheMonarchGamer wrote:
Ambitious and really cool. Shouldn't this be its own thread though?
I'd be happy to help, but to be fair, the way I plan out/write adventures is pretty different than the way most people do. Not sure if I'd help more or hurt more.
Yes, I was planning on starting this as its own thread, but I had been waiting until the Rohan book was released. I was posting it hear just to sound it out with a few of you to see if there was any interest or if anyone thought it was worth the effort. I will probably work on it anyway, but on my own, who knows when it would get finished.

I'm happy to help as well when you're ready
Re: The 7
Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 2:25 am
by Glorelendil
How about:
+1 to Body, Heart, and Wits (Favoured score also goes up by 1 as a result)
Greater Blessing to all favoured skills, and you can spend either a point of Hope or take a point of Shadow to invoke the "magical" effect.
(Effectively) immune to aging
2 Permanent Shadow
If you succumb to Shadow Madness with 4 Permanent Shadow you become a Ringwraith under the control of Sauron (Dwarves immune).
Re: The 7
Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 11:08 am
by Corvo
Angelalex242 wrote: (...)
Still...however we stat the thing, somebody getting hold of one of the Big 7 is going to send serious ripples throughout Middle Earth. The Nazgul will know, Sauron will know, and Elrond/Galadriel/Gandalf will know.
Not so sure. We know that the One was in Moria [edit: Goblin Town] for centuries, yet Sauron never realized it was so near his own home in Dol Guldur. He was looking for it, and we are speaking about the master ring!
Later, Bilbo used it near Gandalf, and he took dozen years to realize that, maybe, it was more than a "simple" magical ring. Bilbo travelled through Rivendell with the One, yet Elrond didn't sensed it.
I think the Rings are as visible as the plot requires.
Edit: I wrote Moria for Goblin Town, ouch! Thank you Otaku-sempai
Re: The 7
Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 1:50 pm
by Otaku-sempai
Corvo wrote:Not so sure. We know that the One was in Moria for centuries, yet Sauron never realized it was so near his own home in Dol Guldur. He was looking for it, and we are speaking about the master ring!
Later, Bilbo used it near Gandalf, and he took dozen years to realize that, maybe, it was more than a "simple" magical ring. Bilbo travelled through Rivendell with the One, yet Elrond didn't sensed it.
I think the Rings are as visible as the plot requires.
Minor correction: The Ring was with Gollum in the tunnels beneath Goblin Town, not under Moria. Otherwise, you make a good point. If the proximity of the One Ring did not set off alarm bells when Sauron was in Dol Guldur--not even when Gollum used it--why should another of the Great Rings draw any more attention?
Re: The 7
Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 7:32 pm
by Angelalex242
Well...that's a good point. The Nazgul had to hunt all over the damn place for that thing.
Re: The 7
Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 11:39 am
by Robin Smallburrow
Here are my ideas, from my Magic Rules (see my sig for a link to them) - I based them on the excellent article on the Rings of Power in an earlier issue of Other Minds:
~The Rings of Power (the Great Rings)~
In the Second Age of Middle-earth, the elven smiths of Eregion led by Celebrimbor, under the tutelage of Sauron in disguise took Ringcraft to a supreme level and forged the Rings of Power, of which much of the History of Middle-earth in the subsequent ages was concerned. Here I am just discussing what powers these Rings had in case a PC has the misfortune to stumble upon one!
1. Preservation, slowing of decay & longevity.
The principal power of all the Rings of Power is the power to preserve all things around them – the wearer, the land, and the living things within their Sanctuaries. Time seems to slow down, if not cease entirely.
This does not mean that a Great Ring will make all those around it immortal, but it will ease any Elf's desire to leave Middle-earth for the West, and will increase a mortal’s lifespan greatly (at least five times normal).
As time progresses, however, a mortal bearer feels stretched out and drawn thin. Eventually, torn by lust for his Ring and despair over this burden, he becomes little more than a wraith.
Other mortals will feel uncomfortable after a period of time within the affects of a ring, feeling as if the world is moving on without them and that ‘time has stood still’. Trees and plants are also affected by this agelessness and will grow lush and in great abundance.
Lesser Rings also have this power but they do not extend lifespans - this means that a bearer of a Lesser Ring may appear hale & well right up until their normal death.
2. Self-Preservation.
Only those who have a combined Valour & Wisdom of 6 or more will actually 'see' one of the Great Rings unless the ring wills otherwise. A bearer who does not have such scores must make a Wisdom Test TN 16 once/week or the ring will slip off the bearer's finger.
The Corruption Test to take a Great Ring off once worn is +4 TN (+6 for The One Ring itself). Also, such a Corruption Test must be made if there is any attempt to 'harm' the ring in any way, such as putting it into a fire etc., or to give or see the ring in someone else's hands.
Failure of this Corruption Test results in an automatic Bout of Madness and the bearer being Temporarily Miserable.
3. Enhance wearer's own powers
In order of increasing power a Great Ring will modify a wearer's skill ranks by a modifier (round up):
Nine 1.5x; Seven 2x; Three 3x; The One 4x. Thus The One Ring will increase a Hobbit ringbearer's Stealth of 1 to 4.
Secondly, spending Hope always uses a ringwearer's Favoured Attribute.
4. Invisibility & Enhanced Senses (this does not apply to the Three Rings of the Elven Lords).
All Great Rings other than the Three partially shift the bearer into the Shadow Realm when worn. While the character cannot be seen, he can still be perceived through hearing or smell. Moreover, he still casts a shadow, though a faint and wavering one. Nor does the Ring conceal any source of light he carries himself.
A being that lives in both worlds (Wights, Wraiths, High Elves, and Wizards) will still see the ring wearer. In combat, an invisible character’s opponent is considered Severely Hindered. A character of sufficient power (typically one with a combined Wisdom and Valour of 7 or more) can will himself to remain visible. Those beings who exist in both worlds (such as High Elves and Wizards) do not vanish when wearing the One Ring.
Because wearing a Great Ring thrusts a character into the world of wraiths and shadows, it dims the sight (treat as Weary for Awareness and Search tests) but allows the wearer to see in the dark (no penalty in darkness). The wearer can also comprehend and speak the languages of all who serve the Shadow (Orcs, Spiders, Wargs, etc).
5. Cursed (does not apply to the Three).
All the Great Rings other than the Three bear a greater shadow-stain upon them than most cursed items. As long as the hero carries a Great Ring his Shadow score is increased by 4 points. Secondly, each year of possession results in the individual gaining 1 Permanent Shadow, unless the wearer makes a Corruption Test (TN 14 Nine, TN 18 Seven, TN 20 The One Ring).
Dwarves are impervious to the Rings’ life-extending and invisibility properties (a source of much debate amongst the Wise).
Instead of making the dwarven wearer susceptible to control by the wearer of the One, they harden his heart and mind even further to any domination.
1 Hardening of Heart and Mind
If a Dwarf possessing one of the Seven has the Cultural Virtue Stiff Neck of the Dwarves, he may add his Shadow points to his Corruption tests to resist the Dreadful Spell: Command of the One Ring.
2. The Power to Breed Gold
As part of the 'Enhance bearer's powers' listed above, The Seven's effect on Dwarves was to ‘breed gold’—that is, to make the owner wealthier through subtle magic.
If the dwarven Ring-bearer’s standard of living is at least ‘Prosperous’, he will increase it to ‘Rich’ within one year and afterwards will automatically gain 50 treasure points each year.
However, should a Dwarven Ring bearer of one of the Seven have his standard of living drop below ‘prosperous’, he will become Miserable, until his standard of living increases again to at least ‘prosperous’.
3. Dragon-sickness
A Dwarven Ring -bearer replaces his Calling's Shadow Weakness with Dragon-sickness.
These special powers only apply to dwarven ringbearers.
Hope these ideas are of use! The other resource I have is an adventure "The Dragon's Ring" (see my sig for a link) which looks at what happens when an orc finds one of the Seven....
Robin S.
Re: The 7
Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 7:27 pm
by Glorelendil
I like your ideas about Corruption tests when taking the ring off, however I'd make them a lot less punitive. I'd make it normal tests (ok, maybe +N for The One Ring), point of Shadow if you fail, and maybe a Bout of Madness (but no permanent Shadow Point) if you fail with an Eye.