New combat maneuvers by stance
Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 8:52 pm
Hi all,
just turned from TOR forum lurker to active poster, as I would like to get your feedback on the following list of combat stances that we have introduced in our game.
I am aware that there are a number of suggestions for homebrew maneuvers, but I have not found a comprehensive list of manuevers that spring from similar design principles.
I have had 3 guiding thoughts when setting up these maneuvers:
a) Each stance should offer a range of attractive alternatives
b) A number of non-attack (custom skill use) actions should be formalized using a simlar pattern
c) Heros (and foes) with high weapon skill should be able to trade in some success dice to get additional effects [in some cases this replaces the called shot rules].
Look forward to your feedback.
Best, ThePat
Forward Stance
Intimidate Foe
Roll Awe or Battle vs. TN 10+highest Attribute ranking of foes
Success: Enemy loses 2 Hate points (3 on great success, 4 or valor rating on extraordinary success)
Hate loss divided equally among foes
All out attack*
Add extra success die to melee attack, but lose Parry bonus (TN 6 to hit hero)
Smash shield*
Remove 2 success dice from attack roll; if attack hits it deals damage as per normal rules and smashes opponent's shield
Sweeping Blow*
If Hero is paired against 2 or more foes, he can attack all foes with one attack
Remove success dice equal to total number of foes (2 or 3); roll one attack with remaining dice
Each enemy is hit if attack result is greater than his TN (6+parry)
Open Stance
Rally Comrades
Roll Inspire or Song against TN 14; Success: All Heroes regain up to 2 Endurance Points (3 on great success,
4 or rallying Hero's Heart rating on extraordinary success)
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; if attack hits it deals damage as per normal rules and enemy drops weapon
Distract Opponent
Roll Riddle or Stealth vs. TN 10+Attribute ranking of foe
Success: This enemy loses 2 Parry point (3 on great success, 4 on extraordinary success) for this and next combat round
Targeted strike*
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; if attack hits it deals damage as per normal rules
and the attack is an automatic piercing strike independent of roll on Feat die
Twin strike*
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; then split remaining success dice between two attacks; roll each attack with Feat die + respective number of success dice; Can be used to attack to enemies or one enemy twice
Defensive Stance
Protect Companion
Define companion you want to protect; if this companion is attacked this turn spend 1 Hope to
force enemy to protect you instead; you can make a standard attack on top of this
Defensive Fighting
Reduce a number of success dice from your attack roll; your Parry increases by 2 for each success die
Second wind
Roll Athletics against TN 14; Success: You regain up to 4 Endurance points (5 on great success, 6 or Heart rating on extraordinary success); can be used only once per encounter
Roll Battle vs. TN 10+highest Attribute ranking of foes; Success: Next round on of you companions can spend 1 extra success die on attack actions (2 companions on great success, 3 on extraordinary success) ; no Hero can spend more than 1 of these dice
Rearward Stance
Prepare Shot
Roll Awareness vs. TN 10+ Attribute ranking targeted foe; Success: Next round you can spend 1 extra success die (2 on great success, 3 on extraordinary success) on attack actions
Roll Stealth vs. TN 10+highest Attribute ranking of foes; Success: Next round you can spend 1 extra success die (2 on great success, 3 on extraordinary success) on attack actions; (can also be used during opening volley)
Twin shot*
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; then split remaining success dice between two attacks; roll each attack with Feat die + respective number of success dice; Can be used to attack to enemies or one enemy twice
Targeted shot
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; if attack hits it deals damage as per normal rules and the attack is an automatic piercing strike independent of roll on Feat die
* Risky maneuver - if "Sauron's Eye" is rolled on Feat die, Hero loses his Parry rating on the next attack against him
just turned from TOR forum lurker to active poster, as I would like to get your feedback on the following list of combat stances that we have introduced in our game.
I am aware that there are a number of suggestions for homebrew maneuvers, but I have not found a comprehensive list of manuevers that spring from similar design principles.
I have had 3 guiding thoughts when setting up these maneuvers:
a) Each stance should offer a range of attractive alternatives
b) A number of non-attack (custom skill use) actions should be formalized using a simlar pattern
c) Heros (and foes) with high weapon skill should be able to trade in some success dice to get additional effects [in some cases this replaces the called shot rules].
Look forward to your feedback.
Best, ThePat
Forward Stance
Intimidate Foe
Roll Awe or Battle vs. TN 10+highest Attribute ranking of foes
Success: Enemy loses 2 Hate points (3 on great success, 4 or valor rating on extraordinary success)
Hate loss divided equally among foes
All out attack*
Add extra success die to melee attack, but lose Parry bonus (TN 6 to hit hero)
Smash shield*
Remove 2 success dice from attack roll; if attack hits it deals damage as per normal rules and smashes opponent's shield
Sweeping Blow*
If Hero is paired against 2 or more foes, he can attack all foes with one attack
Remove success dice equal to total number of foes (2 or 3); roll one attack with remaining dice
Each enemy is hit if attack result is greater than his TN (6+parry)
Open Stance
Rally Comrades
Roll Inspire or Song against TN 14; Success: All Heroes regain up to 2 Endurance Points (3 on great success,
4 or rallying Hero's Heart rating on extraordinary success)
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; if attack hits it deals damage as per normal rules and enemy drops weapon
Distract Opponent
Roll Riddle or Stealth vs. TN 10+Attribute ranking of foe
Success: This enemy loses 2 Parry point (3 on great success, 4 on extraordinary success) for this and next combat round
Targeted strike*
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; if attack hits it deals damage as per normal rules
and the attack is an automatic piercing strike independent of roll on Feat die
Twin strike*
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; then split remaining success dice between two attacks; roll each attack with Feat die + respective number of success dice; Can be used to attack to enemies or one enemy twice
Defensive Stance
Protect Companion
Define companion you want to protect; if this companion is attacked this turn spend 1 Hope to
force enemy to protect you instead; you can make a standard attack on top of this
Defensive Fighting
Reduce a number of success dice from your attack roll; your Parry increases by 2 for each success die
Second wind
Roll Athletics against TN 14; Success: You regain up to 4 Endurance points (5 on great success, 6 or Heart rating on extraordinary success); can be used only once per encounter
Roll Battle vs. TN 10+highest Attribute ranking of foes; Success: Next round on of you companions can spend 1 extra success die on attack actions (2 companions on great success, 3 on extraordinary success) ; no Hero can spend more than 1 of these dice
Rearward Stance
Prepare Shot
Roll Awareness vs. TN 10+ Attribute ranking targeted foe; Success: Next round you can spend 1 extra success die (2 on great success, 3 on extraordinary success) on attack actions
Roll Stealth vs. TN 10+highest Attribute ranking of foes; Success: Next round you can spend 1 extra success die (2 on great success, 3 on extraordinary success) on attack actions; (can also be used during opening volley)
Twin shot*
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; then split remaining success dice between two attacks; roll each attack with Feat die + respective number of success dice; Can be used to attack to enemies or one enemy twice
Targeted shot
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; if attack hits it deals damage as per normal rules and the attack is an automatic piercing strike independent of roll on Feat die
* Risky maneuver - if "Sauron's Eye" is rolled on Feat die, Hero loses his Parry rating on the next attack against him