New combat maneuvers by stance
New combat maneuvers by stance
Hi all,
just turned from TOR forum lurker to active poster, as I would like to get your feedback on the following list of combat stances that we have introduced in our game.
I am aware that there are a number of suggestions for homebrew maneuvers, but I have not found a comprehensive list of manuevers that spring from similar design principles.
I have had 3 guiding thoughts when setting up these maneuvers:
a) Each stance should offer a range of attractive alternatives
b) A number of non-attack (custom skill use) actions should be formalized using a simlar pattern
c) Heros (and foes) with high weapon skill should be able to trade in some success dice to get additional effects [in some cases this replaces the called shot rules].
Look forward to your feedback.
Best, ThePat
Forward Stance
Intimidate Foe
Roll Awe or Battle vs. TN 10+highest Attribute ranking of foes
Success: Enemy loses 2 Hate points (3 on great success, 4 or valor rating on extraordinary success)
Hate loss divided equally among foes
All out attack*
Add extra success die to melee attack, but lose Parry bonus (TN 6 to hit hero)
Smash shield*
Remove 2 success dice from attack roll; if attack hits it deals damage as per normal rules and smashes opponent's shield
Sweeping Blow*
If Hero is paired against 2 or more foes, he can attack all foes with one attack
Remove success dice equal to total number of foes (2 or 3); roll one attack with remaining dice
Each enemy is hit if attack result is greater than his TN (6+parry)
Open Stance
Rally Comrades
Roll Inspire or Song against TN 14; Success: All Heroes regain up to 2 Endurance Points (3 on great success,
4 or rallying Hero's Heart rating on extraordinary success)
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; if attack hits it deals damage as per normal rules and enemy drops weapon
Distract Opponent
Roll Riddle or Stealth vs. TN 10+Attribute ranking of foe
Success: This enemy loses 2 Parry point (3 on great success, 4 on extraordinary success) for this and next combat round
Targeted strike*
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; if attack hits it deals damage as per normal rules
and the attack is an automatic piercing strike independent of roll on Feat die
Twin strike*
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; then split remaining success dice between two attacks; roll each attack with Feat die + respective number of success dice; Can be used to attack to enemies or one enemy twice
Defensive Stance
Protect Companion
Define companion you want to protect; if this companion is attacked this turn spend 1 Hope to
force enemy to protect you instead; you can make a standard attack on top of this
Defensive Fighting
Reduce a number of success dice from your attack roll; your Parry increases by 2 for each success die
Second wind
Roll Athletics against TN 14; Success: You regain up to 4 Endurance points (5 on great success, 6 or Heart rating on extraordinary success); can be used only once per encounter
Roll Battle vs. TN 10+highest Attribute ranking of foes; Success: Next round on of you companions can spend 1 extra success die on attack actions (2 companions on great success, 3 on extraordinary success) ; no Hero can spend more than 1 of these dice
Rearward Stance
Prepare Shot
Roll Awareness vs. TN 10+ Attribute ranking targeted foe; Success: Next round you can spend 1 extra success die (2 on great success, 3 on extraordinary success) on attack actions
Roll Stealth vs. TN 10+highest Attribute ranking of foes; Success: Next round you can spend 1 extra success die (2 on great success, 3 on extraordinary success) on attack actions; (can also be used during opening volley)
Twin shot*
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; then split remaining success dice between two attacks; roll each attack with Feat die + respective number of success dice; Can be used to attack to enemies or one enemy twice
Targeted shot
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; if attack hits it deals damage as per normal rules and the attack is an automatic piercing strike independent of roll on Feat die
* Risky maneuver - if "Sauron's Eye" is rolled on Feat die, Hero loses his Parry rating on the next attack against him
just turned from TOR forum lurker to active poster, as I would like to get your feedback on the following list of combat stances that we have introduced in our game.
I am aware that there are a number of suggestions for homebrew maneuvers, but I have not found a comprehensive list of manuevers that spring from similar design principles.
I have had 3 guiding thoughts when setting up these maneuvers:
a) Each stance should offer a range of attractive alternatives
b) A number of non-attack (custom skill use) actions should be formalized using a simlar pattern
c) Heros (and foes) with high weapon skill should be able to trade in some success dice to get additional effects [in some cases this replaces the called shot rules].
Look forward to your feedback.
Best, ThePat
Forward Stance
Intimidate Foe
Roll Awe or Battle vs. TN 10+highest Attribute ranking of foes
Success: Enemy loses 2 Hate points (3 on great success, 4 or valor rating on extraordinary success)
Hate loss divided equally among foes
All out attack*
Add extra success die to melee attack, but lose Parry bonus (TN 6 to hit hero)
Smash shield*
Remove 2 success dice from attack roll; if attack hits it deals damage as per normal rules and smashes opponent's shield
Sweeping Blow*
If Hero is paired against 2 or more foes, he can attack all foes with one attack
Remove success dice equal to total number of foes (2 or 3); roll one attack with remaining dice
Each enemy is hit if attack result is greater than his TN (6+parry)
Open Stance
Rally Comrades
Roll Inspire or Song against TN 14; Success: All Heroes regain up to 2 Endurance Points (3 on great success,
4 or rallying Hero's Heart rating on extraordinary success)
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; if attack hits it deals damage as per normal rules and enemy drops weapon
Distract Opponent
Roll Riddle or Stealth vs. TN 10+Attribute ranking of foe
Success: This enemy loses 2 Parry point (3 on great success, 4 on extraordinary success) for this and next combat round
Targeted strike*
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; if attack hits it deals damage as per normal rules
and the attack is an automatic piercing strike independent of roll on Feat die
Twin strike*
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; then split remaining success dice between two attacks; roll each attack with Feat die + respective number of success dice; Can be used to attack to enemies or one enemy twice
Defensive Stance
Protect Companion
Define companion you want to protect; if this companion is attacked this turn spend 1 Hope to
force enemy to protect you instead; you can make a standard attack on top of this
Defensive Fighting
Reduce a number of success dice from your attack roll; your Parry increases by 2 for each success die
Second wind
Roll Athletics against TN 14; Success: You regain up to 4 Endurance points (5 on great success, 6 or Heart rating on extraordinary success); can be used only once per encounter
Roll Battle vs. TN 10+highest Attribute ranking of foes; Success: Next round on of you companions can spend 1 extra success die on attack actions (2 companions on great success, 3 on extraordinary success) ; no Hero can spend more than 1 of these dice
Rearward Stance
Prepare Shot
Roll Awareness vs. TN 10+ Attribute ranking targeted foe; Success: Next round you can spend 1 extra success die (2 on great success, 3 on extraordinary success) on attack actions
Roll Stealth vs. TN 10+highest Attribute ranking of foes; Success: Next round you can spend 1 extra success die (2 on great success, 3 on extraordinary success) on attack actions; (can also be used during opening volley)
Twin shot*
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; then split remaining success dice between two attacks; roll each attack with Feat die + respective number of success dice; Can be used to attack to enemies or one enemy twice
Targeted shot
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; if attack hits it deals damage as per normal rules and the attack is an automatic piercing strike independent of roll on Feat die
* Risky maneuver - if "Sauron's Eye" is rolled on Feat die, Hero loses his Parry rating on the next attack against him
- Posts: 3397
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- Location: Lackawanna, NY
Re: New combat maneuvers by stance
I like 'em. I'm not sure that we need them, but I like 'em.
"Far, far below the deepest delvings of the Dwarves, the world is gnawed by nameless things. Even Sauron knows them not. They are older than he."
Re: New combat maneuvers by stance
Well done, ThePat! I like them, too. And glad that you're posting here. The more the merrier! 
I'm hopeful C7 will give us a few more 'official' maneuvers (perhaps when The Adventurer's Companion comes out?), as I think even just one more (per stance) would spice combat up immensely.

I'm hopeful C7 will give us a few more 'official' maneuvers (perhaps when The Adventurer's Companion comes out?), as I think even just one more (per stance) would spice combat up immensely.
Adventure Summaries for my long-running group (currently playing through The Darkening of Mirkwood/Mirkwood Campaign), and the Tale of Years for a second, lower-level group (in the same campaign).
Re: New combat maneuvers by stance
Sorry because I'm posting without having read them all throughly and given them a close thought, but I see that there are some maneuvers that repeat the effects of Called Shots (disarm, smash shield,...). Are you planning on replacing Called Shots for Maneuvers (so that swords can smash a shield, and axes disarm a foe)? Or are this in addition to CS?
If so, have you thought if a Called Shot should be easier or harder to achieve? So that a CS with an axe to smash a shield should be easier than a maneuver with a sword to do the same, as a way of reflecting that an axe is a better weapon to do that.
There can be some problems sometimes if a hero with a dagger tries to smash an uruk's shield, just because he's in the right Stance and nothing says he can't do that.
Also, depending on what you do with Called Shots (if you replace them from the game), you'll have to think if the adversaries will still be using them as normal. I don't think it would unbalance the game at all if you replaced CS for the players, but kept them for the adversaries.
If so, have you thought if a Called Shot should be easier or harder to achieve? So that a CS with an axe to smash a shield should be easier than a maneuver with a sword to do the same, as a way of reflecting that an axe is a better weapon to do that.
There can be some problems sometimes if a hero with a dagger tries to smash an uruk's shield, just because he's in the right Stance and nothing says he can't do that.
Also, depending on what you do with Called Shots (if you replace them from the game), you'll have to think if the adversaries will still be using them as normal. I don't think it would unbalance the game at all if you replaced CS for the players, but kept them for the adversaries.
Re: New combat maneuvers by stance
Yes, as pointed out in my opening post, the maneuvers replace the called shot rules. In general I will not limit the possible maneuver-by-weapon combinations by rules, but by "common sense" aka "group consent". I see no logic break by axes being able to disarm or swords to go for a piercing attack. The "shield smash by knife" would be rules out by common sense. Distinguishing difficulty by weapon is too complex a rule for myy taste.Falenthal wrote:Sorry because I'm posting without having read them all throughly and given them a close thought, but I see that there are some maneuvers that repeat the effects of Called Shots (disarm, smash shield,...). Are you planning on replacing Called Shots for Maneuvers (so that swords can smash a shield, and axes disarm a foe)? Or are this in addition to CS?
Adversaries will also use these maneuver rules in my game. (So replacing the "great success needed for called shot" logic with my "-2 success dice for called shot" logic).
Best, ThePat
- Posts: 5160
- Joined: Mon Jan 13, 2014 5:20 pm
Re: New combat maneuvers by stance
I'd love to see a few more combat tasks get added, maybe 1 per stance. I think the goals of doing so should be to add "tactical complexity", meaning that it creates more genuine decisions for players, without obvious "right" answers. Also, no new combat task should replicate (or otherwise diminish the value of) existing abilities, virtues, blessings, etc. With that in mind here are some of my comments:
1) Because the Feat die gets rolled twice it might be mathematically advantageous to use this ability. I.e., if you attack one opponent your total roll averages 5.5 + (3.5 * skill). Against two opponents the average roll is ((2 * 5.5) + (3.5 * skill)) / 2.
2) Once you figure out the math, it's never a decision whether or not to use it. "Against any opponents with Parry below X, always use this."
3) I really, really, really don't like the language "sweeping" and "attack all foes with one attack". That sounds very video-gamish to me. I'd much rather fluff it as multiple attacks.
More seriously, trading an attack for a chance of giving more dice to an ally makes it a bad trade, unless for some reason you are unable to actually attack yourself.
I could see this being an interesting trade-off when you're being attacked, but for heroes who are not being attacked (i.e., the fellowship is fighting a single adversary, who is targeting somebody else) then it's not really a decision: you would use this every time. If adversaries have initiative, or a house rule is used where adversaries declare targets after the heroes take their attacks, it would work better. Or, maybe best of all, using the house rule for trolls and other great opponents that they attack whoever just did the most damage to them. That would make this an extremely risky move, and thus very interesting.ThePat wrote: All out attack*
Add extra success die to melee attack, but lose Parry bonus (TN 6 to hit hero)
I'm not opposed to options for increasing the number of attacks per round (while being cognizant of the high cost of doing so with the Spear of the Last Alliance) but a few things here:Sweeping Blow*
If Hero is paired against 2 or more foes, he can attack all foes with one attack
Remove success dice equal to total number of foes (2 or 3); roll one attack with remaining dice
Each enemy is hit if attack result is greater than his TN (6+parry)
1) Because the Feat die gets rolled twice it might be mathematically advantageous to use this ability. I.e., if you attack one opponent your total roll averages 5.5 + (3.5 * skill). Against two opponents the average roll is ((2 * 5.5) + (3.5 * skill)) / 2.
2) Once you figure out the math, it's never a decision whether or not to use it. "Against any opponents with Parry below X, always use this."
3) I really, really, really don't like the language "sweeping" and "attack all foes with one attack". That sounds very video-gamish to me. I'd much rather fluff it as multiple attacks.
An option to lower an adversary's defenses (and/or its attack) is a perennial favorite. Most of them have been designed to assist allies, though; I haven't yet seen one that lasts for 2 rounds, effectively letting the character who does it benefit from it. That's an interesting twist.Distract Opponent
Roll Riddle or Stealth vs. TN 10+Attribute ranking of foe
Success: This enemy loses 2 Parry point (3 on great success, 4 on extraordinary success) for this and next combat round
Same potential math issue as Sweeping Strike, and I think adds unnecessary complexity against one target. You are trading the chance of extra damage for the chance to hit twice, which is largely a wash except for the chance for a second pierce. I guess I'd rather just see a more direct way to either increase chance of pierce and/or increase Injury if you do pierce, that doesn't favor particular weapons.Twin strike*
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; then split remaining success dice between two attacks; roll each attack with Feat die + respective number of success dice; Can be used to attack to enemies or one enemy twice
Mathematically this is sort of "extra defensive stance", at a much higher cost (3.5 attack for 2 parry, instead of 3 for 3, and you also reduce your chances of rolling Tengwars.) My concern with this is that it makes "tanking" too effective against things like trolls. A woodman with a shield, skill of 4, fighting in the woods could have a Parry of 31. Still, maybe a "Turtle" stance could be fun.Defensive Fighting
Reduce a number of success dice from your attack roll; your Parry increases by 2 for each success die
What does "up to 4" mean? What determines how many points?Second wind
Roll Athletics against TN 14; Success: You regain up to 4 Endurance points (5 on great success, 6 or Heart rating on extraordinary success); can be used only once per encounter
Omg a Warlord. Run.Command
Roll Battle vs. TN 10+highest Attribute ranking of foes; Success: Next round on of you companions can spend 1 extra success die on attack actions (2 companions on great success, 3 on extraordinary success) ; no Hero can spend more than 1 of these dice
More seriously, trading an attack for a chance of giving more dice to an ally makes it a bad trade, unless for some reason you are unable to actually attack yourself.
Would this ever be used instead of the existing Prepared Shot?Rearward Stance
Prepare Shot
Roll Awareness vs. TN 10+ Attribute ranking targeted foe; Success: Next round you can spend 1 extra success die (2 on great success, 3 on extraordinary success) on attack actions
As with Command and Prepare Shot, this maths out badly. Unless, possibly, if the only way you can hit is by rolling a Gandalf. But then they become abilities for people with low skill rather than high skill.Evasion
Roll Stealth vs. TN 10+highest Attribute ranking of foes; Success: Next round you can spend 1 extra success die (2 on great success, 3 on extraordinary success) on attack actions; (can also be used during opening volley)
The Munchkin Formerly Known as Elfcrusher
Journey Computer | Combat Simulator | Bestiary | Weapon Calculator
Journey Computer | Combat Simulator | Bestiary | Weapon Calculator
Re: New combat maneuvers by stance
Thanks for your detailed thoughts. Will go through them one by one.Glorelendil wrote:I'd love to see a few more combat tasks get added, maybe 1 per stance. I think the goals of doing so should be to add "tactical complexity", meaning that it creates more genuine decisions for players, without obvious "right" answers. Also, no new combat task should replicate (or otherwise diminish the value of) existing abilities, virtues, blessings, etc. With that in mind here are some of my comments:
I always assign enemies after players have declared their stances (and maneuvers) - sometimes just by randon roll. Did not realize that this is not RAW, but this houserule makes this move risky. Still a good option if you go against a single big foe and have a fellow in devensive stance to cover you.I could see this being an interesting trade-off when you're being attacked, but for heroes who are not being attacked (i.e., the fellowship is fighting a single adversary, who is targeting somebody else) then it's not really a decision: you would use this every time. If adversaries have initiative, or a house rule is used where adversaries declare targets after the heroes take their attacks, it would work better. Or, maybe best of all, using the house rule for trolls and other great opponents that they attack whoever just did the most damage to them. That would make this an extremely risky move, and thus very interesting.ThePat wrote: All out attack*
Add extra success die to melee attack, but lose Parry bonus (TN 6 to hit hero)
Here you have misinterpreted the maneuver. You do NOT roll an extra feat die. How did you come to that conclusion? You sacrifice 2 success dice (reducing your overall hit chance and the chance for extra damage) for the option of attacking multiple foes at once. Heros might use this when facing larger numbers of weaker opponents.I'm not opposed to options for increasing the number of attacks per round (while being cognizant of the high cost of doing so with the Spear of the Last Alliance) but a few things here:Sweeping Blow*
If Hero is paired against 2 or more foes, he can attack all foes with one attack
Remove success dice equal to total number of foes (2 or 3); roll one attack with remaining dice
Each enemy is hit if attack result is greater than his TN (6+parry)
1) Because the Feat die gets rolled twice it might be mathematically advantageous to use this ability. I.e., if you attack one opponent your total roll averages 5.5 + (3.5 * skill). Against two opponents the average roll is ((2 * 5.5) + (3.5 * skill)) / 2.
2) Once you figure out the math, it's never a decision whether or not to use it. "Against any opponents with Parry below X, always use this."
3) I really, really, really don't like the language "sweeping" and "attack all foes with one attack". That sounds very video-gamish to me. I'd much rather fluff it as multiple attacks.
Might end up a bit too powerful, but up to now it works okay.An option to lower an adversary's defenses (and/or its attack) is a perennial favorite. Most of them have been designed to assist allies, though; I haven't yet seen one that lasts for 2 rounds, effectively letting the character who does it benefit from it. That's an interesting twist.Distract Opponent
Roll Riddle or Stealth vs. TN 10+Attribute ranking of foe
Success: This enemy loses 2 Parry point (3 on great success, 4 on extraordinary success) for this and next combat round
Math is different from sweeping blow (see above). Might drop the option of attacking the same enemy twice. So it remains an option to attack 2 enemies at once, but with reduced chances to hit and to do extra damage.Same potential math issue as Sweeping Strike, and I think adds unnecessary complexity against one target. You are trading the chance of extra damage for the chance to hit twice, which is largely a wash except for the chance for a second pierce. I guess I'd rather just see a more direct way to either increase chance of pierce and/or increase Injury if you do pierce, that doesn't favor particular weapons.Twin strike*
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; then split remaining success dice between two attacks; roll each attack with Feat die + respective number of success dice; Can be used to attack to enemies or one enemy twice
The fact that it indeed is an "extra defensive stance" is why I make it more "expensive" than the ususal 3:3 ration.Mathematically this is sort of "extra defensive stance", at a much higher cost (3.5 attack for 2 parry, instead of 3 for 3, and you also reduce your chances of rolling Tengwars.) My concern with this is that it makes "tanking" too effective against things like trolls. A woodman with a shield, skill of 4, fighting in the woods could have a Parry of 31. Still, maybe a "Turtle" stance could be fun.Defensive Fighting
Reduce a number of success dice from your attack roll; your Parry increases by 2 for each success die
You can oly recover the endurance lost in this combat - so if you only lost 2 points (but have been suffering from endurance loss before going into this combat), you only regain these 2. That's why it is "up to 4".What does "up to 4" mean? What determines how many points?Second wind
Roll Athletics against TN 14; Success: You regain up to 4 Endurance points (5 on great success, 6 or Heart rating on extraordinary success); can be used only once per encounter
My players like this maneuver, but I agree that it is too weak. Might increse the effect by 2 dice on each stage and allow each player to use up to 2 of these dice.Omg a Warlord. Run.Command
Roll Battle vs. TN 10+highest Attribute ranking of foes; Success: Next round on of you companions can spend 1 extra success die on attack actions (2 companions on great success, 3 on extraordinary success) ; no Hero can spend more than 1 of these dice
More seriously, trading an attack for a chance of giving more dice to an ally makes it a bad trade, unless for some reason you are unable to actually attack yourself.
As stated in thes original post this replaces the called shot rules from RAW. Reason: Unified logic across all maneuvers. Again might increase the extra dice by 1 or 2 in order to make this more attractive.Would this ever be used instead of the existing Prepared Shot?Rearward Stance
Prepare Shot
Roll Awareness vs. TN 10+ Attribute ranking targeted foe; Success: Next round you can spend 1 extra success die (2 on great success, 3 on extraordinary success) on attack actions
[/quote]As with Command and Prepare Shot, this maths out badly. Unless, possibly, if the only way you can hit is by rolling a Gandalf. But then they become abilities for people with low skill rather than high skill.Evasion
Roll Stealth vs. TN 10+highest Attribute ranking of foes; Success: Next round you can spend 1 extra success die (2 on great success, 3 on extraordinary success) on attack actions; (can also be used during opening volley)
Again I agree that I might want to increase the number of bonus dice. My players up to now mostly use this during the opening volley phase instead of making a ranged attack (at least for heros with low ranged combat skill).
Again thanks for the feedback (also to the other replies) - I will see how to improve the attractiveness of some maneuvers as stated above.
- Posts: 5160
- Joined: Mon Jan 13, 2014 5:20 pm
Re: New combat maneuvers by stance
Ah, I did misread the sweeping blow. Now I understand. (My aesthetic objection remains, that "sweeping blow" is too cinematic for my tastes, at least in this genre, but that's 100% personal preference.)
I also didn't think of doing the Warlord maneuver during opening volleys. Yes, that does make sense.
I also didn't think of doing the Warlord maneuver during opening volleys. Yes, that does make sense.
The Munchkin Formerly Known as Elfcrusher
Journey Computer | Combat Simulator | Bestiary | Weapon Calculator
Journey Computer | Combat Simulator | Bestiary | Weapon Calculator
- Robin Smallburrow
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- Location: Melbourne, Australia
Re: New combat maneuvers by stance
Did you use or tweak any of the previous fan suggestions on Combat Maneuvers? See my Fan Supplement for several - I have not got around to doing a 'comprehensive list' of these - maybe you can?
Robin S.
Did you use or tweak any of the previous fan suggestions on Combat Maneuvers? See my Fan Supplement for several - I have not got around to doing a 'comprehensive list' of these - maybe you can?
Robin S.
To access all my links for my TOR Resources - please click on this link >>
Re: New combat maneuvers by stance
Hi Robin,Robin Smallburrow wrote:ThePat,
Did you use or tweak any of the previous fan suggestions on Combat Maneuvers? See my Fan Supplement for several - I have not got around to doing a 'comprehensive list' of these - maybe you can?
Robin S.
I looked add various suggestions, but died not find a comprehensive list. I chose to do the list myself, so I can ensure that all maneuvers follow the same logic and do not seem like "good individual ideas cobbled together"

PS: Looked at you Fan Supplement - great work and good source for inspiration
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