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Re: Virtues for Callings

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:47 am
by Robin Smallburrow
I like the Many Friends idea as well - may I suggest that it modifies the Tolerance of an Encounter, either by +1 or -1??

Below are some more Calling Virtues from my Fan Supplement:

Warden: Champion
You are one of the chief protectors and warriors of your people, charged with defending your lands and brethren against the attacks of enemies. When you fight to protect your people or lands you receive a +1 to the total of all attacks and +1 to parry


Adamant Resolve
When making a Corruption or Valour test, add your Awe skill rank

Master Negotiator
Once per game session can reroll the Feat die for a social skill (Courtesy, Persuade etc.) and choose the better result.

Magnanimous Requisite: Master Negotiator
At the beginning of an Encounter you can make a Persuade test to endear yourself to the other party to improve their reactions to you. The TN depends on the other side's initial reaction: TN 12 (Co-operative), TN 14 (Indifferent), TN 16 (Unco-operative), TN 18 (Hostile).

Robin S.

Re: Virtues for Callings

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 3:54 pm
by Glorelendil
Another idea for Slayer calling could be a bonus that varies with your chosen Enemy Lore. Something like:
Trolls: increase your Injury rating by X versus Trolls
Orcs: When you kill an orc with a Wound, get a bonus attack against another
Dragons: Advantage on Fear rolls
Spiders: Spend a point of Hope to avoid the effects of spider poison or webs
Wolves: Wolves engaged with you reduce their weapon skills by one.

Those are the first ideas I had and could all be improved, but what do you think of the general concept?

Re: Virtues for Callings

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 7:18 pm
by Blubbo Baggins
Great idea!

Re: Virtues for Callings

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 11:51 pm
by Majestic
Very creative, Glorelendil. I like them!

Re: Virtues for Callings

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:59 pm
by Glorelendil
I continue to tweak these, and I think I have a list I like. I decided to avoid any virtues that increase damage in combat. Unattributed thanks to the good input I've received so far.

Does "Stalwart Presence" replicate a mechanic elsewhere? Rangers can do it for Fatigue tests; does it exist for Corruption checks? There's something lurking on the edge of my memory and I can't recall what it is.

Ferocious (Slayer)
The fury of your attacks can strike fear into the hearts of your enemies. When you immediately follow a Great or Extraordinary success on an attack roll with an Intimidate Foe combat task on the following turn, roll extra Success Dice on the Intimidate Foe. Roll one extra die if you got a Great Success on your attack, and two extra dice for an Extraordinary Success. (Six maximum.)

Many Friends (Wanderer)
In your travels you have met many strange and curious folk. When encountering Free Folk while on a Journey, you may make a Riddle or Courtesy test. On a Success you recognize a name and recall something you've heard about the strangers, or vice versa. On a Great Success you also have a mutual acquaintance. And on an Extraordinary Success you've actually met. If any Success is made with an Eye of Sauron the knowledge or acquaintance is negative.

If engaged in a formal Encounter, Tolerance is increased by the number of successes. If an Eye of Sauron was rolled, Tolerance is instead reduced by the same number.

Linguist (Scholar)
You have a keen interest in languages and ancient scripts. Learn one additional language of your choice (subject to LM’s approval). In addition, whenever making a Lore test involving languages, writing (magical or otherwise), or runes, you may roll the Feat die twice and take the better result.

Expert Appraiser (Treasure-hunter)
Prior to making any Magical Treasure rolls (according to the optional rules in the Rivendell supplement) you make make a preliminary Lore or Craft test. Each success lets you re-roll one die, either Feat or Success, on the treasure rolls. Any single die can only be re-rolled once.

Stalwart Presence (Warden)
When making a Corruption test due to a Blighted Area, on a Great Success you may let a companion pass their test, and on an Extraordinary Success you may do so for two companions.

Re: Virtues for Callings

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:08 pm
by zedturtle
Glorelendil wrote:Many Friends (Wanderer)
In your travels you have met many strange and curious folk. When encountering Free Folk while on a Journey, you may make a Riddle or Courtesy test. On a Success you recognize a name and recall something you've heard about the strangers, or vice versa. On a Great Success you also have a mutual acquaintance. And on an Extraordinary Success you've actually me. If any Success is made with an Eye of Sauron the knowledge or acquaintance is negative.
I think you've got a typo there. Plus, if I'm actually you then I'm sorry, but you're going to be late to work today.
Stalwart Presence (Warden)
When making a Corruption test due to a Blighted Area, on a Great Success you may let a companion pass their test, and on an Extraordinary Success you may do so for two companions.
Hmmm. Something comes to mind, but I'm not sure...

Re: Virtues for Callings

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:04 pm
by Glorelendil
Fixed. Thanks.

By the way, I don't like any of the names I've chosen for these. Suggestions welcome.

Also needed are good quotes from the source texts.

Re: Virtues for Callings

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:19 pm
by Elmoth
- Savage
- Acquaintances (even if I like Many friends myself)
- Linguist is fine.
- Expert Eye
- Beacon of Hope

Re: Virtues for Callings

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:12 pm
by Glorelendil
Elmoth wrote:- Beacon of Hope