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A TOR Guide to Western Eriador, the Blue Mountains, and Lindon

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 6:55 am
by Otaku-sempai
A TOR Guide to Western Eriador, the Blue Mountains, and the Lands of Lindon

“At its greatest Arnor included all of Eriador, except the regions beyond the Lune, and the lands east of Greyflood and Loudwater, in which lay Rivendell and Hollin.  Beyond the Lune was
Elvish country, green and quiet, where no Men went; but Dwarves dwelt, and still dwell, in the east side of the Blue Mountains, especially in those parts south of the Gulf of Lune…”

The purpose of this guide is to describe the lands and peoples of western Eriador, the Blue Mountains (Ered Luin in Sindarin) and Lindon, including the regions of: the Hills of Evendim; West Lune (called East Lune in the resource Journeys & Maps); the Tower Hills; the Grey Havens; the Gulf of Lune; the Blue Mountains; Forlindon; and, Harlindon. The Shire has been covered in a separate treatise. Eastern Eriador is addressed in the Rivendell sourcebook, while Bree and Bree-land are covered in the sourcebook Bree

Western Eriador was split between the western halves of the North-kingdoms of Arthedain and Cardolan (formerly the westernmost region of Arnor) and the Elvish lands bordered by the Blue Mountains to the west and the north-south course of the River Lhûn to the east.  Since the fall of the North-kingdoms much of Eriador has reverted to wild lands, from the flat, open plains north of the Hills of Evendim to the rock-strewn hill-country found south of the Great East Road.   Bordering the north of Western Eriador is the Ice Bay of Forochel; south of the River Greyflood is the land of Enedwaith.  Lindon, on the seaward side of the Blue Mountains, is divided by the Gulf of Lune into Forlindon in the north and Harlindon to the south.

Western Eriador

The Hills of Evendim

The Hills of Evendim, called Emyn Uial in Sindarin and also the Twilight Hills, was the site of Annúminas, the original capital of Arnor. The city was constructed next to the brilliant blue waters of Nenuial (Lake Evendim), several miles south of where the Baranduin (Brandywine River) begins its journey to the Sea. Annúminas fell into decline sometime after T.A. 250; in the year 861 Arnor was divided into the smaller kingdoms of Arthedain, Cardolan and Rhudaur, and the capital of what was now Arthedain was moved to Fornost. The Hills themselves form a ridge that stretches from the northern borders of the Shire northward for over one hundred fifty miles.

Streaming out of the Hills of Evendim, the Siruial ('Twilight River') flows south and west to empty into the River Lhûn.  East of the Siruial vine-covered ruins of ancient stone mansions haunt the otherwise beautiful landscape; ghosts of the the Dúnedain realm of Arnor when the Men of the West ruled these lands. But none dwell here now and few visit--other than Rangers of the North who come to gaze on the lands of their ancestors and then move on.  Numerous smaller streams and rivulets hamper the progress of any would-be travelers.

Goats and sheep roam the hills; deer shelter in the woods and groves ringing Nenuial, its lake-waters teeming with bass, pike and silvery trout. Lynx, foxes and wolves prowl the hills and woods for their dinner. Kestrels ride the winds by day while owls hunt under the stars. Songbirds can be heard throughout the hills, many of them descended from former pets of Dúnedain ladies. Feral cats, also descended from former pets, hunt on the slopes and among the rocks for rabbits, squirrels, mice and other small creatures.  The plains to the north and east are home to herds of elk, wild horses, kine and oxen as well as packs of wolves and wild dogs.

The most adventurous of Hobbits might conceivably dare the hike to Nenuial and might even try their luck at a bit of  fishing.  But there is no record of any such visits. To dare the lake would also mean challenging the ghosts and spectres that doubtless haunt the ivy-covered ruins and mausoleums that can still be found among the hills.

Men have not lived in this country since the division of Arnor when the capital was moved to Fornost. Hunters and trappers occasionally try their luck while treasure-hunters might root through the ruins of ancient estates.  The Rangers of the North still come to look upon the courts of their ancestors; it is rumoured that they maintain hidden refuges and caches of equipment and supplies in the hills.  In truth, the Dúnedain have striven to keep the ruins of Annúminas free of such perils as Barrow-wights and other servants of evil.   However, there are dangers that even the Dúnedain have overlooked.  Barrow-wights inhabit a handful of isolated tombs on the former grounds of secluded manors that once belonged to wealthy Númenóreans lords, while the spirits of departed Dúnedain lords and ladies roam their crumbling former halls mourning for what they have lost.


Aegathir the Fell Wraith
This former Captain of Arnor cannot recall the name he was born with; the only one he answers to now is Aegathir (Fell Spy). It is the name given to him by his dark master after long torment and torture with a Morgul-knife. Aegathir became a Fell Wraith under the control of the Witch-king and served him in Angmar for many years. Now the Wraith has been given a mission: to search the ruins of Annúminas for relics of the fallen North-kingdoms that might have been left behind and lost in the sack of Arthedain. The Enemy believes that one of the palantíri--the Seeing-stones--might still be somewhere in the ruin of Arnor's former capital. If not then there may still be artefacts of value to the Dark Lord of Mordor.

See the entry for Fell Wraiths in Rivendell.


The ancient capital of Arnor fell into ruin centuries ago, but there is still much haunting beauty in its tumbled white stones covered with mosses and ivy. There may still be undisturbed chambers buried deep beneath the rubble where Dúnedain artefacts wait to be discovered. The city remained in decline and abandoned for many years before the court was formally moved to Fornost. One of the palantíri, the Seeing-stones brought to Middle-earth from fallen Númenor, was kept at Annúminas. When the forces of Angmar overcame Arthedain, the stone was moved to Fornost. When Arthedain fell at last, King Arvedui took both the Annúminas-stone and the palantír of Amon Sûl and fled with them to Forochel where he and the stones were lost. Many objects of value might have been lost to theft, simple neglect or poor record-keeping.
New Fellowship Phase Undertaking: Visit Annúminas
(Rangers of the North only)

A Ranger of the North who spends a Fellowship phase to visit Annúminas on the shore of Lake Nenuial will find a degree of peace, allowing him to heal one point of permanent Shadow.
Lake Evendim is one of the most beautiful sites (and sights) in Middle-earth. Sheltered by the surrounding hills, its deep, blue waters are as a mirror, and at night the moon and stars are reflected in it. There are few sights more stirring to the Dúnedain of the North.

West Lune

"Beyond the Lune was Elvish country, green and quiet, where no Men went…”

From the icy tundra of Forochel in the north, down to the gentle waters of the Gulf of Lune, the River Lhûn winds its way through over three hundred miles of sparse woods and hills. The river is the principle source for water for all of the lands between the Hills of Evendim and the Northern Blue Mountains, for little rain falls east of those peaks.

The Lhûn (or Lune, to Hobbits and common Men) has two sources, both in the Northern Blue Mountains.  The greater Lhûn has its start in the north-most ridge of the Blue Mountains that extends northwest from the ruin of Mount Rerir to the Ice Bay of Forochel. The Lesser Lhûn (or Little Lune) rushes out of the foothills some one hundred eighty miles from the gulf, flowing east for one hundred miles to join with the Lhûn proper. Beyond the river's mouth is the harbor of the High Elves that is known as the Grey Havens.

The Blue Mountains mark the western border of Eriador, so the history of West Lune is essentially the history of Eriador (as related in the supplement Rivendell).

The Greater Lhûn emerges from the rocky foothills of the Blue Mountains, flowing south for thirty miles before making a sharp turn to the east for another twenty miles before gradually returning to its southern course. A triangular area of land that covers about thirty square miles east and north of the river is counted as part of West Eriador; this area, dominated by marshes and treacherous bogs, is known as the Bend.  The Greater Lhûn separates the northern portion of West Lune from the Lone-lands between the Ice Bay of Forochel and the Hills of Evendim.   The Lesser Lhûn divides West Lune in half before merging with the greater river;  most of the territory through which the river travels consists of grassy plains to the west and the sparsely wooded wasteland of West Lune itself.

West Lune sees seasonal flooding in the spring when the snows melt in the Blue Mountains; however, the flooding is rarely severe and the few Mannish inhabitants of the region take them in stride. The heaviest flood seen in centuries followed the Long Winter of T.A. 2758-59, but that was by far the exception to the rule. The mountain streams and gullies are subject to flash floods from either the spring thaw or the runoff brought by heavy rains on the west side of the range.

The Land Between the Rivers
The head of the Greater Lhûn is fed by fast, cold mountain streams and rivulets about seventy miles from where the Northern Blue Mountains terminate at the Ice Bay of Forochel. North of the Lhûn, Forochel is rocky tundra for most of the year; transforming into bogs and shallow lakes over permafrost during the brief summer.  South of the river the terrain is dominated by low hills;  one can find hardy grasses dotted with wildflowers, thickets of bushes and shrubs. The region is nearly treeless until one reaches the foothills of the Blue Mountains, where scrubby firs and pines cling to cracks in the rocks. However, the landscape becomes gentler and more pleasant as the river winds its way south to where it converges with the Lesser Lhûn. Stands of trees begin to line the banks of the greater river and wildlife becomes more plentiful. There are no easy passages through the mountains until one travels south of the Bend, where the range turns straight south. About sixty miles south of the Bend, with the head of the Greater Lhûn perhaps another thirty miles beyond that, lies the Cirith Forod (North Pass) that provides access to both Upper and Lower Forlindon.

The Lesser Lhûn emerges from within the mountains themselves, rushing through a slick, narrow gully. The course of the river turns gently to the north for several miles before resuming a more easterly flow to merge with the Greater Lhûn to continue south towards the Gulf. The lands are less harsh though still rough country, transitioning into scrubland, low hills covered with coarse heather, and riverbanks lined with modest groves of fruit trees and willow.

South of the Lesser Lhûn
A pair of passes through the mountains lie south of the Lesser Lhûn. About twenty-five miles south of the river lies Cirith Belegost (Mickleburg Pass), which was formed when the earth above the Dwarven city of Belegost subsided some time after S.A. 40. Another twenty miles south of that is Nan Nogrod (Hollowbold Vale) which is screened at the western end by thick forest. The eastern entrance to the pass was originally the site of the East Gate of the Dwarf-city of Nogrod. The western ends of the two passes lie to the north and south, respectively of Mount Dolmed, a site held sacred to the Dwarves of the Blue Mountains as the location where their founding fathers first awoke in Middle-earth.

The west vales, since the fall of Arthedain have become frontier lands where there is no rule of law. However, trouble-makers should beware; when called upon, those folk who live here enforce their own brand of justice. Thieves and other malefactors, if caught, are likely to receive any punishment from being sent off with a beating to lynching or worse. Trials are rare and there is no nobility or king's justice to which to appeal.

A Lonely Land
The region of West Lune was never heavily populated. Elves dwelt there until the fall of Arthedain from the forces of the Witch-king, at which time they retreated into Lindon. Dwarves still live and strive in the Blue Mountains, but mostly in the southern range on the other side of the Gulf of Lune. Today one can only expect to find a few small Mannish hamlets along the banks of the river and scattered, isolated farmsteads and freeholds. There are no true inns or sizable settlements and no good roads. One can travel for days without encountering another human being.

Mostly, these are not particularly dangerous lands. The most common hazards are those found in nature: Boggy marshes; rockfalls in the mountains; fast-moving rivers and streams. Several varieties of dangerous animals inhabit the region: mostly bears, wolves and spotted lions;  but there are no Orcs or true Wargs, the only Trolls to be encountered are Snow-trolls in the northernmost portion of the Blue Mountains. Rumors of Giants persist but they remain unsubstantiated. The Lossoth (Snowmen) of Forochel speak of a spirit or beast that haunts the northernmost reaches of the Blue Mountains; however, if it exists then West Lune seems to be outside of its territory.

West Lune is teeming with life. Besides the native creatures, many beasts that from farms that were ruined with the fall of Arthedain returned to the wild and prospered. The mountains are full of wild goats and sheep. Pigs and donkeys roam the foothills.  Foxes and weasels compete with feral cats for northern hares, frogs and other small creatures.  Beavers and otters inhabit the rivers and  larger streams.  The Lhûn and Lesser Lhûn are home to trout and salmon -- favoured prey for the brown bears that inhabit the region. Cattle and oxen graze on the grasslands guarding their calves from wild dogs and wolves. During unusually harsh winters, packs of White Wolves have been known to invade West Lune from Forochel. White Wolves are large, powerful canines with thick, white coats and large, well-furred feet (treat them as Wild Wolves from the Loremaster's Guide). In recent years, one pack led by a White Wolf/Warg hybrid called Carchelek, has claimed the lands north of the Lesser Lune for their territory.

Birds can be found in profusion in the West Lower Vales. Eagles are common in the mountains, sharing the skies with hawks, falcons and other birds of prey.  Wild chickens compete for food with native grouse and pheasant. Thrushes, nightingales, larks and other songbirds nest in the rocks as well as in the trees that line the Lhûn. Owls hunt by night, taking their toll on rabbits, small rodents, lizards, snakes and amphibians. Long-legged herons and storks wade in the Lhûn. The river and surrounding wetlands support many other waterfowl from ducks, loons and geese to majestic swans. Smaller birds catch swarms of biting and stinging insects that infest the summer bogs, as do common bats that emerge in the evenings from caves, dead trees and even ancient ruins.

Elves dwelled west of the River Lhûn until the destruction of Arthedain by the kingdom of Angmar.  At that time, the Elves retreated to the Grey Havens and Lindon, west of the Blue Mountains.

The Men who dwell in the West Lune are typical Eriadorians, a mixture of Northmen, Dúnedain and Dunlendings, some of whom have taken Lossoth brides. They live in isolated farmsteads and freeholds or in small clusters of homes scattered along the River Lhûn and Lesser Lhûn. One such hamlet is Anthorp on the west bank of the Lhûn above the confluence of the larger river and its tributary the Siruial ('Twilight River') that has its source in the Hills of Evendim. Anthorp is little more than a trading post and a handful of wooden homes and outbuildings, but it is the nearest thing to civilization to be found between the Tower Hills and Forochel.
New Weapon: Sling
Slings have largely fallen out of favour since the coming of the Númenóreans; however, there are still Men of Eriador who use them for hunting and self-defense.  Slingers in Eriador will likely be using sling-stones rather than lead or iron bullets.  In addition, virtually anything that can be thrown by hand can be placed in a sling and flung with greater force and  distance.

Damage: 3
Edge: 10
Injury: 12
Called Shot: Piercing blow regardless of the outcome of the Feat die.
Notes: Ranged weapon (as Bow). Encumbrance rating is 0.

The Lossoth are a wandering people with few permanent settlements, following the great herds of caribou and elk across the tundra of the Northern Waste. However, several clans have establishes small communities around the Ice Bay of Forochel, sustaining themselves by fishing and hunting the marine mammals of the northern waters and by carrying out trade with other clans. Totóru belongs to one such village. Most of his folk believe that a dreadful spirit haunts the mountains near the Bay that will fall on trespassers to slay them or drive them mad. Totóru does not fear ghosts and he also has a taste for the herd beasts that frequent the region. He and his sons may be encountered in the Bend hunting for game. Totóru speaks some Westron and, if one can gain his trust, might make an excellent guide.

Attribute Level: 4
Specialities: Fishing, Hunting
Distinctive Features: Adventurous, Wary
Relevant Skills: Explore ♦♦, Travel ♦♦♦♦, Hunting ♦♦♦, Spear ♦♦♦

Carchelek (Ice-fang) is the result of a mating between a Warg and a White Wolf. He resembles a huge White Wolf, but his fur is coarser and light grey instead of white. Consider him the equivalent of a Wolf Leader, substituting the Deadly Elusiveness special ability in place of Strike Fear. Carchelek leads a large wolf pack (if encountered, assume at least two White Wolves for each companion plus Carchelek). He considers all of the land between the Greater and Lesser Lhûn to be his territory, but he is not beyond leading his pack south of the Little Lune in search of mischief and murder. He is a thoroughly evil beast.

Attribute Level: 5
Endurance: 16
Hate: 3
Parry: 6
Armour: 3d
Skills: Personality 2, Survival 3, Movement 3, Custom 1, Perception 2, Vocation 2
Weapon Skills: Bite 3, Rend 1
Special Abilities: Deadly Elusiveness; Fear of Fire; Savage Assault.

  • Weapon Type: Bite; Damage: Attrib. lvl; Edge: 10; Injury: 14; Called Shot: Pierce;
    Notes: Wolves possess powerful jaws filled with sharp fangs.
  • Weapon Type: Rend; Damage: Attrib. lvl; Edge: Eye; Injury: 14; Called Shot: None;
    Notes: When an enemy is most vulnerable, Wolves rend its body using their hideous claws.

The region of Minhiriath is bordered by the River Baranduin (called the Brandywine by the Hobbits of the Shire) to the north, the Greyflood to the south, the Old South Road to the east, and the Sea to the west. The land was never heavily populated. Before the coming of the Dúnedain it was covered in woodland--part of the great forest that once stretched from Fangorn to the Blue Mountains. The earliest inhabitants were related to the ancestors of the Númenóreans but spoke a different language, possibly similar to the tongue used by the Druadain (the primitive Men called Woses by the Rohirrim). The loss of the forests brought about by the arrival of the Númenóreans during the Second Age drove the earlier Men either into Eryn Vorn--the wooded cape located at the mouth of the Baranduin--or north to Bree-land. When the Dúnadan kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor were founded in S.A. 3320, Minhiriath became part of the North-kingdom.

When Arnor was divided in TA 861 following the death of King Eärendur, Minhiriath made up much of the kingdom of Cardolan only to be claimed by Arthedain after Cardolan fell in the year 1409. Cardolan's capital Aracáras ('Royal City') was on the east bank of the Baranduin located between the Barrow-downs and Sarn Ford. Little can be seen of the ruins any longer; much of the stone has been taken away by either Bree-landers or the Hobbits of Buckland. Minhiriath remained under Arthedain's control until Angmar brought down the kingdom in 1974 with the capture of Fornost. The Great Plague swept through the region in 1637, decimating the population. Men abandoned Minhiriath completely when the floods of 2912 washed away the bridge at Tharbad and devastated most of the land.

The fens of Minhiriath teem with birds and animal life. Swans and wading birds ply the rivers fishing and building their nests. Otters and beaver can also be found along the rivers. Bats and smaller birds hunt insects on-the-wing. The hills host hares, foxes and other creatures.

Other than the foresters of Eryn Vorn, who seldom (if ever) leave the depths of their wood, no one dwells in Minhiriath today. Neither Bree-landers nor Shire-hobbits have any cause to come this far south unless it is to use the Greenway. The Wild Men of Enedwaith might cross the Greyflood to fish or hunt for game. Bands of Dunlendings also sometimes enter the region to hunt--or waylay travelers using the Greenway. Wandering Companies of Elves have been rumoured to be seen entering or leaving Eryn Vorn; but even Rangers find few reasons to enter Minhiriath other than their guardianship of the Shire or to cross the Greyflood at Tharbad.


Kyna is a young huntress and fisherwoman of Enedwaith who is quite familiar with the fens west of Tharbad. Although curious about travelers, she is also cautious of potential threats posed both by strangers and by the land itself. For more about Kyna, see the Rivendell sourcebook.

The Spectre of the Brandywine
To the south of Sarn Ford the spirit of a Cardolan soldier haunts a stretch of the east bank of the Baranduin. His family possessed a farmhold several miles downriver from the ford. When Angmar brought war to Cardolan in the year 1409 an Enemy force swept in from the South and the kin of the soldier were wiped out before they could seek the safety of the Old Forest or attempt to cross the river at Sarn Ford and look for refuge in Arthedain. Now, after the sun has set and when the moon is high, the Spectre roams along the riverbank between the site of his farm and the Ford keening for his lost wife and children. The ghost does not seek to harm anyone but if attacked it will respond in kind, seeing its attackers as servants of Angmar.

The Spectre of the Brandywine:
Attribute Level: 4
Endurance: 28
Hate: 6
Parry: 5
Armour: 2d
Personality, 3 Survival, 1
Movement, 4 Custom, 1
Perception, 3 Vocation, 2
Weapon Skills:
None (incorporeal)
Special Abilities: Ghost-form; Strike Fear; Dreadful Spells*; Visions of Torment.

* Grieve: A hero who fails a Corruption check (TN 16) due to Dreadful Spells experiences a harrowing sorrow, causing him to gain an additional number of Shadow points equal to the creature’s Attribute level. If the check failed producing an ‘Eye’, then the companion is also Wounded, as an old injury reopens as if inflicted at that very moment.


Eryn Vorn
The forest of Eryn Vorn covers the cape located south of the estuary of the River Baranduin. Like the Old Forest that borders the Barrow-downs near Bree, the wood is a remnant of the great forest that once covered much of Eriador. Now it is home to the descendants of the native Men of Minhiriath, now a secretive hunter-folk who dwell deep in the forest. Though these Men were originally afraid to cross the Baranduin out of fear of the Elves of Harlindon, it is rumoured that the Elves have, over time, befriended the foresters. The Rangers might know something of this.

Lond Daer
At the head of the estuary of the Greyflood, about 40 miles from the Sea, lay the deserted ruins of the ancient harbor of Lond Daer. The site, on the Enedwaith side of the river, dates back to the Second Age when it was founded by the great mariner Aldarion, later known as Tar-Aldarion, the sixth King of Númenor. Originally named Vinyalondë ('New Haven'), the harbor came to be known as Lond Daer Enedh ('Great Middle Haven'), often shortened to Lond Daer.

The deforestation of Minhiriath and Enedwaith by the Númenóreans resulted in attacks by the native Mannish population, requiring the harbor to be rebuilt several times. The remaining forests of the region (with the exception of Eryn Vorn) were burned in the Second Age by the armies of Sauron during the War of the Elves and Sauron. With a lack of lumber for ship-building, Lond Daer fell into disuse and then into ruin. The ruins were largely submerged in the floods of TA 2912 that also devastated Tharbad. The Wild Men of Enedwaith avoid Lond Daer, claiming that evil things haunt the ruins.

Travelers seldom use the Old South Road any more. However, if they need to cross the Greyflood, they still ford the river at Tharbad, though the crossing can be dangerous when the river is high. Tharbad is further discussed in Rivendell.

A TOR Guide to Western Eriador, the Blue Mountains, and Lindon

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 11:41 pm
by Otaku-sempai
The Blue Mountains

“...Dwarves dwelt, and still dwell, in the east side of the Blue Mountains, especially in those parts south of the Gulf of Lune, where they have mines that are still in use.”

The Blue Mountains (or Ered Luin) were originally a single mountain chain, many hundreds of miles long, that acted as the boundary separating the westlands of Beleriand and Lindon from Eriador and the rest of Middle-earth.  Dwarves settled in the eastern side of the mountains, mining and building their mansions and halls throughout the range.  The two greatest cities of the Naugrim of the Ered Luin were Belegost and Nogrod, both located near Mount Dolmed in the north.

The Blue Mountains were broken into two ranges, separated by the newly-formed Gulf of Lune, when the Host of Valinor brought down Thangorodrim and defeated the Dark Enemy Morgoth.  Nogrod and Belegost were flooded and many of the surviving Dwarves migrated west to the Misty Mountains to resettle in Khazad-dûm.  Dwarves still dwell in the Blue Mountains, mostly in the southern range where they still maintain working mines and buy, sell and trade with the other local peoples--Hobbits, Men and Elves.

Northern Blue Mountains

Herds of caribou, elk and moose roam the frozen North where the Blue Mountains terminate at the Ice Bay of Forochel. The herds are stalked by packs of wolves and huge, white, arctic bears. When larger game is scarce the wolves survive on mice and voles or haunt the foothills of the Blue Mountains seeking sheep and mountain goats. Seals, walruses and even whales swim in the icy waters of the Bay.

The mountains are home to huge, maneless lions that the Elves call Tundorávi (hill-lions). These great cats stand four feet at the shoulder and can measure seven feet from nose to hindquarters without including the tail. They lair in the higher elevations and come down into the foothills to hunt goats and mountain sheep. These lions were once common in Eriador until they were hunted to near extinction for their pelts by the Men of Arnor. An ancient and powerful terror lairs in the mountains near the Ice Bay of Forochel and hunts in the adjacent Lone-lands: Aguta, a Cold-drake from the First Age that the Lossoth take for a horrible spirit.

Two of the Seven Houses of the Dwarves are native to the Blue Mountains. These were the founders of the ancient cities of Nogrod and Belegost, both of which fell into ruin early in the Second Age after the Blue Mountains were broken as a result of the Great Battle that brought about the fall of Morgoth. The Dwarves tried to rebuild their ancient homes, but the damage was too extensive and the rock of the mountains was too unstable.    A small number of Dwarves, largely from Nogrod, remained in the northern Blue Mountains and established a new city where an underground stream issued from the rocks as the source of the Lesser Lhûn; this colony became known as the Halls of the Dwarves (Naugroth in Sindarin; Khazad-gundu in Khuzdul) and is the oldest remaining Dwarven city in the northern range.   The remainder of the survivors migrated east to the great city and mine of Khazad-dûm (Moria).  Moria fell in its turn in the Third Age when the Dwarves awakened an ancient terror that slew two of their Kings and drove them out.   Some of the Naugrim returned to the Blue Mountains to establish new homes and delve new mines, mostly in the southern range, and they prospered in their way.

In T.A. 2802 the Dwarves of the Blue Mountains were joined by a number of Durin's Folk: Thráin II of Erebor, his son Thorin Oakenshield and their followers, who had first been displaced by the dragon Smaug and then decimated in the War of of the Dwarves and Orcs. Thráin established a settlement on the east side of the Northern Blue Mountains some seventy-five miles from the Grey Havens. In 2841 Thráin resolved to return to Erebor, taking several companions with him. The Dwarf-lord went missing several years later, captured by Sauron and taken to Dol Guldur to be tortured. His halls in the Blue Mountain became known as the Halls of Thorin. Thorin Oakenshield successfully reclaimed Erebor in 2941, but was mortally wounded in the Battle of Five Armies and died before his folk could return. His cousin Dáin Ironfoot assumed the throne and became King under the Mountain. The remaining Dwarves of Erebor departed from the Blue Mountains the following spring and returned to the Lonely Mountain to be joined by many of Dáin's folk from the Iron Hills. The Halls of Thorin serves now primarily as an embassy for the Dwarves of Erebor when their representatives visit the Blue Mountains.

See entry for Dwarves of the Blue Mountains in The Adventurer’s Companion.


Aguta the Cold-drake
Old Aguta is a survivor of the Great Battle who fled into the Northern Waste and afterwards settled on the western side of the Blue Mountains just north of Forlindon. Her senses led her to an ancient treasure chamber built by the High Elves of the West that she took as her lair. Aguta spends much of her time sleeping; she awakes once in a century or so to leave her hoard and eat her fill of any beasts or Men she can find and search, with little success, for more treasure. Her power is diminished but she is still a formidable foe. Aguta's range does not extend beyond the Northern Pass, fifty miles to the south; the power of the land long inhabited by the High Elves repulses her. The Lossoth believe the Cold-drake to be a vengeful spirit and named her. Aguta in their tongue means 'Gatherer of the Dead'.

Attribute Level: 11
Endurance: 105
Hate: 12
Parry: 12
Armour: 6d/1d*
Skills: Personality 6, Survival 3, Movement 5, Custom 5, Perception 6, Vocation 4
Weapon Skills: Bite 5, Rend 3, Tail-lash 2, Crush: 2
Special Abilities: Great Size, Fell Speed, Savage Assault, Foul Reek, Horrible Strength, Dreadful Spells**, Thing of Terror, *Weak Spot, Poison Blast

  • Bite: Damage 11; Edge 8; Injury 20
  • Rend: Damage 8; Edge 9; Injury 22; Called Shot = Piercing
  • Tail-lash: Damage 22; Edge Eye; Injury 20; Called Shot = Knockdown
  • Crush: Damage 22; Edge Eye; Injury 22
**Dragon-spell (Baleful Gaze): during combat reduce the dragon's Hate point score by one to force one companion who is within her baleful gaze to make a Corruption check against TN 16. If failed, the companion gains one Shadow point and cannot attack the dragon for a number of rounds equal to 10 minus his Wisdom rating. The dragon can spend several Hate points to affect an equal number of companions at the same time. If used during an encounter, companions put under the dragon-spell feel compelled to answer truthfully to questions for the duration of the encounter.

Dís daughter of Thráin
Dís is the only daughter of Thráin II. She is the sister of the late Thorin Oakenshield and mother to the brothers Fili and Kili who perished defending their uncle in the Battle of Five Armies. Lady Dís joined the rest of her folk in returning to Lonely Mountain after it was reclaimed from the dragon Smaug. However, after a period of mourning for her sons and brother Thorin, she found that she could not remain there; the memories associated with Erebor were far too painful for her. Dís was only ten years old when Smaug claimed the Mountain. Many of her friends and their families were killed by the dragon and devoured. Her younger brother Frerin was slain years later by Orcs in the Battle of Azanulbizar. Most of her happy memories were of the Blue Mountains, where she grew to womanhood in the Halls of Thorin, met her husband-to-be, wed and bore two strong sons.

In T.A. 2944 Dís returned to the Blue Mountains and became the Lady of the Halls of Thorin. She acts as the Mistress of the Halls, ensuring that they are well maintained and that chambers are kept ready for envoys from Erebor, the Iron Hills and the other Dwarf-kingdoms and for special guests. She is educated and wise, and can also be stubborn and opinionated. She is also far too old to be bothered with customs she considers to be outdated nonsense. While Lady Dís carries an air of grace and dignity, she also defies the dwarven convention of 'dressing down' in the manner of a male for outsiders and when in public. Dís is typically garbed in hooded, white dwarven mourning robes, elegant and tasteful. While many conservative Dwarves are scandalized by this, she has accumulated a following among the younger set, especially with Dwarf-women who are themselves widowed or have determined never to marry.

Attribute Level: 8
Specialities: Rhymes of Lore, Leechcraft, Trading
Distinctive Features: Bold, Lordly, Robust
Relevant Skills: Courtesy ♦♦♦♦, Insight ♦♦♦♦♦, Lore ♦♦♦♦


Cirith Forod
Cirith Forod (the North Pass) is the northernmost passage through the Blue Mountains. It is thirty miles north of the source of the Greater Lhûn. Sixty miles beyond that, the Blue Mountains swing to the north-east in a one hundred fifty mile-long ridge known as the Spear of the North.

Halls of the Dwarves
Located where the Lesser Lune emerges from the Blue Mountains, this settlement was founded in the year 1981 of the Third Age after the Dwarves of Khazad-dûm were driven out by the horror known as Durin’s Bane.  Rather than remain with Durin’s Folk, some of the descendants of Nogrod and Belegost returned to the Ered Luin to resettle near the sites of their old cities. In time they were joined by a number of the Dwarves of Erebor, dispossessed when the dragon Smaug invaded the Lonely Mountain, following the War of the Dwarves and Orcs.

Halls of Thorin Oakenshield
The Halls of Thorin was the dwelling place of Thorin Oakenshield his kin in the Blue Mountains. Thráin II established the Halls in the Northern Blue Mountains, approximately seventy-five miles from the Grey Havens, in T.A. 2802 after he and his people left the land of Dunland following the War of the Dwarves and Orcs. It became known as the Halls of Thorin after Thráin's disappearance in 2845 when he was captured by Sauron and taken to Dol Guldur. Thorin ruled Durin's Folk in the absence of his father and strove to improve their fortunes. In 2941 he and twelve companions, accompanied by the wizard Gandalf the Grey and a Hobbit named Bilbo Baggins, embarked in the Quest of Erebor, resulting in the retaking of Erebor and the tragic deaths of Thorin and his nephews Fili and Kili in the Battle of Five Armies.

Learning of the demise of the dragon Smaug, Durin's Folk left the Blue Mountains to return to Erebor.  The Halls of Thorin have become the Embassy of Erebor to the Ered Luin and Mithlond, the day-to-day operations overseen by the Lady Dís, sister to Thorin Oakenshield, returned from the Lonely Mountain. Several former members of the Company of Thorin have requested to serve as the ambassador-in-residence.
New Fellowship Phase Undertaking:  Open the Halls of Thorin as a Sanctuary
(Blue Mountains)

If a company has entered the former Halls of Thorin Oakenshield during an Adventuring phase, the heroes may gain permission to spend a first Fellowship phase there. If they desire to return, they must all choose the Open New Sanctuary undertaking to be accepted as regular guests by the Mistress of the Hall and/or the Chief Ambassador-in-residence.

During the next Adventuring phase, the heroes gain a bonus of +2 to any Travel tests in the Blue Mountains.
Ice Bay of Forochel
An large bay north of the River Lhûn and east of the Blue Mountains, the Ice Bay of Forochel is inhabited by the temporary camps of the Lossoth, folk of the Northern Wastes who dwell on the Cape of Forochel on the north-west side of the Bay. The Lossoth survive off the land and the bounty of the Sea. They hunt seals and walruses and the herd beasts of the Wastes. They fish using nets and go whaling with their skin boats and harpoons. The Lossoth are not particularly friendly towards outsiders, but they can be approached with courtesy and respect.

Mount Dolmed
Located on the west side of the Blue Mountains one hundred fifty miles north of the Gulf of Lune, Mount Dolmed is held sacred by the Dwarves of the Blue Mountains as the place where the Dwarf-fathers awoke who founded the cities of Nogrod and Belegost. Dwarves descended from those cities often travel to Dolmed, usually through the Mickleburg Pass, on a pilgrimage of solemn contemplation. Some journey further to the Drowned Vale to mourn ancestors who lost their lives in the flooding of Belegost.
New Fellowship Phase Undertaking:  Pilgrimage to Mount Dolmed
(Dwarves only)

Dwarves of the Blue Mountains, or their descendants, who spend a Fellowship phase in the Blue Mountains or elsewhere in western Eriador may journey to the sacred site of Mount Dolmed in the Northern Ered Luin and may remove one point of permanent Shadow. The hero may only gain this benefit once.
Southern Blue Mountains

The east side of the Southern Ered Luin (Blue Mountains) marks the south-western border of Eriador. The mountains themselves stretch north to south in a one hundred fifty mile crescent from near the Gulf of Lune nearly to the mouth of the Baranduin (Brandywine River). The southern slopes are thickly forested, as are those on the western side in Harlindon. A line of hills extends for approximately one hundred twenty miles eastwards from roughly the center of the range. These hills, the Emyn Romen (Hills of the Sunrise) form a low ridge near the Blue Mountains proper but rise gradually to culminate in a domed height called Mount Baldy, known as Amon Rûdh in the days of the kingdom of Arnor. The ruins of a watchtower lie at the top of Baldy, abandoned in the time of the Great Plague. Several Dwarf-settlements are spread through the range, the largest of which is Hargrod, south of the Emyn Romen. The Dwarves mine for copper, tin and iron. There are few roads or tracks in the region; the Dwarves maintain a road that begins at Hargrod and passes through a cut in the Emyn Romen and continues on to the Tower Hills.

Beyond the Baranduin is the region of Minhiriath that made of the southernmost portion of the kingdom of Cardolan. The Far Downs to the east mark the western border of the Shire, the land of the Hobbits. The empty lands in between are dotted with the overgrown ruins of long-abandoned towns and farmsteads.

Goats and sheep gambol in the mountains and foothills. Wild pigs root for food in the forests. Otters swim and play in the delta of the Baranduin. Oxen graze in the dells bordered by the peaks, the river and Hobbit-country. Black bears roam the forests and hills; foxes and wildcats hunt for rabbits, birds and other small animals. Larger cats lair in the mountains. Wolves are uncommon, as they were nearly eradicated by the Men of Arnor and Arthedain, but their numbers have been recovering since the fall of the North-kingdoms. Many raptors nest in the region, including sea-eagles and vultures in the mountains, and hawks, kestrels and owls in the hills and woods. The fens of the river teem with long-legged wading birds and other waterfowl, as well as snakes, turtles, frogs and salamanders.

Men abandoned the lands near the Southern Blue Mountains in the wake of invasion, plague and floods. Eriadorian farmsteads can still be found along the course of the Baranduin, but they are scattered and few. Elves wander for a bit through the hills and valleys before taking ship at the Grey Havens, bound for the Undying Lands. Settlements of Dwarves dwell in the mountains as they have for ages their numbers dwindling and swelling with the tides of history. The Dwarves of the Blue Mountains trade their goods for the wares of Men and Halflings and sometimes Elves.


Draupnir, Lord of Hargrod
Draupnir son of Dolgthrasir, also called Draupnir Forkbeard, is the current Lord of the Dwarf-city of Hargrod. He is the grandson of the previous Lord, Baugi son of Brokkir, who against all odds sired three children--all daughters. Dolgthrasir is descended from the Dwarf-city of Nogrod. He won renown in the War of the Dwarves and Orcs, returning to Hargrod to successfully court Baugi’s eldest daughter.  However, when it came time for Lord Baugi to declare an heir he chose his grandson over his son-in-law or even one of his nephews, a move that discontented many.

Draupnir son of Dolgthrasir, also called Draupnir Forkbeard, is the current Lord of the Dwarf-city of Hargrod. Draupnir sees himself as a wise ruler; however, he remembers with bitterness the treatment his folk received long ago at the hands of the Elf-king Thingol. King Draupnir and his closest advisors are distrustful of all High Elves. He also worries about the security of his realm and might be susceptible to overtures from agents of the Enemy if he feels that they might strengthen his position.


The Dwarf-city of Hargrod (South Delving) was founded in the year 40 of the Second Age by survivors of ruined Nogrod and Belegost, together with other Dwarves of the Blue Mountains, who refused to abandon the Ered Luin to resettle with Durin’s Folk in Khazad-dûm. This makes it one of the oldest and largest remaining Dwarf settlements in the Southern Ered Luin. Located where the ridge of the Emyn Romen extends eastwards from the southern range, the road from Hargrod to Mithlond stretches for one hundred sixty miles, following the base of the mountains past the complex of the Mines of the Dwarves about fifty miles to the north. The mines of Hargrod are rich in iron ore and other metals: copper, tin and even modest veins of gold, as well as silver extracted from lead deposits. The Dwarves of Hargrod trade their metalcrafts with Elves of the Grey Havens, the Hobbits of the Shire and the few Men of Eriador who still dwell in the region, principally the folk of Bree-land.

The rulers of Hargrod have traditionally been descended from the Dwarves of Belegost. This has changed a bit with the current Lord Draupnir whose father Dolgthrasir is a descendant of Nogrod.
New Fellowship Phase Undertaking:  Open Hargrod as a Sanctuary
(Blue Mountains)

If a company has entered the Dwarf-city of Hargrod during an Adventuring phase, the heroes may gain permission to spend a first Fellowship phase there. If they desire to return, they must all choose the Open New Sanctuary undertaking to be accepted as regular guests by the Lord of the City. If Draupnir Forkbeard is the current Lord of Hargrod, he will refuse to grant sanctuary status to any company of heroes that includes a High Elf among its members.

During the next Adventuring phase, the heroes gain a bonus of +2 to their Tolerance rating with Dwarves of the Blue Mountains.
Mines of the Dwarves
A typical mining settlement of the Dwarves of the Blue Mountains is located on the east side of the Southern Ered Luin about one hundred ten miles from Mithlond.   Active since the First Age, these mines furnish raw materials and produce metal tools and implements that are sold throughout Eriador.

A TOR Guide to Western Eriador, the Blue Mountains, and Lindon

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 11:26 pm
by Otaku-sempai
The Grey Havens, Tower Hills and Gulf of Lune

The Gulf of Lune (Lhûn) is a large body of water that separates the northern Blue Mountains from the southern portion of the range. The gulf was formed at the end of the First Age, when Morgoth was overthrown and the lands of Beleriand were broken. The Gulf of Lune is two hundred miles long from the Sundering Sea to the estuary of the River Lune and about ninety miles across at its broadest point where the river Vingelion empties into the harbor of Forlond on the northern shore. In Harlindon to the south is the sheltered cove of Harlond which is well-suited for the construction of ships. The Grey Havens are located at the eastern end, at both sides of the gulf.  Near the Havens are the Tower Hills where the three White Towers were built by the High Elves for Elendil after the founding of the North-kingdom of Arnor.

The High Elves of the Grey Havens are ruled by Círdan, known as Círdan the Shipwright, who late in the Third Age is the oldest living Elf in Middle-earth. It was Círdan who, when the Wizards arrived in Middle-earth, gave the Elven Ring Narya over to Mithrandir (named 'Gandalf' by the Men of the North). From the Grey Havens, the White Ships take the High Elves back to the Undying Lands in the West, never to return to Middle-earth.

Gulls and other seabirds ply the skies of the gulf while other waterfowl nest among the reeds and grasses of the wetlands. Sea-turtles lay their eggs on beaches of stone or sand. Otters den in the nearby riverbanks. A wide variety of frogs, toads and reptiles frequent the region. The waters of the Gulf of Lune are rich with shellfish, crustaceans and other sea life. Porpoises cavort in the waves, sea-otters dive for clams and fish. Sharks and rays glide through the water scenting for prey.

Círdan's people are largely Sinda Elves who began the Great Journey but never sailed to the Undying Lands. The High Elves of the Havens are master ship-makers and mariners, as is their lord. They are also skilled fishermen and are warriors when called to fight. A common activity is diving for pearls, which are greatly prized by the Elves.


Círdan, Lord of the Grey Havens
Círdan the Shipwright has been Lord of the Grey Havens since the founding of Mithlond at the beginning of the Second Age. Círdan is a good friend of the Rangers of the North and throughout the Third Age provided aid to the Dúnedain of the North-kingdom. He is also a member of the White Council.

Círdan is the oldest living Elf in Middle-earth. He is exceedingly tall, has a long beard and has an aged appearance. Círdan should be approached with courtesy and respect.

Attribute Level: 10
Specialities: Elven-lore, Sea-lore, Ship-craft
Distinctive Features: Lordly, Tall, Just
Relevant Skills: Craft ♦♦♦♦♦♦, Lore ♦♦♦♦♦♦, Insight ♦♦♦♦

Galdor, Messenger of Círdan
Galdor is the trusted messenger and envoy of Lord Círdan. A High Elf, he is often away from the Havens on his lord's business and is frequently seen at Rivendell. Galdor's manner can be a bit formal at times; however, he is very good at reading people and their moods and he can adjust his approach as needed.


Established by Círdan the Shipwright in S.A. 1 at the head of the Gulf of Lune, Mithlond (the Grey Havens) is the chief harbor of the High Elves. From here the White Ships carry the Elves over the Sundering Sea to return to the Undying Lands. Also a seat of knowledge and lore, the Havens is the only large settlement of Elves in Arda west of Imladris.
New Fellowship Phase Undertaking:  Open the Grey Havens as a Sanctuary
(Grey Havens)

If a company has entered the Grey Havens during an Adventuring phase, the heroes may gain permission to spend a first Fellowship phase there. If they wish to return, they must all choose the Open New Sanctuary undertaking to be accepted as regular guests by Lord Círdan.

During the next Adventuring phase, if the heroes travel in Lindon, they gain a bonus of +2 to any Travel tests performed in the region.
New Fellowship Phase Undertaking:  Researching Lore in the Halls of Círdan
(Grey Havens)

Similar to Researching Lore in the House of Elrond. A hero gains a bonus Success die if he possesses an applicable Specialty, and another die if Círdan is a patron of the company. Possible subjects include (but are not limited to): Astronomy; Eriador-lore, Marine Navigation; Map-making; Sailing (Boating on the ocean); Shadow-lore; etc.
The Tower Hills
The Tower Hills (Emyn Beraid) lie at the western edge of Eriador, about fifty miles from the border of the Shire. The hills were named for the three White Towers built, it is said, by the High Elves for Elendil at the time of the founding of Arnor. A palantír is kept at Elostirion, the tallest of the towers. This Seeing-stone looks back upon the Undying Lands and the High Elves sometimes visit the tower to look upon the lands of the Uttermost West.
New Fellowship Phase Undertaking: Pilgrimage to the Tower Hills
(High Elves only)

Any High Elves spending a Fellowship phase in the Grey Havens or anywhere else in western Eriador may use it to visit the White Towers at Emyn Beraid and gaze into the palantír kept at Elostirion to look upon the Undying Lands. Any High Elf who does this recovers one point of Hope.

Note to Loremasters: The Seeing-stone of Elostirion was placed by Círdan aboard the white ship of the Last Riding of the Keepers of the Ring in TA 3012 and returned to Eldamar.

A TOR Guide to Western Eriador, the Blue Mountains, and Lindon

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 2:51 pm
by Otaku-sempai
The Regions of Lindon

Lindon was the only land of Middle-earth, west of the Blue Mountains, to remain relatively intact after the end of the First Age when the lands of Beleriand were swallowed by the Sea. though the landscape was forever altered by the rushing waters. The formation of the Gulf of Lune not only divided the Blue Mountains into two ranges, it also spit Lindon into Forlindon to the north of the Gulf, and Harlindon to the south. Entire rivers were washed away or were forced into new courses. Mountains were leveled and in other places the land was pushed up to form new hills. There was much destruction, yet freshly deposited silts and soils fostered new growth. The only other survivor of Beleriand is a small group of islands off the coast of Forlindon. Navigational charts dating back to Númenórean mariners name these as the Isle of Himling, Tol Fuin (the Isle of Night) and Tol Morwen.

In the First Age all of Lindon was a lush river valley dominated by the River Gelion, which was fed by many lesser rivers that found their sources in the mountains of the Blue Mountains, named the Ered Luin by the Elves. Lindon is still a green, pleasant land, with thick forests growing at the feet of the Blue Mountains. However, the landscape was greatly altered by the sinking of Beleriand. The old rivers and forests were washed away to be replaced by new features.

North Lindon
Forlindon stretches over three hundred miles from the Gulf of Lune to the Bay of Thargelion (called the ‘Bay of Himling’ on some Númenórean maps) and encompasses an area of approximately forty thousand square miles. The river Vingelion (‘New Gelion’), after a waterway from the First Age that followed much the same course) starts in the Blue Mountains to empty into the harbor of Forlond one hundred eighty miles away in the Gulf of Lune. Warm, moist air from the Sea provides plenty of water to feed the thick forests that have sprung up along the western sides of the Blue Mountains. The remainder of Forlindon consists of lush grasslands inhabited by myriad birds and animals. Several passes cut through the mountains allowing travel between Forlindon and the lands on the eastern side of the range. Notable sites on the western side of the mountains include the ruin of Mount Rerir far in the north where the Noldor once held a fortress, and Mount Dolmed, only a few leagues south of the source of the Vingelion, and held sacred by the Dwarves as the birthplace of the Dwarves of Belegost and Nogrod.

Coastal Islands
There are three islands that lie off the coast of Forlindon. The Isle of Himling lies about forty miles west of the northern point of the Bay of Thargelion. The island is small, measuring about twenty miles in diameter, and is thought to be all that remains above sea level of the Hill of Himring. The hill had been fortified by the Noldo Maedhros and was key to the defense of East Beleriand from the forces of Morgoth in the First Age. To the west of Himling is the larger island of Tol Fuin, over one hundred miles long and about fifty miles wide. Tol Fuin is.the last surviving remnant of Taur-nu-Fuin, the Forest of Night, where Sauron dwelt for a while after being driven from his tower on Tol Sirion by the lady Lúthien. The island itself is forested, though unexplored for it has a dark reputation. 80 miles west and south of Tol Fuin is Tol Morwen, even smaller than Himling. Here, at the center of the island are the graves of Túrin Turambar and his mother Morwen with the Stone of the Hapless raised over them.

South Lindon
Most of Harlindon (South Lindon) is a vast, grassy plain bordered by the Blue Mountains on the east, the Gulf of Lune to the north and the sea. The feet of the southern Blue Mountains are heavily forested. Harlindon might have once shared a south-easterly border with the North-kingdom of Arthedain. The harbor of Harlond lies on the south shore of the Gulf of Lune.

Beloved of the High Elves
Lindon is held dear by the High Elves as a remnant of ancient Beleriand. Gil-galad and his people dwelt in Forlindon in the Second Age while Celeborn and Galadriel ruled in Harlindon before founding the realm of Lórien east of the Misty Mountains. Círdan and his folk still dwell in the Grey Havens and live in small communities in Lindon where they acquire the lumber for the construction of their White Ships. There are still creatures in Lindon, particularly in Forlindon, that can no longer be found anywhere else in North-western Middle-earth.


The High Elves of Gil-galad dwelt in Forlindon throughout the Second Age and it was from here that they marched with him and with Círdan to challenge the armies of Sauron. Most of their towers and houses have been torn down or have fallen into ruin. Today, outside of the Grey Havens there are just a few small, peaceful communities dotting the coast and the banks of the Linduin.

The broken remains of Mount Rerir marks the place where a great spur of the Blue Mountains stretches two hundred miles to the north-east. About fifty miles south of Rerir, the pass of Cirith Forod (the Northern Pass) provides a hazardous passage to  West Lune north of the  Lesser Lhûn River. Nearly fifty miles off the coast to the west lies the Isle of Himling, another remnant of lost Beleriand. There are no paths here; no one has lived in these lands since the time of Gil-galad.

Much of Forlindon is nearly bisected by the Vingelion which has its source about thirty miles north of Mount Dolmed and empties into the harbor of Forlond nearly one hundred eighty miles away. The land stretches one hundred seventy miles east to west from the Blue Mountains to the Sundering Sea. Several passes and valleys were formed after the breaking of the mountains that created the Gulf of Lune. One such valley was the Drowned Vale (called Nan Dolmed by the Dwarves) to the north of Mount Dolmed, where the earth over the northernmost section of Belegost subsided. Slightly nearer to the sacred mountain is Mickleburg Pass (Cirith Belegost), and approximately twenty miles to the south is the Hollowbold Vale (Nan Nogrod), pass through the mountains that is screened on the western end by thick forest. South of Dolmed thick forests of beech and oak at the base of the range furnish raw materials for the White Ships of the Grey Havens. The vales of the river provide wetlands for birds and beasts. The lush grasslands between the Linduin and the Sea support herd beasts and the creatures that prey upon them. Elves wander these lands, but no longer maintain large communities outside of the Havens. This is a land of peace and plenty, all but free of evil.

The plains of Forlindon are home to many creatures. Hawks wheel across the sky scattering flocks of smaller birds. Herds of deer, wild pigs and rabbits roam the gentle hills and grasslands and shelter in groves of trees as do pheasants and quail, wildcats, foxes and wild dogs. Great cats and other large predators hunt the great, antlered deer and other herd beasts. Herds of large elk-like deer with great, wide antlers, called belegrasáras (great-horn deer) by the Elves, graze off the land. These impressive beasts stand seven feet at the shoulder, weigh upwards of fifteen hundred pounds, with antlers that can measure more than twelve feet across. Grey wolves stalk the herds. Unique to Forlindon are huge, maneless lions that the Elves call tundorávi (hill-lions). These great cats stand four feet at the shoulder and can measure seven feet from nose to hindquarters without including the tail. These big cats were once common in Eriador until they were hunted to near extinction for their pelts by the Men of Arnor. Foxes and lynx prey upon hares, mice and white swans with black and golden bills. Goats are common in the mountains, as are large, brown bears who fish for salmon in swift mountain streams and rivers. Reptiles are less common, but there are snakes and lizards that can be seen sunning themselves in the warmer months only to curl up torpid in their lairs through the long, cold winter.

The vales of the Vingelion host great numbers of waterfowl: ducks, loons, geese, cranes, heron and great swans. Thrushes nest in the willows on the river's edge. The waters teem with snakes, lizards, turtles, amphibians and many, many fish. Of particular note are the large, beautiful swans that ply the lower regions of the river, near Forlond. These birds sport lovely white silver-tipped feathers and are appropriately called Silver Swans (celeilph; singular celalph). Stands of poplar provide food and material for beavers. Muskrats seek out succulent water plants, eggs or small lizards while otters frolic on the banks, ducking into the water to avoid swarms of mosquitoes, midges and other biting insects. Hummerhorns, a large variety of cicada measuring three to four inches in length, are found in great numbers in the forests of Forlindon. The Hammerhorn has a horn-like ‘beak’ on its head that allows the insect to lift pieces of tree-bark to reach the softer wood and sap underneath.
Hazard Suggestion: Hummerhorns
(All Companions - Weariness)
The companions find it difficult to get a proper night’s rest due to the loud, constant drone of numerous Hummerhorns. All heroes must make a Travel test. Anyone who fails is kept awake by the noise and is rendered Weary for the remainder of the journey.
The forests at the feet of the Blue Mountains are populated with numerous species of birds, including Nightingales and other songbirds. Deer take cover in the forest eaves and feral swine root about for luscious tubers, fungi and other food. Bears are common, grazing and fishing in the streams and small rivers rushing out of the mountains. The peaks themselves are home to wild sheep and mountain goats. Snakes and lizards nestle among the rocks hunting rodents, while eagles nest in the cliffs and the larger trees of the forests. Lynxes and other cats hunt for prey, avoiding in their turn larger predators such as bears and wolves. These forests are also home to an exceptionally large and intelligent breed of magpie that sports a head, neck and breast of midnight blue; belly and shoulder feathers of pale yellow; and wings also of glossy, midnight blue with primaries of white inner webs. The bill and legs are jet black. It is said that the Elves have taught these magpies to understand and even speak Sindarin and that these birds often relay messages from one Elf to another (sometimes for a reward, anything from a colorful polished stone to a small gem).

Some Elves still wander here but they dwell in the lower regions, nearer to the harbor of Forlond and the Grey Havens. The Dwarves seldom come to the west side of the Blue Mountains and then only to visit Dolmed. The Lossoth, the Snowmen of Forochel who were long under the thumb of Sauron, never enter the Elven lands. Snow-trolls lair in the northernmost line of mountains, but not in great numbers.  The Cold-drake Aguta lairs someplace north of Mount Rerir and hunts on both the east and west sides of the Blue Mountains.  Rerir seems to mark the southern border of her territory.

Legend says that the Dwarf-fathers of Nogrod and Belegost first awoke at Mount Dolmed and with their mates and followers founded their respective cities nearby on the east side of the Blue Mountains. But they only left their halls to trade with each other and do business with the folk of Beleriand. The Naugrim do not venture into Forlindon except to visit Dolmed. The first Men to cross over the Blue Mountains passed through these lands but did not settle in them. The folk of Forlindon were overwhelmingly Elves, first from the lands east of the Blue Mountains and later joined by High Elves from the Undying Lands.

In the Second Age, Gil-galad fortified the coast of Forlindon with watchtowers and citadels at strategic locations. Fishing communities sprang up in the Bay of Thargelion (south of Mount Rerir) and elsewhere along the coast. In the year 1700 (S.A.) Gil-galad, joined by a fleet from Númenor, drove Sauron out of Eriador. The population of Forlindon dropped sharply at the end of the Second Age when Gil-galad and Círdan led their forces in the Last Alliance of Elves and Men. However, Gil-galad was slain in the same battle where Sauron was overthrown. The number of Elves in Forlindon continue to dwindle even today as High Elves take ship at the Grey Havens for the Undying Lands.


Faernen is a Maiar in the service of the Lord of Waters. She inhabits the river Vingelion and in times past kept Lord Ulmo informed of events in Forlindon. However, the lands of Lindon have been at peace for some time and Faernen is content to teach her songs to the small birds that nest near the river and learn new ones from the High Elves who linger in Forlindon for a while before taking ship for the West at the Grey Havens. Should she encounter non-elven folk, Faernen is favorably inclined towards Hobbits, is disdainful of Dwarves and shy around Dúnedain and other Men.

The Elf-lord Hadorion commands the lighthouse-citadel of Barad Mithlond that guards the Gulf of Lune against attack from the sea. Born in the Second Age, he marched with Gil-galad and Círdan in the Last Alliance of Elves and Men. He is also a skilled mariner. Hadorion's demeanor is lordly and proud; he is hard to impress. His brother Thandorion is the harbormaster of Harlond in Harlindon.


Barad Mithlond
A lighthouse and fortress constructed by Gil-galad at the northern point of the Gulf of Lune in Forlindon to guard the Grey Havens against a sea-attack. A smaller fortress, Amon Harlond, is located on the east end of the harbor of Harlond.

Mount Rerir
This was once one of the highest peaks in the Blue Mountains and one of the sources for the River Gelion in the First Age. The High Elves of the West once built a fortress here, but it was overrun by Orcs and later destroyed in the aftermath of the Great Battle when Morgoth was overthrown. There are legends among the Lossoth, though, of ruins in the mountains and treasures of the West-elves might still lie hidden in buried vaults.


Harlindon is not as large as Forlindon but is still sizable, measuring about two hundred miles from the Gulf of Lune to the north to its southern coast near the estuary of the Brandywine River and one hundred fifty miles from the Southern Blue Mountains on its eastern border to the Sea. There are no navigable waterways; the forests and plains are watered by fast-moving streams and rivulets from the mountains and rains from the Sea. The grasslands are covered in hardy grasses and wildflowers. Oaks, beech and birch dominate the forests abutting the Blue Mountains with coniferous trees taking over at higher altitudes.

High Elves still live and wander here, but in much smaller numbers than in ages past. The most sizable community of Elves here, outside of the Grey Havens, is the harbor and town of Harlond. Men of Eriador avoid entering Harlindon except for Rangers of the North as special guests of Lord Círdan. Neither do Dwarves delving in the mountains come here. They are uncomfortable under the wide-open skies and some do not get on well with the Elves. The land is a bit too wild for the preference of Hobbits.

Harlindon is somewhat vulnerable to invasion by land in the south where it borders Eriador. The watchtower of Amon Baran is set near the mouth of the Baranduin from which Elves keep watch and patrol the boundary. However, they usually encounter nothing more serious than Dwarves felling trees in the elvish part of the forest.

Life is plentiful in Harlindon. Sheep and wild cattle graze while large hares go about their own business. Owls and hawks hunt rabbits, voles and other small animals. Small birds feed off of swarming insects in the wetlands of the gulf and marshes. Wildcats and foxes are common on the prairie; spotted lions have been seen but are rare. Other large predators--black bears, and big cats mostly--restrict themselves to the mountains and forests hunting deer, wild pigs mountain sheep and goats. The rivers and streams are full of fish. The mountains are also home to eagles.

In the Second Age, Celeborn and Lady Galadriel dwelt in Harlindon for many years before relocating to Eregion and finally settling in Lorien. Círdan's people, a mixture of Sindar, Green-elves, Noldor and other Elf-folk, have lived here since the beginning of the Second Age; however, their numbers now are far fewer than they were. They use the forests to supply wood for the shipyard of Harlond and they take what they need from the land, but only what they need--no more. The Dwarves of the Blue Mountains have a number of settlements and mines in the mountains bordering Harlindon, many of them established after Durin's Bane drove the Dwarves out of Khazad-dûm. However, these are generally on the eastern side of the range.


The Elf-lord Thandorion is the harbormaster of Harlond and commander of the fortress of Amon Harlond. He was born in Lindon in the days of Gil-galad and is one of Lord Círdan's most trusted captains. When Círdan went to war as part of the Last Alliance of Elves and Men, it was Thandorion who was trusted with the stewardship of Harlindon and the Grey Havens until the Elf-lord's return. Thandorion is also an accomplished shipwright and engineer, as well as brother to Hadorion, the commander of Barad Mithlond at the northern point of the Gulf of Lune. He is friendly towards the Dúnedain of the North but his attitude towards lesser Men is less favorable, as are his feelings towards Dwarves. Thandorion looks upon Hobbits with amused tolerance.


The haven and harbor of Harlond was established for the construction of the White Ships that sail into the West with Elves voyaging to the Undying Lands, never to return. A small fortress, Amon Harlond, was built in the Second Age at the eastern end of the harbor to aid in the defense of the Grey Havens in the event of an attack by sea.

Re: A TOR Guide to Western Eriador, the Blue Mountains, and Lindon

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 9:47 pm
by Otaku-sempai
I've reorganized all of my guides to Western Eriador, the Blue Mountains and Lindon, placing them under a single post. The Shire (with Bree-land to be added) is still covered separately.

I'm sure it could still use some editing, so tell me what you think.

Re: A TOR Guide to Western Eriador, the Blue Mountains, and Lindon

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 12:08 pm
by Otaku-sempai
Upon reflection, I think the region between the Blue Mountains and the River Lune should have just been called the Plains of Lune. The plains might then be subdivided by the lower river, if necessary, into North Lune and South Lune. I'm not going to implement such a change unless it is revised in future printings of Journeys & Maps, but I am still referring to the region as West (not East) Lune because I had been led to understand that East Lune was a mistake that should have been corrected before publication.

Re: A TOR Guide to Western Eriador, the Blue Mountains, and Lindon

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 9:55 am
by Otaku-sempai
Following the release of the PDF for the Adventurer's Companion and more information about the Dwarves of the Blue Mountains, I have revised several entries for the Blue Mountains, specifically for: The Halls of the Dwarves; Draupnir, Lord of Hargrod; and Hargrod. I've traced the founding of the Halls of the Dwarves to after the coming of Durin's Bane. I've decided that Hargrod is older, established at the beginning of the Second Age. And I've gone into a bit more detail on Draupnir's background.

Re: Gazetteer of Western Eriador and the Lands of Lindon

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 6:28 pm
by tomfish
Amazing work Otaku Sempai !
Are you using this material in your campaigns, or planning to ?

Re: A TOR Guide to Western Eriador, the Blue Mountains, and Lindon

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 8:05 pm
by Otaku-sempai
tomfish wrote:Amazing work Otaku Sempai !
Are you using this material in your campaigns, or planning to ?
I would if I had an active campaign. It would be easier if I wasn't so committed to gaming face to face instead of on line. I also have some insecurities about GMing--possibly because I accidentally achieved a TPK the first time I tried to demonstrate combat in MERP. That game never quite got off the ground.

But feel free to make use of the material yourself. That's what it's for!

Re: Gazetteer of Western Eriador and the Lands of Lindon

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 9:34 am
by Insect King
Otaku-sempai wrote:But feel free to make use of the material yourself. That's what it's for!
This is excellent. Thanks. I'll be using this if I need it.

