"Canon" Maps

(Pauline Bayne's map)


(From the ICE module "Perils on the Sea of Rhûn"

Lastly, the Big Map I've been basing my maps on, from the Other Minds fanzine (Issue 1 and 2), includes the Eastern-most rivers, but not the others:

So, my question is, which of these do you think I should use for my Fourth Age campaign maps?
A. Strictly Tolkien-canon. Connect the sea of Rhûn only to the River Running and don't use any of the additionalrivers.
B. MERP ICE/fanon. The extra rivers add interesting features to lands that Tolkien didn't detail only because they weren't prominent in his writing.
C. OM compromise. Use the extra rivers that are farthest from the canon lands, but don't add the Othnen or the Uldona rivers.