Maybe the Edge of 'G' if only because the sling delivers a crushing blow instead of a cutting or piercing one. I'm not sure though about increasing the Injury, especially if I maintain that Sling-stones and bullets do different amounts of Injury.Falenthal wrote:I think the fact that a sling can easily break bones and such is better represented by a higher Injury than by a higher Edge. I'd leave Edge at G (not easy to get a direct impact in combat), but raise the Injury to 14, if you'd like to make slings a bit more deadly. A Reward for slings could be getting those metal bullets that might reduce Edge by 1, in addition to any other Quality (thus being able to lower the Edge by 2 in total).
As for cultures, I like the idea of Easterlings and Southron people using them in military formations.
The whole write-up is a bit of a compromise. Large Sling-stones should probably have the Damage of 5 and Injury of 14 (if not better), but with the shorter Range. I think that the weapon ranges in TOR are already extremely conservative and, in game-terms, the Range for a large Sling-stone and a small one should be essentially the same, reserving the greater Range for Sling-bullets.