zedturtle wrote:If you're talking about a short-staff (and I admit I'm a tiny bit confused), then there's no other weapon that requires two hands to do 5 damage, right? Giving up a shield is a big deal...
P.S. I'm with GE... I don't think that any weapon should have a specified size, it's about the right length for the hero who wields it.
I've called it a
Short stave just to set it apart, just as I've called a normal-sized club a
Cudgel to distinguish it from the Trolls'
Just as the
Spear has a given approximate size of six feet, we could give a
Quarterstaff an approximate size of six feet (or either six to seven or six to eight feet). Likewise, we could give the
Short stave an approximate size of four feet or so. We don't necessarily have to, but we can. The question is whether we should; although I see no harm in such general outlines. Also, are you saying that the Damage and/or Injury rating is too low? Because I do understand that concern.
After new edits, the two staves look like this:
New Weapon: Quarterstaff (Stave)
The Quarterstaff is a stout, wooden stave about six to eight feet long which may be shod at one or both ends. It is a simple, but effective close-combat weapon for travelers and common folk. Due to their reduced size, Hobbits and Dwarves are unable to wield the Quarterstaff effectively. An unskilled wielder would have to make a Brawling attack as though using an improvised weapon.
Damage: 7
Edge: G-rune (Eye, if wielded by an Adversary)
Injury: 14
Encumbrance: 3
Group: -
Notes: Two-handed weapon. A successful called shot results in a Knockdown*.
* Loremasters: If you feel that Knockdown is unbalancing to your game, we suggest that you either: rule that the effect is not applicable to Adversaries with Great Size; or instead substitute the Called Shot of Disarm.
New Weapon: Short Stave
Short staves are the preferred weapons of the Hobbits called Bounders (the Shirriffs who patrol the borders of the Shire), allowing them to subdue or drive off troublemakers with less chance of killing them. The Short stave is a stout, wooden staff that is approximately four to five feet long and shod at both ends. An unskilled wielder would have to make a Brawling attack as though using an improvised weapon.
Short Stave
Damage: 5
Edge: G-rune (Eye, if wielded by an Adversary)
Injury: 12
Encumbrance: 2
Group: -
Notes: Two-handed weapon. A successful called shot results in Disarm.