Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 2:05 pm
I thought that it might be time to move the Quarterstaff discussion here to the House Rules forum. While we are at it, we might as well discuss staves in general. These weapons are introduced primarily to provide options to Loremasters for arming Adversaries and other NPCs. Encumbrance ratings are provided in the case that a Hero should wish to adopt the weapon (with the Loremaster's permission).
Staves as a weapon group: There are several weapons that fall in the category of (Staves):
New Weapon: Stick-fighting Staves
Wielded singly or in pairs, stick-fighting staves are wooden batons that are thinner and lighter than clubs. They are not commonly found in the north-western regions of Middle-earth, but are used by some Easterling and Southron peoples. Stick-fighting is primarily a defensive technique.
Stick-fighting Staves
Damage: 3
Edge: G-rune
Injury: 12
Called Shot: -
Notes: Used singly or in pairs. Singly, imparts a +1 bonus to Parry; paired, gives a +2 bonus to Parry. Encumbrance rating of 0.
New Weapon: Shepherd's Crook
The Shepherd's crook is a simple device used by herders and drovers. A long, sturdy stick with a hook on one end, it has multiple uses from balance to defending livestock from predators. The hook can be used to rescue fallen animals by snaring them by the leg or head.
Shepherd's Crook
Damage: 5
Edge: 10
Injury: 14
Called Shot: Disarm
Notes: Two-handed weapon. Encumbrance rating of 2. A short version is used by Hobbits (Injury 12; Encumbrance: 1).
New Weapon: Bounders' Stave (Short staff)
The Bounders' stave is the preferred weapon of the Hobbits called Bounders (the Shirriffs who patrol the borders of the Shire), allowing them to subdue or drive off troublemakers with less chance of injury to themselves. This short stave is a stout, seasoned wooden staff that is between four and five feet long and capped in copper or bronze at both ends. An unskilled wielder would zero ranks in the stave's use and would normally roll no Success dice when attempting to use it (and, thus, cannot attempt a called shot).
Bounders' Stave
Damage: 3 (1h)/5 (2h)
Edge: 10
Injury: 12 (1h)/14 (2h)
Called Shot: Disarm
Group: -
Notes: Usable with one or two hands. Carries an Encumbrance rating of 2.
New Weapon: Quarterstaff
The Quarterstaff is a stout, wooden stave about six to eight feet long with smooth, blunt ends. The ends may be shod with metal or reinforced with cord or other material. It is a simple, but effective close-combat weapon for travelers and common folk. Due to their reduced size, Hobbits and Dwarves are unable to wield the Quarterstaff effectively. An unskilled wielder would zero ranks in the Quarterstaff's use and would normally roll no Success dice when attempting to use it (and, thus, cannot attempt a called shot).
Damage: 5 (1h)/7 (2h)
Edge: 10
Injury: 14 (1h)/16 (2h)
Called Shot: Knockdown
Notes: usable with one or two-hands. Carries an Encumbrance rating of 3.
* Loremasters: If you feel that Knockdown is unbalancing to your game, we suggest that you either: rule that the effect is not applicable to Adversaries with Great Size; or instead substitute the Called Shot of Disarm.
Staves as a weapon group: There are several weapons that fall in the category of (Staves):
New Weapon: Stick-fighting Staves
Wielded singly or in pairs, stick-fighting staves are wooden batons that are thinner and lighter than clubs. They are not commonly found in the north-western regions of Middle-earth, but are used by some Easterling and Southron peoples. Stick-fighting is primarily a defensive technique.
Stick-fighting Staves
Damage: 3
Edge: G-rune
Injury: 12
Called Shot: -
Notes: Used singly or in pairs. Singly, imparts a +1 bonus to Parry; paired, gives a +2 bonus to Parry. Encumbrance rating of 0.
New Weapon: Shepherd's Crook
The Shepherd's crook is a simple device used by herders and drovers. A long, sturdy stick with a hook on one end, it has multiple uses from balance to defending livestock from predators. The hook can be used to rescue fallen animals by snaring them by the leg or head.
Shepherd's Crook
Damage: 5
Edge: 10
Injury: 14
Called Shot: Disarm
Notes: Two-handed weapon. Encumbrance rating of 2. A short version is used by Hobbits (Injury 12; Encumbrance: 1).
New Weapon: Bounders' Stave (Short staff)
The Bounders' stave is the preferred weapon of the Hobbits called Bounders (the Shirriffs who patrol the borders of the Shire), allowing them to subdue or drive off troublemakers with less chance of injury to themselves. This short stave is a stout, seasoned wooden staff that is between four and five feet long and capped in copper or bronze at both ends. An unskilled wielder would zero ranks in the stave's use and would normally roll no Success dice when attempting to use it (and, thus, cannot attempt a called shot).
Bounders' Stave
Damage: 3 (1h)/5 (2h)
Edge: 10
Injury: 12 (1h)/14 (2h)
Called Shot: Disarm
Group: -
Notes: Usable with one or two hands. Carries an Encumbrance rating of 2.
New Weapon: Quarterstaff
The Quarterstaff is a stout, wooden stave about six to eight feet long with smooth, blunt ends. The ends may be shod with metal or reinforced with cord or other material. It is a simple, but effective close-combat weapon for travelers and common folk. Due to their reduced size, Hobbits and Dwarves are unable to wield the Quarterstaff effectively. An unskilled wielder would zero ranks in the Quarterstaff's use and would normally roll no Success dice when attempting to use it (and, thus, cannot attempt a called shot).
Damage: 5 (1h)/7 (2h)
Edge: 10
Injury: 14 (1h)/16 (2h)
Called Shot: Knockdown
Notes: usable with one or two-hands. Carries an Encumbrance rating of 3.
* Loremasters: If you feel that Knockdown is unbalancing to your game, we suggest that you either: rule that the effect is not applicable to Adversaries with Great Size; or instead substitute the Called Shot of Disarm.