Robin Smallburrow wrote:Having now read your new New Herbs supplement, firstly I agree with comments made previously that there is a danger this could make Herb-Lore & Herbalists too powerful - yes these herbs are more effective in Middle-earth than in our world because of the 'Subtle Magic' of the world, but you should still downgrade their effects so that players know that being Wounded still sucks!
Yes. But the undertaking should also be worthwhile. Remember it's random what you get. Now even if you Have herb-lore you have to roll, but get a second roll. And the herb lasts only for one adventure. In my campaign heroes don't even get wounded in every adventure. So I don't find it so overpowered. Though I will tweak the herbs a little and I don't think there will be any automatically cure wound in the next iteration.
Robin Smallburrow wrote:I also think you need to introduce (for those herbs that enhance or stimulate) a chance of addiction, as this is what happens in the real world...
My personally taste that it's to intrusive to have rules for this. And our immersion will suffer. I rather think this should be a guideline. Extensive use of the same herb several adventures in a row can have undesired effects.
Robin Smallburrow wrote:
1) How much of this list is based on real world examples? I used real world examples where possible when compiling the herbs for my Desert Campaign Guide (see link in my sig) as this is what I believe Tolkien would have done. The biggest problem I had with the MERP herb lists was exactly this issue. The Black Forest in Germany is a good starting point, indeed it was actually called 'Mirkwood' I believe.
Many of these effects are not directly found in our world. But I started out with about half being "real" herbs in description and name. They have been tweaked several times so the resemblance is far less now.
Robin Smallburrow wrote:
2) Why have you grouped them into seasons? Aren't there any herbs that might be available all year (or at least for most of the year?)
Because I want limited lists for several reasons.
a) I don't want tons of herbs that basically have the same effect as other herbs on the same list (as MERP)
b) If a player get a Gandalf and can choose it takes a long time to read and choose. They already have a hard time with just 5-6 to choose from.
c) It's a logically split. Wilderland is far enough north and inland to be very seasonal. Plants grow and die. Yes many might stay for more than a season. And there is often flowers that usually grows in spring for example with some rare offshoots you can find growing far later in the year. Roots and bark are available year around. But maybe their effects are best harvested in certain times. That's why there is a 1/12 chance on each table to get a herb from the last season.
One could have split it up more in locations instead and just made a summer/winter split. And have a table for northen Mirkwood, southern Mirkwood, Vales of Anduin, Hills around Misty Mountains etc. I haven't chose to do this for now. It would require quite much work to keep the herbs original to avoid the copy effect mentioned above.
Robin Smallburrow wrote:
3) What do you say to a Player playing Ranger X who says "I'm going to forage for Herb Y" (such as Athelas), and why isn't Athelas in your list to start with??
These rules are for the Gather Herbs undertaking. Desperate foraging for herbs in an adventure I deal with on the spot as all the other things players do that I am not prepared for.

Yes it should be possible to find herbs in an adventure. And more difficult to find something in a few hours than spending days or weeks as an undertaking I guess. I don't think I'll make specific rules for this.
There is no or little trace of Numenorians in Widlerland. One could say that it have spread here naturally. But I imagine that plant belonging to the lands laying further west, Arnor and Gondor. But mostly because it invokes the feel of Dunedain, Gondor and Lord of the Rings for the players. And for a Wilderland campaign that's not where my emphasis lies. Therefore I did not include it in Wilderland. Though I can totally understand other Loremasters deciding otherwise.
Thank you for your input Robin!