Names for Dwarves of the Blue Mountains

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Names for Dwarves of the Blue Mountains

Post by Otaku-sempai » Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:56 am

I've derived a list of names from Norse mythology that could be used for Dwarves of the Blue Mountains. This is to try to distinguish them a bit from the Dwarves of Erebor. Some were originally the names of Norse giants, deities, etc.; and I've Anglicized some of them a bit.

Male: Alvaldi; Alviss; Andvari; Baugi; Billingir; Brokk; Brokkir; Draupnir; Egil; Eitri; Fáfnir; Fjalar; Fraenir; Galar; Gangir; Gilling; Gullinbursti; Gungnir; Hreidmar; Idi; Ivaldi; Járnglófar; Kvasir; Litr; Mótsognir; Njord; Ölvaldi; Ottar; Regin; Reidmar; Sindri; Suttungir; Thiazi; Ullur; Wuldor

Female: Gunnlod; Idun; Iduna; Ithun; Ithuna; Lofnheidur; Lyngheidur; Ostara; Skadi
"Far, far below the deepest delvings of the Dwarves, the world is gnawed by nameless things. Even Sauron knows them not. They are older than he."

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Re: Names for Dwarves of the Blue Mountains

Post by Otaku-sempai » Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:02 am

Here is the previous list that I originally posted in Main; there is some duplication but less that I thought there would be:

Dwarf Male Names: Alfrik (Algfrig); Althjof; Alvis; Andvari; Aridva; Austri; Bafur; Bari; Brokk; Dolgthvar; Draupnir; Duf; Eitri; Fafni; Fal; Finn; Fjalar; Frosti; Fundin; Galar; Grer; Har; Haur; Heptifili; Hledolf; Hor; Hugstari; Ingi; Lit; Lovar; Modin; Modvitnir; Nar; Nidi; Nordri; Nyi; Nyr; Nyrad; Otter; Radsvinn; Rekk; Siar; Skafinn; Skirpir; Sudri; Thekk; Thjodrerir; Throin; Vali; Vestri; Vig; Virpir; Vitr.

Dwarf Female Names: Angrboda; Auja; Bara; Berchta (Perchta); Bestla; Beyla; Bjart; Blid; Bylgja; Disir (Desir); Draumkonur; Duva; Eír; Eisa; Elli (Elde); Erda; Fenja; Frid; Frowe; Fulla (Volla); Gardofa; Gerd (Gerdh); Gersimi; Gialp; Gna; Greip; Grid; Groa; Gudr; Gullveig (Gollveig, Heid); Gunnr; Harn; Heidr; Hervor; Hevring; Hlin; Holla; Idis; Ingun; Jarnsaxa; Kára; Kari; Kolga; Kona; Lofn; Mana; Mardoll; Mengloth; Menja; Nanna; Natt (Nott); Niorun; Norn; Olrun; Orchil; Ragridr; Ran; Rana; Rime; Rind (Rinda); Rist (Hrist); Roskva; Róta; Sága; Seid; Sigyn (Siguna); Sinmara; Skadi; Skamold; Skuld; Sunna; Svafa; Sváva; Thogn; Thrima; Unn; Urdhr (Urdu, Urd); Vanadis; Vár; Verdhandi (Verdandi); Volva; Vor.
"Far, far below the deepest delvings of the Dwarves, the world is gnawed by nameless things. Even Sauron knows them not. They are older than he."

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