I was thinking the other day about this sort of thing... the idea that instead of requiring the heroic cultures to spend more XP in order to get an improvement that you give them more things to spend XP on, in order to slow their advancement and balance out their starting abilities.atgxtg wrote:I think the Ranger's restriction is not only too severe but a bit "off". . Basically, as written Rangers can't tap the pool because their burden sets them apart from others.
I could see that being true when dealing with outsiders (at least at first) but not a with other Rangers. But that is how it works in the RAW. Logically, a Fellowship comprised entirely of Rangers should be able to function normally. But by RAW they would be a pretty dysfunctional fellowship!
For similar reasons I'd would expect Rangers to be able to function normally in a Fellowship with Evles from Rivendell. Elrond is pretty much the patron of the Dunedain , and Aragon did adventure quite a bit with Elrond's sons.
I think what would make better sense and work better in the game would be if the Ranger's restriction applied to strangers and not to other Rangers, Rivendell Elves or friends.
I think that Rangers should, over time, be able to spend experience points to name other characters as friends (say 1 experience point per character), and then be able to tap the fellowship pool normally.
This sounds like a very nice start to that idea for the Rangers. Perhaps they could spend one XP to name someone as a friend and they can only use the Fellowship Pool if everyone in the Company is named as a friend. It would encourage them to hang out with Elves and disdain forming companies with short-lived Middle Men and flighty Hobbits.