Heroic Survival

The unique One Ring rules set invites tinkering and secondary creation. Whilst The One Ring works brilliantly as written, we provide this forum for those who want to make their own home-brewed versions of the rules. Note that none of these should be taken as 'official'.
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Heroic Survival

Post by zedturtle » Sat Sep 17, 2016 9:05 pm

So some folks might recall from the survival rate thread that I recently came across a nearly (4 out of six active players) TPK situation. But the players suggested a random chance for some of them to survive, so here's what I posted:
zedturtle; elsewhere wrote:Okay, I'm going to do the IC update a bit early, because I've got the time and I think folks are really looking forward to finding out what happened.

First off, we will let Núr do his epic feat. If he pulls it off, then the heroes will survive on a 6+, otherwise it will require 9+.

Then, for each hero, we will roll a Feat die. Here's the table if Núr fails:
  • EYE: Gruesomely destroyed. Each surviving hero gains 1 Shadow.
  • 1-8: Lost beyond recovery. Whether slain by your foe or the falling tower, the hero has died.
  • 9: Alive, but broken. The hero has survived, but must select two consequences from the table below.
  • 10: Unforeseen luck. The hero is alive, and must select one consequence.
  • GANDALF: Fated to be. The hero has somehow escaped unscathed and has no consequences.
If Núr succeeds:
  • EYE: Gruesomely destroyed. Each surviving hero gains 1 Shadow.
  • 1-5: Lost beyond recovery. Whether slain by your foe or the falling tower, the hero has died.
  • 6-9: Alive, but broken. The hero has survived, but must select two consequences from the table below.
  • 10: Unforeseen luck. The hero is alive, and must select one consequence.
  • GANDALF: Fated to be. The hero has somehow escaped unscathed and has no consequences.
The possible consequences:
  • Two Permanent Shadow, but no corresponding flaws.
  • A reduction of one attribute (player's choice) value and it's corresponding favoured value. (Example you 6/9 Body. You then go down to 5/8 Body.)
  • A loss of one skill level, which can later be reclaimed by training. (e.g. your Athletics skill goes down to 2 from 3 but you can spend AP to increase it again.)
Nym's valiant efforts will allow Dhuoda to roll twice and pick the best result. A hero can refuse to be saved to do the same thing for another hero, ala Aelador refusing. Let's see what happens.
Nym is Dhuoda's Hound of Mirkwood. The other names are the other heroes.

There's been a lot of discussion about the various consequences, especially the reduction of the skill. I was thinking that I would make it a whole skill category, but that seemed too mean. What do folks think?

Also, do you think this is a worthy thing to have as an option? Should there be a chance for heroes to survive, or should it be just something that LMs deal with on a case-by-case basis?
Jacob Rodgers, occasional nitwit.

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Re: Heroic Survival

Post by Falenthal » Sat Sep 17, 2016 10:06 pm

I think this is a good option to play the "fate" part (i.e. Ilúvatar's plans) in Middle-earth.

The loss of a single point in an ability seems less punitive than the other consequences, doesn't it? The others are permanent forever; losing one skill point is something that can be recovered. And, as there's no limit in the number of APs a character can have, it seems only a minor and temporary drawback.
Off the top of my head, other consequences could be:
- Lose 1 Hope point and reduce your Maximum Hope score by 1.
- Your next Wisdom or Valour increase won't grant you a Reward or Virtue (this one is probably too much, as both are very limited during a character's life).

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Re: Heroic Survival

Post by Tuska » Sun Sep 18, 2016 1:00 pm

Whilst reading the post I couldn't help but be reminded of Commander Shepherd from the Mass Effect, this guy/girl just keeps on surviving impossible odds and walks away looking cool. However that doesn't necessarily mean they should walk away unscathed. How about they pick up a negative trait which the pair of you can work on. This trait could aid or hinder future Tolerance encounters and even their Fellowship Focus who may begin to resent them at times. Think the Sheridan/Garibaldi relationship towards the end of Babylon 5.

The surviving hero could become arrogant, belligerent, develop almost a god-like complex which shadows their companions. This would require some good rp from the rest of the group and could lead to the player in time falling into shadow and becoming a despot of sorts or redeeming themselves with a heroic self-sacrifice at the end of the campaign.

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Re: Heroic Survival

Post by Glorelendil » Sun Sep 18, 2016 1:16 pm

Some more ideas:

Pick a favored skill; from now on whenever you roll an Eye of Sauron with this skill you gain a shadow point.

Regardless of the gear you carry, increase your Fatigue by 2.

Whenever attacking or interacting with a foe of the sort that nearly killed you, you are considered Weary.
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Re: Heroic Survival

Post by Finrod Felagund » Sun Sep 18, 2016 4:00 pm

An appropriate name for your rule could be "Gift of Illuvatar" or "Fate of Arda" or something like that. I do agree with the others that any consequences should be permanent thus losing one skill level is a little bit too easy.

Funnily enough I've been mulling over something similar, but as a way for LM's to recharge Adventurers who have a low Hope/high shadow score before one last battle. The basic premise is they go (or think they go) to the Undying Lands in their dreams, spend the night with the Elves in Alqualonde and Tirion upon Tuna, and wake up feeling refreshed. It's an idea from Tolkien's early works and the Olore Malle (Path of Dreams). Adventurers should be noble and worthy of this honour. I called this rule "Gift of the Valar".

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