New Culture - Men of Esgaur
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 7:55 pm
About a year or so ago I played in a One Ring campaign. Close to the end our Loremaster created a culture of men who were the remnants of the Men living in the kingdom of Rhudaur. A folk tainted by shadow after living under the rule of the Witch King.
Standard of living: Frugal
Suggested Calling: Warden
Unusual Callings: Scholar, Treasure-Hunter
Cultural Blessing: Shadow of Angmar when spending hope to gain an attribute bonus, a man of Esgaur may also gain 1 shadow to add twice their relevant attribute. Men of Esgaur start with the first flaw of their shadow weakness. Add 1 to the fellowship pool for each bout of madness.
Common Skills
Awe 1 Inspire Persuade
Athletics Travel 1 Stealth 3
Awareness 2 Insight 2 Search 2
Explore 2 Healing Hunting
Song 1 Courtesy 1 Riddle 2
Craft 1 Battle 2 Lore
Weapon Skills
1) (spears) 2, Sword 1, Dagger 1
2) Sword 2, Bow 1, Dagger 1
Specialties choose two
Fire-making, Mountaineer, Old Lore, Angmar Lore, Smoking, Stone Craft
1-Orc Friend
Body 7 Heart 2 Wits 5
Distinctive Features
Cautious, Suspicious, Cunning, Elusive, Fierce, Grim, Hardened, Wrathful
2-Last of thy Line
Body 5 Heart 3 Wits 6
Cautious, Forthright, Fair Spoken, Hardened, Honorable, Lordly, Proud, Wilful
3-Darkling Blood
Body 3 Heart 5 Wits 6
Cunning, Fierce, Secretive, Vengeful, Wary, Wilful, Wrathful, Patient
4-Witness to Terrors
Body 5 Heart 6 Wits 3
Adventurous, Cautious, Determined, Elusive, Forthright, Hardened, Just, True-hearted
5-Shadow of Greatness
Body 4 Heart 6 Wits 4
Bold, Determined, Fair, Honourable, Lordly, Proud, Robust, True-hearted
6-Consort of Carn-Dum
Body 6 Heart 3 Wits 5
Bold, Cunning, Elusive, Fair-spoken, Grim, Lordly, Secretive, Suspicious
Names: Similar to Rangers
Age: Similar to Bardings
Endurance 22+heart
Hope 6+heart
Coat of the first kings (mail) Add your shadow score to all Armour saves
Helm of the Fell Ones If your shadow is higher than your companions you do not make fear tests
Blade of a fallen house (sword) If an alley is wounded or unconscious, every blow counts as a piercing blow.
Songs of Old While performing a song from the party song list you may take a point of shadow (before you roll a song test) to add the result of the feat die to every allies' roll. You teach them an old song of your people. Eyes and Gandalfs happen for every one. You can spend your inspiration dice from singing to succeed at one corruption roll of any kind.
Sad Folk You need not make corruption tests while travel (but you may.)
Dust of Kingstower You are a native of Kingstower, where the Lord of Esguar lives. You look much older than you are, and dust seems to cling about everything you own. You are used to old places, and rolls in ruins are favored. While resting in a ruin endurance recovery is made at twice the normal rate.
Wind off the Blighted lands When traveling in lands under the command of the shadow, all companions may benefit from the first part of the Shadow of Angmar cultural blessing. Your travel score is also considered to be 2 higher, to a maximum of 6.
Standard of living: Frugal
Suggested Calling: Warden
Unusual Callings: Scholar, Treasure-Hunter
Cultural Blessing: Shadow of Angmar when spending hope to gain an attribute bonus, a man of Esgaur may also gain 1 shadow to add twice their relevant attribute. Men of Esgaur start with the first flaw of their shadow weakness. Add 1 to the fellowship pool for each bout of madness.
Common Skills
Awe 1 Inspire Persuade
Athletics Travel 1 Stealth 3
Awareness 2 Insight 2 Search 2
Explore 2 Healing Hunting
Song 1 Courtesy 1 Riddle 2
Craft 1 Battle 2 Lore
Weapon Skills
1) (spears) 2, Sword 1, Dagger 1
2) Sword 2, Bow 1, Dagger 1
Specialties choose two
Fire-making, Mountaineer, Old Lore, Angmar Lore, Smoking, Stone Craft
1-Orc Friend
Body 7 Heart 2 Wits 5
Distinctive Features
Cautious, Suspicious, Cunning, Elusive, Fierce, Grim, Hardened, Wrathful
2-Last of thy Line
Body 5 Heart 3 Wits 6
Cautious, Forthright, Fair Spoken, Hardened, Honorable, Lordly, Proud, Wilful
3-Darkling Blood
Body 3 Heart 5 Wits 6
Cunning, Fierce, Secretive, Vengeful, Wary, Wilful, Wrathful, Patient
4-Witness to Terrors
Body 5 Heart 6 Wits 3
Adventurous, Cautious, Determined, Elusive, Forthright, Hardened, Just, True-hearted
5-Shadow of Greatness
Body 4 Heart 6 Wits 4
Bold, Determined, Fair, Honourable, Lordly, Proud, Robust, True-hearted
6-Consort of Carn-Dum
Body 6 Heart 3 Wits 5
Bold, Cunning, Elusive, Fair-spoken, Grim, Lordly, Secretive, Suspicious
Names: Similar to Rangers
Age: Similar to Bardings
Endurance 22+heart
Hope 6+heart
Coat of the first kings (mail) Add your shadow score to all Armour saves
Helm of the Fell Ones If your shadow is higher than your companions you do not make fear tests
Blade of a fallen house (sword) If an alley is wounded or unconscious, every blow counts as a piercing blow.
Songs of Old While performing a song from the party song list you may take a point of shadow (before you roll a song test) to add the result of the feat die to every allies' roll. You teach them an old song of your people. Eyes and Gandalfs happen for every one. You can spend your inspiration dice from singing to succeed at one corruption roll of any kind.
Sad Folk You need not make corruption tests while travel (but you may.)
Dust of Kingstower You are a native of Kingstower, where the Lord of Esguar lives. You look much older than you are, and dust seems to cling about everything you own. You are used to old places, and rolls in ruins are favored. While resting in a ruin endurance recovery is made at twice the normal rate.
Wind off the Blighted lands When traveling in lands under the command of the shadow, all companions may benefit from the first part of the Shadow of Angmar cultural blessing. Your travel score is also considered to be 2 higher, to a maximum of 6.