Next are the last ideas I've had regarding them, although if you're interested in the process and discussion that lead to them (thanks to Scrollreader and Deadmanwalking), you might want to start reading below the ********** line.
Harp of the Woods [replaces Spearman's Shield]
There was the sound, too, of elven-harps and of sweet music; and as it echoed up towards them it seemed that the chill of the air was warmed, and they caught faintly the fragrance of woodland flowers blossoming in spring.
--The Gathering of Clouds, The Hobbit
The instruments of the elves not only produce music and sound, they also emit feelings and sensations that soothe those who hear it.
When using Song during an Adventuring phase, roll the Feat die twice and keep the best result [this leaves the Song use for Heal Corruption outside of the benefit].
Additionally, if you spend a point of Hope, you (not the LM) may decide how to allocate the Hate loss among the enemies when using Intimidate Foes, even focusing it all in a single adversary.
Wine of the Dark Mountains [replaces the Adventurer's Companion's Wine of the Dark Mountains]
"...I shall be hard at work tonight clearing the cellars of the empty wood, so let us have a drink first to help the labour.” -Barrels out of Bond, The Hobbit
While other races rapidly get a false feeling of sharpness, quickly turned into drowsiness, elves dont' get drunk that easily. This strong wine that they nurture themselves keens their senses when facing any duty.
When rolling a Preliminary Test, roll 1 additional Success die, up to a maximum of 6.
Stinging Arrow will be deleted in my version of the WE, making Elf-lights the first tier in the Wood-elf Magic Virtue. Enchanted Sleep will be the second, and the third will be:
Songs from Elder days
…and their faces and their songs were filled with mirth. Loud and clear and fair were those songs…
-Flies and Spiders, The Hobbit
You may use the Intimidate Foes from Open Stance in Combat, but using the Song skill instead of Awe or Battle. [credits to Scrollreader!]
Feast Clearing [replaces Deadly Archery]
There was a fire in their midst and there were torches fastened to some of the trees round about; but most splendid sight of all: they were eating and drinking and laughing merrily. –Flies and Spiders, The Hobbit
Once per Adventuring phase, when travelling through a Border Land or Wild Land in Mirkwood, the fellowship can rest for a night as if they were taking a prolongued rest in a safe place, thus using the improved recovery rates for Endurance, Fatigue and Wounds.
The fellowship can decide to stay for more days and continue to recover at the increased rate, but each hero will gain 1 point of Shadow for each day above the first.
Eerie Laughter
At times they heard disquieting laughter. Sometimes there was singing in the distance too. The laughter was the laughter of fair voices not of goblins, and the singing was beautiful, but it sounded eerie and strange, and they were not comforted, rather they hurried on from those parts with what strength they had left.
--Flies and Spiders, The Hobbit
While a Wayward Elf detaches himself from the living world, his voice and joy acquires a disturbing beauty, and becomes strange, even sinister, to mortal's ears.
When a Wayward Elf can be heard by a Mortal (elves, undead and maia are excluded, along with other special creatures as the Lore Master sees fit), he can call for a Task rolling the Feat die and as many Success die as his Shadow score (up to a maximum of 6 dice). According to the level of success, a number of creatures can be affected by the Elf's eerie laughter and strange songs, and be considered Spent (see Revised Book, page 129). Several Mortal creatures can be affected, as long as the sum of their Attribute levels (or Wisdom rating, if heroes are involved) is equal or less to the following total:
Ordinary success - 2
Great success - 4
Extraordinary success - 6
If any of the affected Mortals has an Attribute level (or a Wisdom score) equal or lower than the Permanent Shadow score of the Wayward Elf, then it is considered Temporary Miserable instead of Spent, as long as it is within hearing range of the Wayward Elf (with the danger of having a Bout of Madness).
Additionally, if an Eye was rolled by the Wayward Elf (wether the Task was succesful or not), every Mortal within hearing range -including the heroes- has to compare his Wisdom or Attribute Level with the number of 6s rolled with the Success die. Those with lower Wisdom or Attribute Level become instantly Temporary Miserable.
Adversaries and Loremaster's Characters are roleplayed by the Loremaster as indicated for heroes in page 129 of the Revised Book regarding their behaviour when Spent, Temporary Miserable or affected by a Bout of Madness, which is triggered by a Gandalf rune in their case, instead of by an Eye.
When I read the enhanced description of the Wayward Elves in the Adventurer's Companion, I began to feel excited about them. They were described more like the typical mischievous faery from child's tales, and I liked how they didn't avoid facing the Shadow (as it seemed from their description in HotW), but fought it with alternative weapons:
Long story short, I was disappointed that their Virtues and Rewards didn't exactly match this description.They deem that the greatest victory
against the darkness can be achieved by the Firstborn with
celebration, song and mirth.
I think that, basically, their Virtues and Rewards should include ways to avoid and/or enter fights in a different way that firing arrows or piercing with spears.
This are basic ideas, to begin with:
Wood-elf Magic
[Delete Stinging Arrow]
Wayward Elves learn Elf-lights when they first learn Wood-elf Magic. After spending 1 Experience point and an undertaking during a Fellowship phase, they can learn Enchanted Sleep. During a later Fellowship phase, they can spend another Experience point and another undertaking to learn Songs from Elder days.
-Songs from Elder days-
Then suddenly she eluded his sight, and out of the shadows began a song of such surpassing loveliness, and of such blinding power, that he listened perforce; and a blindness came upon him, as his eyes roamed to and fro, seeking her.
All his court were cast down in slumber, and all the fires faded and were quenched;
--Of Beren and Lúthien, The Silmarillion
The voices and the songs of the Wayward Elves can pierce through the Shadow and evil sharper than some arrow tips. Some of their songs tell tales from when the first Elves faced the Enemy as equals.
The Wayward Elf can select a target with an Attribute level as high as the sum of of his Valour and Wisdom. By spending a point of Hope, the target is blinded (count as Severly Hindered) for as many rounds as the Wayward Elf's Wisdom rating. Additionaly, consider all targets within hearing range of the song, and with an Attribute level lower than 6, as affected by Enchanted Sleep.
Dancer Against the Dark [substitutes Deadly Archery]
You may use Song instead of Awe during the Introduction phase in Encounters, and for the Intimidate Foe Combat Task. If doing the later, add half the number of your Athletics skill ranks to your Parry rating (rounding up).
Wine of the Dark Mountains
“Now come with me,” he said, “and taste the new wine that has just come in. I shall be hard at work tonight clearing the cellars of the empty wood, so let us have a drink first to help the labour."
-Barrels out of Bond, The Hobbit
Wayward Elves, as most elves, don't get drowsy easily. Instead, a taste of their strong wines helps them think clearer before any great task.
If a Wayward Elf spends his Fellowship phase in the Woodland Realm, for the next Adventure phase he will have a bottle of Wine of the Dark Mountains at his disposition. The bottle will have as many sips as the Wayward Elf's Valour rating. Each sip allows the drinker to enjoy a free Attribute bonus to a Preliminary roll. The Wine of the Dark Mountains can't be drunk by a character not belonging to the Wayward Elves or the Elves of Mirkwood culture.
This are just first ideas, and might be tweaked a lot.
I would like to allow Wayward Elves also to use Riddle to jest on humans and thing like that, but that would probably imply too much modding of the RAW culture.
Also, a way to use Song and Athletics to sing and dance during Combats, hindering the enemies or luring them away from you comrades, could be a pretty option for them.
I still have no ideas for this, but might get there at some point.