Glorelendil wrote:If I'm reading this correctly, essentially you are ignoring some of the rules of the game (Social Encounters) in favor of your own free-form improv, and then complaining that the rules you are ignoring have no real purpose.
The social interaction rules indicate how many failed communication rolls are allowed. Standing is general social prestige and you apply Valour or Wisdom as situational modifiers according to the audience.
And yes, we mostly stopped using the tolerance rules (I think the GM fudges something like them as a yardstick but mainly gauges the interaction on its own merits). As players, we use dialogue and the GM may call for an appropriate roll if need be. It's simpler and faster. We split interaction duties between the hobbit, who has lots of courtesy and is the party PR liaison, and the elf, with his lots of awe, is the bringer of bad news.
Glorelendil wrote:To me that sort of sounds like resolving combat through arm-wrestling at the table, and then complaining that the combat section is extraneous.
Awww, what a nice straw man and you made it all for me. Thanks.