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Art of Disappearing specialisations

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 10:02 am
by Insect King
Creepsy, Quicksy, Takesy and Seesy: the Art of Disappearing specialisations
The stories of Gollum first thrilled and terrified you when it was bed time, but he quickly became a larger than life villain in many of the children's games: Instead of burping it became who could make that pipe-lung gurgling wrack of a cough which was said to how he got his name -- which changed Farthing to Farthing. Instead of hide and seek, it was who could sneak and strangle the cowering victims.

Whole limericks and rhymes were invented and as hobbitlings terrifed their younger siblings with what their elders labelled orc-play. One of the most infamous was Creepsy, Quicksy, Takesy and Seesy... Which can sometimes make the hair stand up on an adult hobbit's neck when they're alone.

Hobbits who have taken the Art of Disappearing can spend one to four XP during a Fellowship phase and gain one of the following abilities for each undertaking.

These abilities cannot be used with Art of Disappearing.

If you spend a point of experience as part of an undertaking learning Creepsy, roll your Feat die twice, taking the best result, when rolling stealth checks.

If you spend a point of experience as part of an undertaking learning Quicksy, add you basic Wits to your result when rolling Explore checks.

If you spend a point of experience as part of an undertaking learning Takesy, add either your Awareness or Hunting skill rating to your result when rolling Search checks.

If you spend a point of experience as part of an undertaking learning Seesye, you can reroll one success die of a Perception skill check.