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Ring in Bree [Spoilers]
Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 8:18 am
by Kazibar
Help! One of my players was deeply touched by the woman with the cursed ring and has taken it from her to help her... at the moment he’s ‘just’ wearing it round his neck on a cord. He wants to destroy it. They deafeated the wraith fairly easily using the party’s one magic weapon. I’m going to have it come back though...
Thoughts... ideas... help!
Re: Ring in Bree [Spoilers]
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 12:22 am
by Robin Smallburrow
If the player character is foolish enough to wear this ring around their neck, then they should be making Corruption Tests every day (and at higher TN's each day) to avoid the temptation of putting the ring on themselves - other characters in the vicinity may also be affected by the ring.
This also applies to any attempts to destroy the ring of course. In regards to destroying the ring (after succeeding with the Corruption Tests), they would need to find a really good forge, such as the one Elrond has in Rivendell, or in Erebor. All rings are hard to destroy as they make people 'want to look after it'.
Robin S.