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New guy trying to catch up

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 9:37 pm
by Captain Curmudgeon
So I'm relatively new to this TOR game and am feeling kind of left behind due to the fact that some of the hardcopy products seem to be out of print. I want the hardcopy stuff and I want to also be able to access the pdf copies on my iPad.

Right now I have the core rules in hardcopy/pdf. I got the Darkening of Mirkwood on pdf only but eventually would like to have the hardcopy version.

Currently, it seems, Heart of The Wild, Rivendell, and Erebor are unavailable in hardcopy version :( Is there any word as to when these will be reprinted? I see that it is more cost effective to purchase the hardcopy + PDF combo directly from C7 than to purchase them separately via Amazon, Ebay, Drivethru, etc. So is there any hope for a latecomer?

Re: New guy trying to catch up

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 1:07 am
by atgxtg
Gain a point of Hope.

The books have sold out in the past and been reprinted, so there is every possibility that C7 will produce another batch of hardcopies. I believe they just reprinted the GM Screen/Laketown supplement, so it does happen. You might have to wait for a bit, but it should happen.

Re: New guy trying to catch up

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 5:22 am
by Kurt
I feel your pain, although only to the extent that it takes a long time for delivery to Australia. Hang in there, the hardcover books are definitely worth waiting for. I got mine from Amazon, but I'm not really impressed with their packaging so I got the books Erebor, The Lonely Mountain and Bree through my local game store. The store has signed up with the bits-n-mortar program which gives you a copy of the pdf file as well.

I'd get the following books next

1. Heart of the Wild
2. Darkening of Mirkwood
3. Tales from Wilderland

... and then try for these next

4. Adventurers Companion
5. Journeys and Maps (Softcover)
6. Rivendell

Also, welcome to TOR! It's an excellent game, you won't be disappointed. :)


Re: New guy trying to catch up

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 3:18 am
by Moria Firefly
As everyone has stated, there is Hope my friend.

Getting the PDF and book from the C7 site is the only option for me. Like you, I use my iPad for gaming with pdfs and the books when I'm reading them casually. I don't do this with any other company, I would just buy at Amazon.

C7 has an amazing customer service and the quality of their TOR products are amazing. The updated Lore Master Screen and Lake-Town book are on their way to US stores so you'll be able to order those soon. I'm sure the other books that are not available will be reordered in 2018 for you to catch up on.

I love TOR so much! I just need to play it more with my group! (darn lives getting in the way of fun)

Re: New guy trying to catch up

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 9:01 pm
by Captain Curmudgeon
I'm trying to figure out what supplements to get next, and I had a quick question. Was Heart of The Wild revised for a second printing?


Re: New guy trying to catch up

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 12:05 am
by Fenton Hardy
I don't believe HofW has gone through a second edition. As a region guide that mostly describes places and people, it really does not need updating.

Re: New guy trying to catch up

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 2:56 am
by Captain Curmudgeon
Fenton Hardy wrote:
Mon Jan 01, 2018 12:05 am
I don't believe HofW has gone through a second edition. As a region guide that mostly describes places and people, it really does not need updating.
That's a good point, thank you. By the way, say hi to your sons, Frank and Joe for me!

Re: New guy trying to catch up

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 4:08 am
by Captain Curmudgeon
Will the Out of Print books that were originally printed in hardcover format be reprinted in the same format, or will they be reprinted as softcover books?

Re: New guy trying to catch up

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 2:27 pm
by Rich H
Captain Curmudgeon wrote:
Sun Jan 07, 2018 4:08 am
Will the Out of Print books that were originally printed in hardcover format be reprinted in the same format, or will they be reprinted as softcover books?
Doubt this will happen; originally the first couple of releases were softcover (slipcase rules and Tales from Wilderland adventures) and C7 moved to hardback and re-released those original books as a revised hardback of the rulebook and a (slightly) revised hardback for the adventure book. You'll likely only get softback items for books with too small a page count to justify a hardback format - eg, Journeys and Maps and Laketown supplements.

Re: New guy trying to catch up

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 6:17 pm
by Captain Curmudgeon
Well, I bit the bullet and purchased Rivendell and Heart of The Wild on Ebay (brand new), and I then purchased RUINS OF THE NORTH at the Cubicle 7 store. Total cost was $109 and change.

Not knowing how long it will be before Rivendell and HoTW will be back in print, I figured I would get the Out-Of-Print stuff where I can, and perhaps later buy the pdf's via DriveThru. I'll be paying almost double for those products when adding the cost of later buying the pdf's (the Ebay prices for the physical books were not much lower than the original retail prices), but I don't know how long it'll be until those products are back in the pipeline again and I definitely want the physical books on my shelf.

So, as of right now, I have/or will soon have:

The One Ring (core rulebook): Physical and PDF
Darkening of Mirkwood: PDF only
Heart of The Wild: Physical only
Rivendell: Physical only
Ruins of The North: Physical and PDF

After some thought, I'm wondering if I should give Tales from Wilderland low priority on my purchase list, seeing as many folks who are into TOR have already played through much of those adventures? What do you all think?