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Play-by-Post Recruitment
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 2:09 am
by Fenton Hardy
I have two spots open in a new play-by-post campaign, Shadow Over Wood End. Currently, the company consist of Haleth, a Ranger of the North, and Griffo, a Hobbit of the Shire. I would accept any of the culture as long as he or she can plausibly be in Bree, our starting point. The campaign begins in Eriador but will cross over into the Wilderland and perhaps further afield and will combine my own material with some of the published adventures. PBP games move slower than face-to-face games but having time to think between posts often leads to high quality role playing. PM me if interested.
Re: Play-by-Post Recruitment
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 10:50 am
by Farath
What’s the sequence you would like to get regular responses in your game?
Re: Play-by-Post Recruitment
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 1:37 pm
by Fenton Hardy
Ideally, I like players to post three times a week, but I understand that real life circumstances will mean the actual rate will vary. I am more concerned with good communication and players letting the group know when they will be slow or unable to post.
Re: Play-by-Post Recruitment
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 2:31 pm
by Timmity Took
I have never played a pbp before and always wanted to know how they worked...
I am LMing but have played around with a few character ideas I would like to try as a player.
For example, either of Bree or the Shire, who has taken his ancient King's sword down from the mantlepiese and answered the call for adventure (he must have some tookish blood in him... Though I think he will be called Brandybuck or Underhill).
Re: Play-by-Post Recruitment
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 2:58 pm
by Fenton Hardy
Awesome. Another adventurous Hobbit will make a welcome addition to the company. PbP is much slower and I do miss the face-to-face interactions of being around a table or on Roll 20, but it does have it own rewards in terms of producing thoughtful, quality role playing. I PMd you some additional information.
Re: Play-by-Post Recruitment
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 3:24 pm
by Matt Clark
...I'd be interested in playing a dwarf from either the blue mountains or Erebor. Either way there would be reasons for him to be in Bree, possibly as part of a merchant caravan going one way or the other (as far as Bree), or as a Dwarf returning to Erebor since the fall of the dragon...
Not played an rpg by pbm before but have played other wargames by pbm or vassal (ie the boardgame Dune via the boardgamegeek website).
Re: Play-by-Post Recruitment
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 3:28 pm
by Hamarr
I sent you a PM. If there are still open spots.
Re: Play-by-Post Recruitment
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 3:56 pm
by Fenton Hardy
I'll have to cut recruitment off for now. There was more interest than I expected. If anyone else is interested, I can create a waiting list. I have an ongoing Darkening of Mirkwood campaign that may need an additional player. We will see how the numbers look when return from the holiday break