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Re: TOR play example
Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:05 am
by Hermes Serpent
My hat is metaphorically off to you Etarnon. I couldn't hope to cope with ten players. I find that three to five is comfortable nowadays. Five with One Ring as they fit the roles so well and three for things like various Cthulhu games. FTF it might be more doable but online sorry, not for me.
Re: TOR play example
Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 2:32 pm
by jamesrbrown
Etarnon wrote:There's ten of us.
Wow! Ten players!?!? How long does it take you to get through a full round of combat? Do you often trigger Hazards during journeys? Is there one player who takes the lead during your encounters, or do they spread things out among them depending on who their host is?
I am very curious how managing this many players would be.
Re: TOR play example
Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 2:33 am
by Etarnon
Full round of combat, a few minutes. Most combats do not last long.
When they meet someone people just jump in, and If it seems right, I call for a roll.
This afternoon, we did a mini scenario they met the Elven King.
One Elf was reporting back about Dol guldur, a woodsman petitioned for aid. they made introductions for two minutes, then the King questioned them five things, they answered, and the King responded, i'll send a patrol of 12 with you. Out of my sight.
Theres' absolutely no side talk, no laughing or outside jokes, or like that. if a guy has to go to the bathroom he gets up and goes. most of the players are the quiet shy type. But no single player leads. I have scenes that picka f ew characters to interact. I enter scenes late, and end them when the scene's purpose is done.
A lot of combats are mostly narrative, the orcs charge, everyone gets two swings, the battle flows on, not like D&D to the last hit point.